Panonska nizina oor Engels

Panonska nizina

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Pannonian Basin


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Kad je riječ o vremenskim uvjetima, odlučujući je utjecaj Panonske nizine i kontinentalne klime.
The influence of the Pannonian Basin and the continental climate are decisive as regards the weather.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Zapadni briježni dio pripada predalpskom prostoru, dok su središnji i istočni dio ravničarski (dio Panonske nizine).
The hilly area to the west forms part of the pre-Alpine region, while the central and eastern parts are low-lying and form part of the Pannonian Plain.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Pošto je dio Panonske nizine, općina Temerin ima njezine klimatske osobine.
Being a part of Pannonian plain the Municipality of Temerin has its climate characteristics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Panonska nizina je dosta udaljena od Jadranskog i Sredozemnog mora na jugu i Atlantskog oceana na zapadu.
Pannonian plain is quite far away from the Adriatic or the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the west.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pod utjecajem svih ovih uvjeta, Panonska nizina ima najkontinentalniju klimu u Srbiji.
Influenced by all of these causes, Pannonian plain has the most continental climate in Serbia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jedno je od najbogatijih i najbolje očuvanih divljih staništa u Panonskoj nizini.
It is one of the richest and best preserved wildlife habitats in the Pannonian plain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nakon raspada Avarskog kaganata zemlja je proširila svoj teritorij sjeverozapadno do Panonske nizine.
After the disintegration of the Avar Khaganate, the country expanded its territory northwest to the Pannonian Plain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nakon propasti Rimskoga Carstva širokim prostorom Panonske nizine kretala su se mnogobrojna plemena germanske , te potom i slavenske pripadnosti .
After decline of the Roman Empire , numerous Germanic and later Slavic tribes passed across the Pannonian plain .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Smješten je na dinarskom rubu Panonske nizine , a upravo s karlovačkog područja počinje bregoviti i planinski dio prema Mediteranu .
It is located at the Dinara Mountain fringes of the Pannonian Plain where the hilly and mountainous area begins leading to the Mediterranean .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Zemljopisni položaj - Hrvatska se prostire od krajnjih istočnih rubova Alpa na sjeverozapadu do Panonske nizine i obala Dunava na istoku .
Geographic position - Croatiaextends from the easterly edges of the Alps in the northwest , through the Pannonian lowlands , to the banks of the Danube in the east .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Zemljopisni položaj : Hrvatska obuhvaća dio Panonske nizine na istoku , planinske masive u središnjem dijelu i obale Jadranskog mora na jugu i zapadu .
Geographical position : Croatia extends from the foothills of the Julian Alps in the north-west and the Pannonian Plain in the ea st , over the Dinara mountain range in its central region , to the Adriatic coast in the south .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Nakon laganog uspona uživamo u prekrasnom pogledu na sam rub Panonske nizine gdje se ona polako prelijeva u slikovite zelene brežuljke , načičkane vinogradima i šumom .
After an easy ascent , we can enjoy the stunning view of the rim of the Pannonian Plain which slowly turns into picturesque green hills covered with vineyards and forest .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Zahvaljujući tome što je područje zaštićeno trima planinskim lancima, na sjeveru, jugu i zapadu, i otvoreno prema Panonskoj nizini, klimatski uvjeti idealni su za uzgoj sorte Blaufränkisch.
The protection of three hill chains in the north, south and west and the exposure to the lowlands of the Pannonian Basin provide ideal climate conditions for cultivating the Blaufränkisch variety.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Klima je kontinentalna , ali umjerena za što je zaslužan povoljan položaj Zagreba u odnosu na Alpe koje sa sjevera štite cijelo područje zapadne Panonske nizine od jačih strujanja zraka sa sjeverozapada .
The climate is continental , but moderate , which can be attributed to the favourable position of Zagreb in relation to the Alps that protect the entire region of the Pannonian Basin from the stronger currents that come from the northwest .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Opće klimatske značajke određene su pripadnošću ovog područja klimatskoj regiji – Panonskoj nizini što se očituje vrućim ljetima i hladnim zimama, odnosno brzim porastom temperatura u proljeće i povoljnim temperaturnim prilikama u jesen.
