vencerías oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

second-person singular conditional indicative of vencer

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

beat · defeat · get the better of · overcome · vanquish · win
darse por vencido
chuck up the sponge · drop by the wayside · drop out · fall by the wayside · give up · quit · throw in · throw in the towel


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É algo que escriben os vencedores.
It is something written by the winners.ted2019 ted2019
Os mercianos venceron e Sigeberht, Ecgric e moitos anglos orientais perderon a vida.
The Mercians were victorious and Sigeberht, Ecgric and many of the East Angles were slain and their army was routed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A competición regular máis vella é a Calcutta Cup, que gaña o vencedor do partido entre Escocia e Inglaterra dende 1879.
The oldest such regular competition is for the Calcutta Cup, contested annually between England and Scotland since 1879.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto resultou decepcionante para o corredor que anteriormente vencera na proba dos 10.000 m en Oslo nunhas condicións adversas para el, converténdose nun dos favoritos para Toquio.
This was a disappointing outcome for Skah as, earlier in the season, he had won the 10000 m race in Oslo against a very strong field and had emerged as one of the favourites for the finals in Tokyo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante a Rebelión Irlandesa de 1798 Carlow viviu unha masacre de 600 rebeldes e civís nun ataque á cidade vencido polos irlandeses Unidos, coñecida como Batalla de Carlow.
During the 1798 rebellion Carlow was the scene of a massacre of 600 rebels and civilians following an unsuccessful attack on the town by the United Irishmen, known as the Battle of Carlow.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para desempatar xogouse unha eliminatoira a partido único, na cal os Rays venceron por 5−2. ** – En 2016 os Toronto Blue Jays e os Baltimore Orioles acabaron a temporada co mesmo balance de vitorias (89–73).
A one-game playoff was held and the Rays won it 5–2 over the Rangers to capture the second Wild Card berth. *** In 2016, the Toronto Blue Jays and the Baltimore Orioles finished the season with the identical records of 89–73.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'Fala, grosso modo, o seu neno, e vencelo cando Espirrar:
'Speak roughly to your little boy, And beat him when he sneezes:QED QED
Ademais, cada xogador do equipo vencedor, ademais dos adestradores e o general manager, reciben un anel de campión.
Each player and major contributor—including coaches and the general manager—on the winning team receive a championship ring.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En poboacións máis grandes, unha maior proporción de mutacións excedía este limiar para o cal a deriva xenética non pode vencer á selección, o que orixinaba menos eventos de fixación e deste modo unha evolución molecular máis lenta.
In larger populations, a higher proportion of mutations exceed this threshold for which genetic drift cannot overpower selection, leading to fewer fixation events and so slower molecular evolution.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inicialmente, Porsche non ía presentar os seus pilotos para a carreira, pero finalmente cedeu menos de dúas semanas antes da carreira e Manfred e Erwin Kremer estaban máis que felices de que o vencedor da carreira se unira a eles.
Initially Porsche were not going to release their drivers for the race, but finally relented less than two weeks before the race and Manfred and Erwin Kremer were more than happy for the defending race winner to join them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ese mesmo ano Dutrieu venceu a 14 pilotos varóns e gañou a Coppa del Re (Copa do Rei) en Florencia, Italia.
In the same year Dutrieu beat 14 male pilots to win the Coppa del Re (King's Cup) in Florence, Italy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1993, Neill co-protagoniza con Anne Archer Leap of Faith, un drama independente, baseado nunha historia verdadeira sobre a loita dunha muller a vencer o cancro e ter un bebé.
In 1993, he co-starred with Anne Archer in Question of Faith, an independent drama based on a true story about one woman's fight to beat cancer and have a baby.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vence a este guerreiro e casa coa súa muller Laudine, pero ao abandonar os seus deberes maritais coas súas fazañas cabaleirescas, perde o seu amor.
He defeats this warrior and marries his wife Laudine, but forsaking his marital duties for knightly exploits, he loses her love.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Podes vencer o acoso sen devolver o golpe.
In fact, you can fight a bully without using your fists.jw2019 jw2019
A inscrición no seu sarcófago de mármore, un pareado elexíaco escrito por Pietro Bembo, dí: ILLE HIC EST RAPHAEL TIMVIT QVO SOSPITE VINCI RERVM MAGNA PARENS ET MORIENTE MORI Pode traducirse como "Aquí xace Rafael, polo que en vida temeu ser vencida a natureza, e ao morrer el, temeu morrer ela."
The inscription in his marble sarcophagus, an elegiac distich written by Pietro Bembo, reads: "Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori", meaning: "Here lies that famous Raphael by whom Nature feared to be conquered while he lived, and when he was dying, feared herself to die."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As mocedades galeguistas locais estaban vencellas ás agrupacións locais do Partido Galeguista pero apenas mantiñan contactos entre si.
The local Mocedades Galeguistas were linked to the local party groups of the PG, but barely maintained contact with each other.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non podo darme por vencida.
I can't give you up, either.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os Cubs xogaron o seu primeiro partido como local no parque o 20 de abril de 1916, nun encontro no que venceron aos Cincinnati Reds por 7–6 tras once entradas.
The Cubs played their first home game at the park on April 20, 1916, defeating the Cincinnati Reds with a score of 7–6 in 11 innings.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que obstáculos venceron?
What obstacles did they have to overcome?jw2019 jw2019
Venceu tamén os Vénetos de Armórica.
He also defeated the Pallavas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non tendes ningunha posibilidade de vencer o exército asirio (Is. 36:8, 9).
You do not stand a chance against the powerful Assyrian army. —Isa 36:8, 9jw2019 jw2019
Así que se intentaches aprender unha lingua e te deches por vencido, pensando que é difícil ou que non tes talento para os idiomas, inténtao outra vez.
So if you've also tried to learn a language and you gave up, thinking it's too difficult or you don't have the language talent, give it another try.ted2019 ted2019
Uniuse a un grupo de reis britóns, que inclúe a Urien Rheged, Rhydderch Hael e Morgant Bwlch de Bryneich, nun intento de vencer aos anglos de Bernicia.
Thus it appears that Gwallog joined a group of Brittonic kings, including Urien Rheged, Rhydderch Hael and Morgant Bwlch of Bryneich, in an attempt to defeat the Angles of Bernicia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1996 - En Filadelfia, Pensilvania, o campión do mundo de xadrez Garri Kasparov vence á supercomputadora IBM Deep Blue.
1996 – In Philadelphia, world champion Garry Kasparov beats the Deep Blue supercomputer in a chess match.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Con todo, a primeira vitoria dos Magic non tardou en chegar, producíndose tan só dous días despois, vencendo os New York Knicks por 118 a 110 en Orlando.
The Magic's first victory came two days later, as the Magic defeated the New York Knicks 118–110.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.