tratabas oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

second-person singular imperfect indicative of tratar

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Tratado de Utrecht
Treaty of Utrecht
Tratado internacional
Tratados desiguais
unequal treaty
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A actual prevalencia no mundo estímase no 2% da poboación humana, pero a cifra exacta é difícil de determinar porque as infestacións por este piollo non son consideradas na maior parte dos países unha condición da que se debe informar aos gobernos, e moitos casos son auto-tratados ou tratados discretamente polos médicos de medicina xeral.
Current worldwide prevalence has been estimated at 2% of the human population, but accurate numbers are difficult to gauge because crab lice infestations are not considered a reportable condition by many governments, and many cases are self-treated or treated discreetly by primary physicians.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O seu novo patrón é un tratante de gando que lle presta libros.
A cheerful librarian gives them documents.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os Estados Unidos e Palau asinaron, pero non ratificaron o tratado.
The United States and Palau have signed, but not ratified the treaty.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Turran contra unha bóla de isco a gran velocidade, pero isto só é efectivo enerxeticamente cando se trata dunha bóla grande.
They ram a baitball at high speeds in order to feed, but this is only energy-effective when used against a large baitball.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Existen dúas teorías en conflito sobre a estrutura interna de Caronte: algúns científicos cren que se trata dun corpo diferenciado como Plutón, cun núcleo de rocha e un manto de xeo, mentres outros cren que Caronte ten unha composición uniforme.
Prior to New Horizons, there were two conflicting theories about Charon's internal structure: some scientists thought it to be a differentiated body like Pluto, with a rocky core and an icy mantle, whereas others thought it would be uniform throughout.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Posteriormente, reclamado polo Imperio de Ruso, a soberanía sobre a illa foi confirmada inicialmente baixo o Imperio Ruso nos términos do Tratado de Shimoda en 1855, pero foi Transferido ao Imperio do Xapón polo Tratado de San Petersburgo xunto co resto das Illas Kuriles.
Subsequently, claimed by the Empire of Russia, sovereignty over the island was initially confirmed to be under Imperial Russia under the terms of the Treaty of Shimoda in 1855, but was transferred to the Empire of Japan per the Treaty of Saint Petersburg along with the rest of the Kuril Islands.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén estamos a tratar de fortalecer a conversación das bacterias que viven como mutualistas con vostedes, coa esperanza de facelos máis sans, mellorando esas conversacións, para que as bacterias poidan facer cousas que nos interesen mellor do que o farían por si mesmas.
What we're also trying to do is to beef up the conversation of the bacteria that live as mutualists with you, in the hopes of making you more healthy, making those conversations better, so bacteria can do things that we want them to do better than they would be on their own.QED QED
En 1838 asinou un tratado comercial con Turquía, negociado por Sir Henry Bulwer (Lord Darling) que, cando foi aplicado anos máis tarde, supuxo un duro golpe para os monopolios.
The conclusion in 1838 of a commercial treaty with Turkey, negotiated by Sir Henry Bulwer (Lord Darling), struck a deathblow to the system of monopolies, though the application of the treaty to Egypt was delayed for some years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1920 co Tratado de Trianon, Hungría renunciou en favor de Romanía ás reclamacións da monarquía austro-húngara sobre Transilvania.
By the 1920 Treaty of Trianon, Hungary renounced in favour of Romania all the claims of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy over Transylvania.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os ácidos graxos non substratos poden potenciar ou atenuar os inhibidores das ciclooxixenases dependendo do ácido graxo de que se trate e de se o inhibidor se une a E-cat ou a E-alo.
Non-substrate FAs can potentiate or attenuate PTGS (COX) inhibitors depending on the fatty acid and whether the inhibitor binds E-cat or E-allo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cres que ía permitir que o meu prometido marchase do Niño de Aguias por uns asuntos urxentes sen saber de que asuntos se trataba?
You think I'd let my intended leave the Eyrie on urgent business without knowing what that business was?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"198d" trata sobre a avoa do batería Tony Hajjar's grandmother, que foi enterrada nunha fosa común no Líbano.
