Egejsko more oor Engels

Egejsko more

Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels

Aegean Sea

sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea
Unatoč nedavnim tragičnim nesrećama broj smrtnih slučajeva u Egejskom moru također se znatno smanjio.
Despite recent tragic incidents, the number of lives lost in the Aegean Sea has also significantly dropped.

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egejsko more

Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels

aegean sea

Unatoč nedavnim tragičnim nesrećama broj smrtnih slučajeva u Egejskom moru također se znatno smanjio.
Despite recent tragic incidents, the number of lives lost in the Aegean Sea has also significantly dropped.

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Po Egejskom moru, toj kolijevci nekih velikih drevnih civilizacija, rasuti su brojni otoci i otočići.
The cradle of some great early civilizations, the Aegean Sea is studded with islands and islets.jw2019 jw2019
Glavna pitanja koja zabrinjavaju dvije zemlje jesu granica na moru i turska potraživanja glede Egejskog mora
The main issues that concern the two countries are the continental shelf and Turkish claims in the Aegean SeaSetimes Setimes
Bliže epicentru erupcija je proizvela razarajuće udarne valove diljem Egejskog mora.
Closer to home, the eruption produced devastating shockwaves throughout the Aegean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Treba mnogo mašte, da činjenice i ne spominjemo, da bi se Eumelos preselio na obalu Egejskog mora.
It takes quite a stretch of the imagination, to say nothing of the facts, to relocate Eumelos in the Aegean.Literature Literature
U međuvremenu, turizam s druge strane Egejskog mora, u Turskoj, grabi naprijed
Across the Aegean, meanwhile, tourism in Turkey continues to roar aheadSetimes Setimes
Prema grčkoj predaji, jonske gradove osnovali su kolonijalisti s druge strane Egejskog mora.
According to Greek tradition, the cities of Ionia were founded by colonists from the other side of the Aegean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vidi ih sada. Bježe preko Egejskog mora.
Now look at them, fleeing across the Aegean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Za potrebe ove Uredbe „manji otoci” znači sve otoke u Egejskom moru osim otoka Krete i Evije.
For the purposes of this Regulation ‘the smaller islands’ means any islands in the Aegean Sea except the islands of Crete and Evia.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
To je malo mesto na Egejskom moru.
It's a little spot on the Aegean:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
« »To je grad u Grčkoj, na Egejskom moru...
'It is a city in Greece, on the Aegean Sea ...Literature Literature
To je razlog zašto velik dio Homerova svijeta oslikanog na karti prikazuje zemlje koje graniče s Egejskim morem.
That is why the big part of Homer's world that is portrayed on this interpretive map represents lands that border on the Aegean Sea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
S desne strane prostirao se Atlantik, u ovom trenutku plav poput Egejskog mora.
To his right stretched the Atlantic, at this moment as blue as the Aegean waters of the Grecian Isles.Literature Literature
Unatoč nedavnim tragičnim nesrećama broj smrtnih slučajeva u Egejskom moru također se znatno smanjio.
Despite recent tragic incidents, the number of lives lost in the Aegean Sea has also significantly dropped.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Najjužniji otok na arhipelagu vulkanskih otoka u Egejskom moru-- Santorini-- nedvojbeno je glavna atrakcija u Grčkoj
The southernmost island in the archipelago of volcanic islands in the Aegean Sea-- Santorini-- is arguably Greece 's main attractionSetimes Setimes
Kralj Minos vladao je Kretom i otocima Egejskog mora tri generacije prije Trojanskog rata.
He reigned over Crete and the islands of the Aegean Sea three generations before the Trojan War.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jednom je uživala u opuštenom vikendu u vili u Grčkoj, visoko na kamenoj hridi iznad Egejskog mora.
Once she’d enjoyed a lazy weekend in a villa in Greece, high on a rocky slope overlooking the Aegean.Literature Literature
Ilia Velbov našao se u položaju zapovjednika okupacijske jedinice marinaca na malenom grčkom otoku u Egejskome moru.
Ilya Velbov found himself commanding an occupying force of marines on a tiny Greek island in the Aegean.Literature Literature
Pogled na Egejsko more s terasa na Santorinu
Overlooking the Aegean from Santorini’s terracesjw2019 jw2019
Egejsko more i Kreta” znači geografska potpodručja GFCM-a 22 i 23.
Aegean Sea and Crete Island’ means GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas 22 and 23.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Mnogi otočani žive od ribarenja u vodama Egejskog mora.
Many of the islanders make a living by fishing in the waters of the Aegean Sea.jw2019 jw2019
tradicionalnim trgovinskim tokovima s lukama u kopnenoj Grčkoj i među otocima u Egejskom moru;
traditional trade flows with ports in mainland Greece and between the islands in the Aegean Sea;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Za vrijeme tog rata talijanska vojska okupirala je također i otočje Dodekanez u Egejskom moru.
During the conflict, Italian forces also occupied the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
AEGEAN SEAjw2019 jw2019
DOK SMO se približavali Solunu, letjeli smo tik iznad valova Egejskog mora.
WE HAD been skimming just above the waves of the Aegean on our approach to Thessalonica.jw2019 jw2019
tradicionalne trgovinske tokove s lukama u kopnenoj Grčkoj i među otocima u Egejskom moru;
traditional trade flows with ports in mainland Greece and between the islands in the Aegean Sea;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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