žrec oor Engels


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a pagan priest

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"Jedan razlog leži u obitavalištu nemijskog žreca, a drugi u njegovom naslovu, ""šumski kralj""."
One reason is drawn from the abode of the priest of Nemi; the other from his title, the King of the Wood.Literature Literature
Možemo li tim p u t e m ići sve do kultnog čina, pa ustvrditi da je i žrec dok vrši žrtveni obred tek igrač?
Can we now extend the line to ritual and say that the priest performing the rites of sacrifice is only playing?Literature Literature
Čarobnjak, vrač i žrec započinju označavanjem posvećenog prostora.
The magician, the augur, the sacrificer begins his work by circumscribing his sacred space.Literature Literature
Žrec tada ubere malo riže, prvo na svojem polju a potom na susjednima.
Then the priest plucks a little rice, first on his own field and then on those of his neighbours.Literature Literature
Smije se zaključiti da je seoski svećenik/žrec/vrač, nakon slavenskoga zaposijedanja ovoga područja, posvetio novoosvojenu domovinu slavenskim vrhovnim bogovima (Perunu, Mokoši i Velesu) i njihovoj božanskoj djeci (Jarilu i Mari) određujući im njihova nova mjesta i tumačeći mitska kazivanja po-kazujući im pritom (doslovce kažiprstom) kako se i gdje zbivanja o kojima kazuju mitovi (konkretno: Jarilov trudan hod kojim ovaj izžmiče vodu iz zemlje) odvijaju u njihovu okruženju.
It could be concluded that the village priest/pagan priest/shaman, after the Slavic invasion of this area, dedicated newly conquered homeland to Slavic supreme gods (Perun, Mokoš and Veles) and their divine children (Jarilo and Mara) by defining their new places and interpreting mythic narratives and showing (literally with finger) how and where the events described in the myths (specifically: Jarilo’s weary walk which dodges water from the ground) occurred in their environment.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Svaki se njemački činovnik pretvorio u državnog žreca, spremna da zakolje ne nožem već uredskim perom najmilijeg sina na žrtveniku državne službe.
Every German official became a priest of the state, prepared to sacrifice his most beloved son on the altar of state service, not with a knife but with a clerk’s pen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tu su još prethistorijski vrači proricali budućnost, slavenski žreci prinosili žrtve, a rimski bogataši uživali u ljepotama prirode.
This is the area where the pre-historic medicine-men foretold future fortunes, Slavic pagan priests brought sacrifices and Roman wealthy men enjoyed the beauties of nature.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
7 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.