"198d" was written about drummer Tony Hajjar's grandmother, who was buried in a mass grave in Lebanon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O clero desa cidade, que tiña moitos dos seus membros encarcerados, en 177 enviouno cunha carta para Eleuterio, o bispo de Roma, na que pedía tratar con suavidade aos montanistas de Frixia.
The clergy of that city, many of whom were suffering imprisonment for the faith, sent him in 177 to Rome with a letter to Pope Eleutherius concerning the heresy Montanism, and that occasion bore emphatic testimony to his merits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O que estamos tratando de transmitir esta tarde é que se decaten... de que estas persoas non son seres míticos, sombras do pasado.
What we are trying to put across this afternoon is to get you to realize... that these weren't mythical, hazy people from the past.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os matrimonios dos reis de Francia e Inglaterra e os seus dous irmáns coas catro irmás de Provenza axudaron a mellorar a relación entre ambos os países, o que os levou a asinar o tratado de París.
The marriages of the kings of France and England, and their two brothers to the four sisters from Provence improved the relationship between the two countries, which led up to the Treaty of Paris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algunhas fontes falan da posibilidade de que César fora o seu verdadeiro pai, aínda que probablemente non se trate máis que dun rumor sen fundamento, xa que César tiña quince anos cando naceu Bruto, e a relación coa súa nai empezou dez anos despois.
Some sources refer to the possibility of Caesar being his real father, despite Caesar's being only 15 years old when Brutus was born.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A listeriose en adultos sería despois asociada con pacientes con sistemas inmunitarios comprometidos, como os que toman fármacos inmunosupresores e corticosteroides para tratar tumores malignos ou transplantes de órganos, e tamén os que teñen infección por VIH/SIDA.
Listeriosis in adults was later associated with patients living with compromised immune systems, such as individuals taking immunosuppressant drugs and corticosteroids for malignancies or organ transplants, and those with HIV infection.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por que o seu exército trata así aos prisioneiros e feridos?
Why is your army treating the prisoners and the wounded like this?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Representa un mar despois da tormenta na noite e uns náufragos (sete) tratando de salvarse agarrados aos restos dun barco afundido.
It depicts a sea after a night storm and people facing death attempting to save themselves by clinging to debris from a wrecked ship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un paciente de 18 anos con beta-talasemia maior foi tratado con éxito con terapia xénica en Francia.
In September it was announced that an 18-year-old male patient in France with beta-thalassemia major had been successfully treated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trala morte da súa muller Pedro I decatouse do mal que a tratara, e a súa relación con Domitila comezou a deteriorarse.
After his wife's death, Pedro I realized how miserably he had treated her, and his relationship with Domitila began to crumble.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os dous monarcas mantiveron unha relación amistosa, reuníndose en 1206 e 1207, ata que en 1209 xurdiron rumores de que Guillerme trataba de aliarse con Filipe II de Francia.
The two kings maintained a friendly relationship, meeting in 1206 and 1207, until it was rumoured in 1209 that William was intending to ally himself with Philip II of France.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aqueles que fixeron alianzas con Sembat foron tratados brutalmente polo poderoso exército de Yusuf: o fillo de Sembat, Mushegh, o seu sobriño Sembat Bagratuni, e Grigor II de Syunik Occidental, foron todos envelenados.
Those who did ally with Smbat were dealt brutally by Yusuf's powerful army: Smbat's son Mushegh, his nephew Smbat Bagratuni, and Grigor II of Western Syunik were all poisoned.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Entre as risas dicían algo, pero non distinguía de que se trataba.
Between their laughs they talked something, but I could not make out what they were talking about.Literature Literature
Morreu durante unha viaxe en avión cara a Nova Zelandia para asister ao Waitangi Day, xornada de conmemoración do Tratado de Waitangi.
Pa Terito died suddenly on 3 February 1990 on a plane that brought her to New Zealand to attend Waitangi Day, which commemorates the Treaty of Waitangi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.