ba oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Prase koje govori! Ba-ba!
He was a talking pig and he was like " Bah, Ram, Ewe! "



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Na svakoj stanici, gdje je stao vlak, Ba je samo tebe tražila.
At every railway station we stop, Ba is searching for you only.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Open Multilingual Wordnet

atomic number 56

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Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Ba Maw
Ba Maw


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„(ba) investicijska društva;”;
“(ba) investment firms;”;not-set not-set
“Noćas se probudio i zvao ba i dugo mi je trebalo da ga smirim kako bi opet zaspao.”
“Last night he woke up calling for Ba, and it took me a long time to calm him back to sleep.”Literature Literature
[20] Tehnička i/ili administrativna pomoć i rashodi za potporu provedbi programa i/ili djelovanja EU-a (prijašnje linije „BA”), neizravnih istraživanja, izravnih istraživanja.
[20] Technical and/or administrative assistance and expenditure in support of the implementation of EU programmes and/or actions (former "BA" lines), indirect research, direct research.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Međutim, na temelju referentnih vrijednosti koje je dostavio IUK i dvije korištene metodologije (odnosno, pristupa uspoređivanja cijena prema referentnim vrijednostima i pristupa očekivanog gubitka, kako je opisano u odjeljku, Komisija zauzima stajalište da se kreditna ocjena u (glavnoj) kategoriji rejtinga BB/Ba može smatrati odgovarajućom za ovaj instrument.
However, based on the benchmarks provided by IUK and the two methodologies used (i.e. pricing benchmark and expected loss approach, as described in Section, the Commission takes the view that a credit score in the (major) BB/Ba rating category can be considered appropriate for this facility.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I ako si ti to krio od mene 12 godina i govori mi ba sada, onda mo da i jesi ljubomoran.
And if you've kept that from me for 12 years and you're only just telling me now, then maybe you are jealous.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne, Vinnie, Veoma mi je stalo tako da me ba briga kako glupo izgledam.
No, Vinnie, I care so much that I don't care how stupid it makes me look.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
<Article>Članak 11. – stavak 3. – točka ba (nova)</Article>
<Article>Article 11 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)</Article>not-set not-set
Države članice obavješćuju Komisiju o izuzećima koja su odobrile na temelju stavka 2. točaka (a), (b) i (ba).
Member States shall inform the Commission of exemptions granted pursuant to points (a), (b) and (ba) of paragraph 2.not-set not-set
Iza točke Priloga XXII. Sporazumu (Uredba Komisije (EZ) br. 1725/2003) dodaje se sljedeća alineja:
The following indent shall be added in point 10ba (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1725/2003) of Annex XXII to the Agreement:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Članak 1. – stavak 1. – točka ba (nova)
Article 1 — paragraph 1 — point b a (new)Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Članak 8.a. – stavak 5. – točka ba (nova)
Article 8a — paragraph 5 — point b a (new)eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Bash, dođi i pokupi me Bash, dođi i pokupi me Ba...
Hello Bash, come and get me Bash, come and get me Ba... oi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Amandman 39 Prijedlog Odluke Članak 11. – stavak 1. – točka ba (nova) Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (ba) okvirni sporazumi sklopljeni između EIB-a i države primateljice Amandman 40 Prijedlog Odluke Članak 12. Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena U sklopu svojih operacija financiranja EIB ne tolerira nikakve aktivnosti koje se obavljaju u nezakonite svrhe, uključujući pranje novca, financiranje terorizma, porezne prijevare i utaju poreza, korupciju i prijevare koje utječu na financijske interese EU-a.
Amendment 39 Proposal for a decision Article 11 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ba) framework agreements concluded between the EIB and a recipient country; Amendment 40 Proposal for a decision Article 12 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment In its financing operations, the EIB shall not tolerate any activities carried out for illegal purposes, including money laundering, financing of terrorism, tax fraud and tax evasion, corruption, and fraud affecting the financial interests of the EU.not-set not-set
[20] Tehnička i/ili administrativna pomoć i rashodi za potporu provedbi programa i/ili djelovanja EU-a (prijašnje linije „BA”), neizravnih istraživanja, izravnih istraživanja.
[20] Technical and/or administrative assistance and expenditure in support of the implementation of EU programmes and/or actions (former ‘BA’ lines), indirect research, direct research.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U skladu s člankom 40.a stavkom 3. Uredbe (EU, Euratom) br. 1141/2014, europske političke stranke registrirane prije 4. svibnja 2018. trebale su najkasnije do 5. srpnja 2018. dostaviti dokumente kojima se potvrđuje da ispunjavaju uvjete utvrđene u članku 3. stavku 1. točkama (b) i (ba) Uredbe (EU, Euratom) br. 1141/2014 kako je izmijenjena („izmijenjeni uvjeti registracije”).
