žiža oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


verb noun
Žiža mi pomaže u koncentraciji.
Weed helps me focus.

focal point

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verb noun
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Geskatte vertalings

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Trebamo odrediti gdje je žiža bojnog polja.
We just have to determine the center of the battlefield.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Ta žiža"", rekao je Barris, isto toliko smrknuto, ""možda nije ostavljena tu slučajno."
"""That roach,"" Barris said, equally grim, ""may not have been left here by accident."Literature Literature
Žiža mi pomaže u koncentraciji.
Weed helps me focus.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Na centralnoj bini , nakon nastupa dviju folklornih skupina - rovinjskog Plesarina i KUD- a „ Stjepan Žiža “ iz Rovinjskog Sela , pozornicu su do kasno u noć zauzeli članovi izvrsne šibenske klape „ Bonaca “ te raskošni glas Đanija Stipanićeva , koji je svojim izvedbama podsjetio na neke od najljepših hrvatskih zimzelenih pjesma , kao i na pisme prelijepe Dalmacije i Mediterana .
After the performances by two folk ensembles , Plesarina from Rovinj and KUD Stjepan Ž iž a from Rovinjsko Selo , the main stage featured a late-night performance by the excellent a cappella vocal ensemble from Š ibenik called Bonaca and the rich voice of Đ ani Stipanić , who reminded the audience of some of the most famous Croatian evergreens , as well as the songs of the beautiful Dalmatia and the Mediterranean .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Crne droge, Smeđe droge, Žute droge - heroin, krek, žiža - onaj koga ulove s njima budi se svako jutro u svojoj ćeliji.
Black Drugs, Brown Drugs, Yellow Drugs—heroin, crack, boo—you get caught, you wake up every morning in your cell.Literature Literature
Posebne pohvale ovog puta idu na račun dalmatinske grupe „ Kampanel “ koja je pokazala svu ljepotu i specifičnost izvedbe klapskog pjevanja , dok su „ domaći “ KUD- ovi „ Marco Garbin “ „ Plesarin “ i „ Stjepan Žiža “ uz karakterističnu nošnju Poluotoka predstavili folklor ovog kraja .
Special praise goes to the Dalmatian group Kampanel who showed all the beauty and specificity of a cappella singing , while the “ domestic” cultural art associations “ Marco Garbin ,” “ Plesarin” and “ Stjepan Ž iž a ,” wearing the characteristic wear of the peninsula presented the folklore of this region .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Prva od nekolicine koje će se odvijati uzduž gradske rive i glavnog Trga , otvorena je pjesmom i plesom KUD- a " Stjepan Žiža " iz Rovinjskog Sela .
The initial evening in the sequence that will take place along the town quay and the main Square was opened by song and dance of the cultural society of Stjepan Ž iž a from Rovinjsko Selo .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Žiža bitke dobro je mjesto za poravnavanje računa s nekim na vlastitoj strani.
The middle of a fight was a good place to settle a score with a man on your own side.Literature Literature
Baš kao što vrsno vino počinje od grožđa, vrsna žiža počinje od sjemena.
Just like great wine starts with the grape, great boo starts with the seed.Literature Literature
Osim ića i pića , organizatori fešte pobrinuli su se i za dobar glazbeni ugođaj pa se od jutra mogla čuti Limena glazba , folk skupina „ Batana “ , duo „ Strings “ , „ Štrace “ , te članovi KUD- a „ Stjepan Žiža “ iz Rovinjskog Sela .
Aside from food and drinks , festivity organizers ensured visitors great music . A brass band , the ' ' Batana ' ' folk group , the ' ' Strings ' ' duo , ' ' Š trace ' ' , and members of KUD ' ' Stjepan Ž iž a ' ' from Rovinjsko Selo could be heard until the early hours of the morning .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Izdvojio sam kotinska svojstva i otkrio da je ova specifična vrsta, rimska žiža, poprilično rijetka.
I isolated the cotinine properties and found that this particular type, the Roman Shisha, is somewhat rare.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Za dobar ugođaj i glazbu , osim sunčanog i ugodnog vremena , pobrinu se KUD " Stjepan Žiža " iz Rovinjskog Sela , duo Eligio i Maurizio , te Kristian Terzić i Tasha .
Except for the sunny and temperate weather , the cultural association of Stjepan Ž iž a from Rovinjsko Selo , the Eligio and Maurizio duo , and Kristian Terzić and Tasha took care of fine atmosphere and music .hrenWaC hrenWaC
"Netko je bio ovdje] Ova žiža je još vruća, i možeš je namirisati ako je držiš -"" Stavio ju je Arctoru pod nos."
This roach is still hot, and you can smell it if you hold it—” He held it under Arctor’s nose.Literature Literature
1876. u Rovinjsko Selo dolazi mladi učitelj Stjepan Žiža, velikan istarskog narodnog preporoda, sakupljač narodnog blaga, običaja i narodnih pjesama, uveo je u školu poduku na hrvatskom jeziku (1844. otvorena hrvatska osnovna škola), te uveliko doprinio općem prosvjećivanju Sela i osnivanju kulturnih društava.
In 1876, a young teacher Stjepan Ziza, this great person of the Istrian national revival, collector of popular lore, customs and folk songs, introduced Croatian to school education (Croatian elementary school was opened in 1844), and considerably contributed to a general improvement of education of Selo and to the foundation of cultural associations.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prije samog večernjeg nastupa rovinjskim su ulicama i trgovima odzvanjali i zvuci Gradske limene glazbe, a mogli su se vidjeti i plesovi članova KUD-a "Stjepan Žiža" i Plesarin.
Before the very evening show, the streets and squares of Rovinj reverberated with the sound of the Town Marching Band, and one could also see the dance by the members of the cultural association "Stjepan Žiža" and Plesarin.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
15 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.