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O que naceu como unha xefatura nas confederacións de Samhan, outrota aliadas de China, conquistou eventualmente ós outros dous reinos, Baekje en 660 e Goguryeo en 668.
It began as a chiefdom in the Samhan confederacies, once allied with Sui China and then Tang China, until it eventually conquered the other two kingdoms, Baekje in 660 and Goguryeo in 668.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O centro principal de administración atópase en Buariki, e o aeroporto, a xefatura de policía, casa de hóspedes e a Escola Secundaria Básica tamén se atopan aquí.
The main administration center is located at Buariki, and the airport, police headquarters, guest house and Junior Secondary School are also located here.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hai dúas pequenas cidades, Tadine e La Roche, pero a maioría dos habitantes viven en tribos asociadas cunha das 29 xefaturas (chefferie), que están pechadas aos forasteiros.
There are two small towns of Tadine and La Roche, but most Maréans live in tribes associated with one of 29 chieftaincies (chefferie), that are closed to outsiders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Apoiou a ascensión de José Canalejas á xefatura do Partido Liberal, e como recompensa foi nomeado Ministro de Instrución Pública (1909) e, máis tarde, en 1912, promovido á presidencia do Congreso.
He contributed to the rise of José Canalejas to the top of the Liberal Party and, as a reward, he was appointed minister of public instruction in 1909 and later propmoted to the presidency of the House of Representatives (Congreso de los Diputados) in 1912.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pouco despois da clausura da conferencia, Joel recibiu unha petición dunha copia firmada desde a xefatura da Axencia de Protección Medioambiental (EPA) de Washington e agora mesmo colga nos seus muros.
Shortly after the conference was over, Joel got a request for a signed copy from the head of the EPA in Washington whose wall it now hangs on.ted2019 ted2019
Xoán Carlos asumía por primeira vez a xefatura do Estado de xeito interina.
Sankt Julian had from the beginning a rural character.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1938 durante a Guerra civil española encargouse da Xefatura Nacional de Belas Artes do goberno de Burgos.
In 1938, during Spanish Civil War he was the General Director on Fine Arts in the Francoist provisional government in Burgos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante a era colonial, os británicos estableceron estruturas legais e administrativas ó tempo que se mantiveron as xefaturas tradicionais.
The British set up administrative and legal structures while practising indirect rule through traditional chiefdoms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os iniciadores reunidos na Xefatura da Policía elixiron un "Comité Revolucionario Provisional" (Provisorischen Revolutionsausschuss) de 53 membros, pero que co seu poder non conseguiu iniciar nada e non soubo dar ao levantamento unha dirección clara.
The initiators assembled at the Police Headquarters elected a 53-member "Interim Revolutionary Committee" (Provisorischer Revolutionsausschuss) that failed to make use of its power and was unable to give any clear direction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Patton permaneceu na División de Hawai varios meses antes de ser transferido en maio de 1927 á Oficina da Xefatura de Cabalería en Washington, D.C., onde comezou a desenvolver os conceptos da guerra mecanizada.
Patton was made G-3 of the Hawaiian Division for several months, before being transferred in May 1927 to the Office of the Chief of Cavalry in Washington, D.C., where he began to develop the concepts of mechanized warfare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O Congreso deulle a xefatura militar.
The congress gave him charge of the military.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Primeiro Manifesto de Estoril de Don Juan, 7 de abril de 1947 Españois: O Xeneral Franco anunciou publicamente o seu propósito de presentar ás chamadas Cortes un proxecto de Lei de Sucesión á Xefatura do Estado, polo cal España queda constituída en Reino, e prevese un sistema por completo oposto ao das Leis que historicamente regularon a sucesión á Coroa.
First Manifest of Estoril by Don Juan, 7 April 1947 Spaniards: General Franco has publicly announced his intention to present to the so-called Cortes a bill of the Law of Succession to the Headship of the State, under which Spain is constituted as a Kingdom and which provides for a system that goes completely against the laws that have historically settled the succession of the Crown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Debo ir a xefatura.