Pursuant to Article 40a(3) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1141/2014, European political parties registered before 4 May 2018 were required to submit documents proving that they satisfied the conditions laid down in points (b) and (ba) of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1141/2014 as amended (the ‘amended conditions for registration’) by 5 July 2018 at the latest.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Ba. budući da su opasnosti koje za ekosustave i ribolovna područja izazivaju aktivnosti povezane s plavim rastom, kao što su rudarstvo na morskom dnu, traženja nafte te energija plime i oseke i valova, kao i opasnosti povezane s tim aktivnostima, neizvjesne, imaju prekogranični učinak i utječu na tradicionalna ribolovna područja;
Ba. whereas the threats to ecosystems and fishing grounds posed by activities linked to Blue Growth, such as seabed mining, oil prospecting and tidal and wave power, together with the risks that these activities entail, are uncertain, transcend borders and affect traditional fishing areas;not-set not-set
Kada države članice dopuštaju da bilanca društva obuhvaća sredstva čija dodjela ugovarateljima osiguranja ili dioničarima nije utvrđena do kraja poslovne godine, ti iznosi iskazuju se kao pasiva pod stavkom Ba (Sredstva za buduću raspodjelu).
Where a Member States permits an undertaking's balance sheet to include funds the allocation of which either to policyholders or to shareholders has not been determined by the close of the financial year, those amounts shall be shown as liabilities under an item Ba (Fund for future appropriations).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Amandman 151 Prijedlog odluke Prilog – stavak 86. – podstavak 2. – točka b a (nova) Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (ba) Potpuna primjena Direktive o strateškoj ekološkoj procjeni1 i Direktive o procjeni utjecaja na okoliš2.
Amendment 151 Proposal for a decision Annex – paragraph 86 – subparagraph 2 – point b a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ba) Fully implementing the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive1 and the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive2.not-set not-set
Svaki posjetitelj koji ba rem djelomično upozna prirodne vrijednosti i prirodnu baštinu Primorsko- goranske županije složit će se da se radi o neponovljivoj ljepoti i očuvanosti .
Every visitor who becomes acquainted with at least part of the beautiful natural environment and valuable natural heritage of the County of Primorje- Gorski kotar will undoubtedly agree that this is a very special and uniquely preserved area .hrenWaC hrenWaC
(ba) u stavku 5. trećem podstavku umeće se sljedeća točka:
(ba) in paragraph 5, third subparagraph, the following point is inserted:not-set not-set
Kad je riječ o parametrima iz Priloga I. dijela Ba, vrijednosti se određuju samo za potrebe praćenja te radi pridržavanja zahtjeva utvrđenih člankom 12.
As regards the parameters set out in Part Ba of Annex I, the values shall be set only for monitoring purposes and for the sake of ensuring that the requirements set out in Article 12 are met.not-set not-set
Amandman 105 Prijedlog Uredbe Članak 37. – stavak 1. – točka ba (nova) Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (ba) imena i kontaktne podatke sudova i tijela nadležnih za obradu zahtjeva za proglašenje izvršivosti u skladu s člankom 31.b stavkom 1. te žalbenim postupcima protiv odluke o takvim zahtjevima u skladu s člankom 31.g stavkom 2. ; (Podudara se s člankom 78. stavkom 1. točkom (a)Uredbe (EU) br.
Amendment 105 Proposal for a regulation Article 37 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ba) the names and contact details of the courts and authorities with competence to deal with applications for a declaration of enforceability in accordance with Article 31b(1) and with appeals against decisions on such applications in accordance with Article 31g(2); (Corresponds to Article 78(1), point (a), of Regulation (EU) No 650/2012.)not-set not-set
Vrijednost poduzeća određuje sudsko ili upravno tijelo na temelju vrijednosti poduzeća kao društva s jamstvom kontinuiteta i vrijednosti nakon prodaje njegove imovine koju je proveo stečajni upravitelj u stečajnom postupku u sljedećim slučajevima: Amandman 56 Prijedlog direktive Članak 13. – stavak 2. – točka ba (nova) Tekst koji je predložila Komisija Izmjena (ba) kad plan uključuje prijenos cijelog ili dijela poslovanja.
An enterprise value shall be determined by the judicial or administrative authority on the basis of the value of the enterprise as a going concern and the value of the proceeds from the sale of its assets by the insolvency practitioner in an insolvency procedure in the following cases: Amendment 56 Proposal for a directive Article 13 – paragraph 2 – point b a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ba) where a plan involves the transfer of all or part of a business.not-set not-set
Sumnjiva reakcija: ako se ne uoče klinički znakovi poput onih navedenih pod (ba) i ako je povećanje zadebljanja kožnog nabora na mjestu ubrizgavanja veće od 2 mm, a manje od 4 mm.
(bb) Inconclusive reaction: if no clinical signs such as mentioned in (ba) are observed and if the increase in skin-fold thickness is more than 2 mm and less than 4 mm.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Primjerice, u njoj čitamo slijedeće: “Ko s mudrima ide, taj postaje mudar, ali zlo prolazi ko se s bezumnima druži” (Priče Salamunove 13:20, Ba).
For example, it says: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.jw2019 jw2019
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