adolescencija oor Engels



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period betwenn childhood and maturity
Ti bolje od svih znaš da nijedan od nas nije imao laku adolescenciju.
You of all people would know neither of us had a very easy adolescent period.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood
Ti bolje od svih znaš da nijedan od nas nije imao laku adolescenciju.
You of all people would know neither of us had a very easy adolescent period.

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pubertet i adolescencija
puberty and adolescence


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Da, pa, moje kvaliteno vrijeme sa ocem je bilo potrošeno u adolescenciji gledaći kroz prozor i čekajući da mi tata dođe jednog dana.
Yeah, well, my quality father-son time was spending my adolescence looking out the window waiting for my dad to come back someday.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako se može reći da ima temu, onda bi to bila adolescencija.
If it has a subject, the subject is adolescence.ted2019 ted2019
Takvi želimo biti kada smo u adolescenciji.
And you influenþazã, you cand o and adolescent.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mlada osoba može tokom svoje adolescencije izazvati mnoštvo problema a zatim ipak odrasti u odgovornu, veoma poštovanu osobu.
A young person may cause many problems during his adolescence and then grow up to be a responsible, well-respected adult.jw2019 jw2019
Tijekom adolescencije svi se nađemo u tim previranjima.
During adolescence of course we find ourselves in a kind of turbulence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
— upita Milo. - Cathy je proživljavala produženu adolescenciju.
“Cathy had an extended adolescence.Literature Literature
Postoji poznat Shakespeareov citat iz " Zimske priče " koji ovako opisuje adolescenciju:
So there's a famous quote by Shakespeare from " The Winter's Tale " where he describes adolescence as follows:QED QED
Osim toga , djevojke pokazuju izraženije povećanje depresivnog raspoloženja te jači pad samopoštovanja u adolescenciji u odnosu na dječake .
Besides , the higher prevalence of depressive mood and stronger decrese in self-esteem in adolescence can be noticed in girls than in boys .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Oni shvaćaju kako je ovo zapravo razvojni stadij života koji ima svoju važnost -- i razlikuje se od sredovječnosti, kao što se i adolescencija razlikuje od djetinjstva.
They realize that this is actually a developmental stage of life with its own significance, as different from midlife as adolescence is from childhood.QED QED
Nedostatak samopouzdanja i osamljenost adolescencije obično se povlače sa sazrijevanjem osobe.
The self-doubt and isolation of adolescence usually recede as the person matures.Literature Literature
uvažava posebnu osjetljivost na izloženost alkoholu tijekom trudnoće, djetinjstva i adolescencije te neurološku štetu uzrokovanu poremećajima u neurološkom razvoju;
acknowledges the particular vulnerability to alcohol exposure during pregnancy, infancy and adolescence and the neurological damage caused by neurodevelopmental disorders;eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Nedostatak jakog autoriteta u adolescenciji.
Lack of a strong authority figure in adolescence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zdravlje tijekom cijelog života Osobe u osjetljivim fazama života (perinatalna faza, rođenje, rano djetinjstvo, djetinjstvo, adolescencija, trudnoća, zrela i kasna odrasla dob), uključujući osobe s invaliditetom ili ozljedama, imaju posebne zdravstvene potrebe koje zahtijevaju bolje razumijevanje i prilagođena rješenja, uzimajući u obzir rodne i etičke aspekte.
Health throughout the Life Course People in vulnerable stages of life (perinatal, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, mature and late adulthood), including people with disabilities or injuries, have specific health needs that require better understanding and tailored solutions, taking gender and ethical aspects into consideration.not-set not-set
Serija prikazuje Clark Kenta dok se nosi s problemima adolescencije i istodobno otkriva svoje super moći (rendgenski vid, super sluh, itd.), otkriva svoje izvanzemaljsko podrijetlo i pokušava otkriti svoju sudbinu.
As the series progresses, Clark Kent copes with his emerging superpowers (x-ray vision, super hearing, etc.), exploration of his extraterrestrial origins and discovering his true destiny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dave jedva da je više sretao Jimmyja nakon toga, moţda jednom ili dvaput na godinu, dok nisu došli u adolescenciju.
Dave hardly saw Jimmy after that, maybe once or twice a year until they reached their teens.Literature Literature
Prolazimo kroz sve razvojne stupnjeve do adolescencije.
We go through all the developmental stages through adolescence.Literature Literature
Obrezujete slabije grane tako da ostale, važne grane mogu narasti snažnije i taj proces, koji učinkovito podešava moždano tkivo prema okruženju specifičnom za određenu vrstu, događa se u prefrontalnom korteksu i u drugim područjima mozga tijekom razdoblja ljudske adolescencije.
You prune away the weaker branches so that the remaining, important branches, can grow stronger, and this process, which effectively fine-tunes brain tissue according to the species-specific environment, is happening in prefrontal cortex and in other brain regions during the period of human adolescence.ted2019 ted2019
Općenito, pojam se odnosi na mlade ljude u razdoblju adolescencije.
One becomes conscious of their emotions during adolescence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dok su središnje teme njihovih ranijih albuma Boy i October bile adolescencija i duhovnost, album War se usredotočuje na fizičku stranu rata kao i na njegove emocionalne posljedice.
While the central themes of U2's previous albums Boy and October were adolescence and spirituality, respectively, War focused on both the physical aspects of warfare, and the emotional after-effects.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pušenje je aktualan i globalan problem s razarajućim posljedicama, s time da većina pušača počinje konzumirati duhan u adolescenciji.
Smoking is a current and global problem with devastating consequences, and adolescence is when most smokers start consuming tobacco.not-set not-set
Ili te adolescencija učinila stidljivim?
Or does adolescence make you shy?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jedva da si izašao iz adolescencije.
You're barely out of adolescence yourself.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ja živim u stanju večite adolescencije.
I live in a state of perpetual adolescence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tokom adolescencije ponašanje osoba koje pate od HPMP-a može prijeći s riskantnog u delinkventno.
During adolescence, those with ADHD may shift from risky behavior to delinquency.jw2019 jw2019
Iznenađena sam što nisi tada ponovio tvorbeni događaj svoje adolescencije i napastovao tog sirotog dječaka.
You know, I'm honestly surprised you didn't re-enact what was clearly the formative event of your own teenage years, and Sandusky the poor kid right there and then.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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