I must get back to the office.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Coa xefatura de policía.
Give me headquarters, police headquarters.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nalgunhas rexións, os pobos indíxenas crearon arquitecturas monumentais, cidades organizadas a grande escala, sociedades de xefatura, estados e imperios.
In some regions the indigenous peoples created monumental architecture, large-scale organized cities, city-states, chiefdoms, states, kingdoms and empires.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 25 de xullo, o Almirante Horacio Nelson atacou Santa Cruz de Tenerife, capital da illa e Xefatura da Capitanía Xeneral.
On 25 July 1797, Admiral Horatio Nelson launched an attack at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, now the capital of the island.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto tamén suxire que ser un bretwalda normalmente implicaba ter a xefatura militar doutros reinos e tamén que era máis que iso, xa que Aethelberht é bretwalda a pesar de que Rædwald controlase as súas propias tropas.
This implies that being a bretwalda usually included holding the military command of other kingdoms and also that it was more than that, since Æthelberht is bretwalda despite Rædwald's control of his own troops.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un primeiro sistema baseado en xefaturas descentralizadas finalmente evolucionou cara a un imperio relixioso e de economía máis centralizada con centro en Yap.
A decentralized chieftain-based system eventually evolved into a more centralized economic and religious empire centered on Yap.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Joel recibiu unha petición dunha copia firmada desde a xefatura da Axencia de Protección Medioambiental ( EPA ) de Washington e agora mesmo colga nos seus muros.
Joel got a request for a signed copy from the head of the EPA in Washington whose wall it now hangs on.QED QED
Sen ter en conta a necesidade apremiante que España sente de contar con institucións estables, sen querer advertir que o que o país desexa é saír canto antes dunha interinidade cada día máis perigosa, sen comprender que a hostilidade de que a Patria vese rodeada no mundo nace en máxima parte da presenza do Xeneral Franco na Xefatura do Estado, o que agora se pretende é pura e simplemente converter en vitalicia esa ditadura persoal, convalidar uns títulos, segundo parece ata agora precarios, e disfrazar co manto glorioso da Monarquía un réxime de puro arbitrio gobernamental, a necesidade da cal fai xa moito tempo que non existe.
Without taking into account the urgent need for Spain to have stable institutions, without wanting to state that what the country wants is to get out as quickly as possible of a situation which is getting more dangerous on a daily basis, without understanding that the international hostility which the country is surrounded with is largely due to the presence of General Franco as the head of state, what they want to do now is purely and simply transform this personal dictatorship into a dictatorship for life, ratify some titles that seemed until now precarious and enjoy, under cover of the glorious name of the Monarchy, a regime of pure governmental arbitrariness, which has not been necessary for a long time.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 22 de xullo de 1969 Franco designa a Xoán Carlos de Borbón (saltándose a orde sucesorio natural que correspondía ao seu pai Juan de Borbón amparándose na lei de sucesión segundo a cal sería Franco quen nomearía ao monarca do reino) como o seu sucesor á Xefatura do Estado, co título de «Príncipe de España».
Finally, on 22 July 1969, Franco designated Juan Carlos (skipping the natural order of succession that corresponded to his father Infante Juan under the law of succession according to which it would be Franco who would name the monarch of the kingdom) as his successor to the Headship of the State, with the title of "Prince of Spain".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras isto, chegou a coñecida coma cultura de Villanova (do 1.100 ao 700 a.C.) habitou a rexión e o resto do que sería a Etruria, ao longo de xefaturas.
Following this, the Villanovan culture (1100–700 BC) saw Tuscany, and the rest of Etruria, taken over by chiefdoms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O terceiro, e máis alto oficial da Xefatura do goberno é o chanceler, que é designado polo Bundespräsident logo de ser elixido polo Bundestag.
The third-highest official and the head of government is the Chancellor, who is appointed by the Bundespräsident after being elected by the Bundestag.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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