Stamenković oor Engels


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Prije tri je godine Stamenković nakon operacije šest mjeseci bila prikovana za krevet
Three years ago, Stamenkovic had surgery and was bedridden for six monthsSetimes Setimes
Stojan Stamenković, ekonomist i urednik časopisa Makroekonomske prognoze i trendovi Ekonomskog instituta u Beogradu, predviđa da će " nova vlada morati povećati PDV na # posto [ sa sadašnjih # posto ], i također srezati državnu potrošnju, kao i smanjiti broj državnih službenika za trećinu "
Stojan Stamenkovic, economist and editor of Macroeconomic Forecasts and Trends of the Economics Institute in Belgrade, predicts " the new government will need to increase the VAT to # % [ from the current # % ], as well as reduce government spending, and reduce the number of state employees to one third. "Setimes Setimes
Stamenković je jedna od # starijih građana beogradske općine Stari grad koji koriste usluge programa " Pomoć u kući "
Stamenkovic is one of # elderly people in central the Belgrade municipality Old City who use the services of this programme, " Help at Home "Setimes Setimes
Stamenković kaže kako njen sin redovito šalje novac i telefonira svakih par dana
Stamenkovic says that her son regularly sends money and phones every few daysSetimes Setimes
Ekonomist Stojan Stamenković kaže kako je zastoj u stranim ulaganjima rezultat političke nestabilnosti, te prijeti gospodarskom rastu
Economist Stojan Stamenkovic said that the halt in foreign investment results from political instability and threatens economic growthSetimes Setimes
Našem sustavu još uvijek nedostaju mehanizmi nadzora monopolističkih cijena ", kaže Stojan Stamenković, koji vodi tim analitičara
Our system still lacks mechanisms for controlling monopolistic prices, " says Stojan Stamenkovic, who heads a team of analystsSetimes Setimes
Nogostup je zaleđen, a Ikonija Stamenković oprezno, korak po korak, kreće kući iz kupovine u obližnjem dućanu
The sidewalk is icy as Ikonija Stamenkovic # picks her way, tentative step by step, home from nearby shoppingSetimes Setimes
" Razumna je bojazan da će vlada, u izbornoj godini, [ željeti ] više trošiti nego ulagati, što će dodatno pridonijeti inflacijskom trendu ", kazao je Stojan Stamenković iz Ekonomskog instituta
" It is a reasonable fear the government, in an election year, [ will want ] more to spend than to invest, which will further contribute to the trend of inflation, " said Stojan Stamenkovic, of the Economic InstituteSetimes Setimes
Ružica Stamenković, registratorica u Agenciji za registraciju poslovnih subjekata, rekla je kako su za gubitke odgovorni visoka inflacija i slabljenje dinara, te smanjenja inozemnih ulaganja, rasta industrijske proizvodnje, izvoza i prihoda
Ruzica Stamenkovic, registrar of the Agency for Business Registers, said that behind the losses are high inflation, a weakening dinar, lower foreign investment and growth in industrial production, exports and revenuesSetimes Setimes
Nagradu pod imenom Duh fair playja (Fair Play SPIRIT Award 2018) u Darijino ime primio je njezin kondicijski trener Igor Stamenković.
The award named Fair Play SPIRIT Award 2018 was received on behalf of Daria by her fitness coach Igor Stamenković.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
TED entuzijast Ivan Stamenković svoju je uspješnu priču izgradio kao TED prevoditelj koji je preveo više od 700 inspirativnih govora te idejama dao hrvatski glas koji je čulo i pogledalo više od 100 000 ljudi.
TED enthusiast Ivan Stamenković has built his successful story as a TED translator who translated more than 700 inspired speeches and gave to a voice on Croatian ideas which listened and watched more than 100 000 people.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
MARKO STAMENKOVIĆ (1977., Vranje, Srbija) povjesničar je umjetnosti, kritičar i kustos, čiji se recentni projekti, predstavljeni u balkanskim zemljama, bave pitanjima smrtnosti, humora, seksualnosti i građanskog otpora.
MARKO STAMENKOVIĆ (1977, Vranje, Serbia) is an art historian, critic and curator whose most recent projects include exhibitions across the Balkans dealing with issues of mortality, humor, sexuality and civil protest.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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