The area’s general climatic features are determined by the fact that it belongs to the climatic region of the Pannonian Plain, characterised by hot summers and cold winters, as well as a sharp rise in temperature in spring and clement temperatures in autumn.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Vodene površine izazivaju proboj vlažnih zračnih masa u Panonsku nizinu, a kopnene mase sa sjevera i istoka utjecaj suhog, vrlo hladne zračne struje tijekom zime i vrlo toplih zračnih struja tijekom ljeta.
Water surfaces cause breach of humid airflows into Pannonian plain and land surfaces on the north and east influence dry, very cold airstreams in winter and very hot airstreams in summer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hrvatska se prostire od krajnih istočnih rubova Alpi na sjeverozapadu do Panonske nizine i obala Dunava na istoku , središnji joj dio pokriva planinski masiv Dinare , a južni joj dio završava na obali Jadranskog mora .
Croatia extends from the furthest eastern edges of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian lowlands and the banks of the Danube in the east ; its central region is covered by the Dinara mountain range , and its southern parts extend to the coast of the Adriatic Sea .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Nakon što se habsburški glavni grad oslobodio pritiska pobjedom u bečkoj bitci 1683., Austrija je postigla velike ratne uspjehe i već do 1688. je Beograd i veći dio Panonske nizine bio u habsburškim rukama.
After the relief of the Habsburg capital in the Battle of Vienna of 1683, Austria enjoyed great success and by 1688 Belgrade and most of the Pannonian Plain was occupied by the Habsburgs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hrvatska se proteže od najudaljenijih istočnih rubova Alpa na sjeverozapadu do Panonske nizine i obale rijeke Dunav na istoku ; središnji je dio pokriven planinskim lancem Dinare , a južni se dio prostire do obale Jadranskog mora .
Croatia extends from the furthest eastern edges of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian lowlands and the banks of the Danube in the east ; its central region is covered by the Dinara mountain range , and its southern parts extend to the coast of the Adriatic Sea .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Tijekom osmanske uprave na Balkanu i u Panonskoj nizini, veliki broj Srba prešao je na islam, što je bio uvjet za napredak u državnoj službi, a neki islamizirani Srbi bili su i na visokim upravnim položajima.
During the Ottoman administration in the Balkans and in the Pannonian Plain, many Serbs converted to Islam, which was a condition for advancement in the state service.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To je ono po čemu se ističe Risnjak , planina koja nadvisuje sva područja između kopna i mora što su pripala nacionalnom parku i na kojima se siječu oštri dah Alpa , pitomo podneblje Jadrana , kontinentalne odlike Panonske nizine i gorska svježina Dinarida .
This is what makes Risnjak specific , a mountain overlooking all areas between land and sea that are part of the National Park and where the brittle breath of the Alpes interweaves with the mild Adriatic climate , with Pannonian Valley continental features and with the Dinara mountain freshness .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Tu su svijest prenijeli i na svoje učenike, također na one koji su prvi prešli preko Jadranskoga mora, donoseći Evanđelje u rimsku Dalmaciju narodima, koji su tada prebivali na ovoj prelijepoj morskoj obali, i u krajevima sve do Panonske nizine, koji nisu ništa manje lijepi.
The Apostles handed on this same realization to their disciples, including those who first crossed the Adriatic Sea and brought the Gospel to Roman Dalmatia, to the people who then dwelt along this beautiful coast and in the other, no less beautiful, lands reaching as far as
Zemljopisno područje proizvodnje proizvoda „Kranjska klobasa” obuhvaća područje Slovenije koje leži između Alpa i Jadranskog mora, na zapadu je ograničeno granicom s Italijom, na sjeveru granicom s Austrijom, na jugu granicom s Hrvatskom, a na istok se otvara prema Panonskoj nizini i proteže se sve do Mađarske.
The geographical area for the production of ‘Kranjska klobasa’ comprises the area within Slovenia which lies between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, which is delimited in the west by the border with Italy, to the north by the border with Austria and to the south by the border with Croatia, and which opens up to the east towards the Pannonian Basin, stretching as far as the border with Hungary.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
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