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I mi možemo prati svoje ruke u pravdi, odnosno bezazlenosti, i ići oko Božjeg žrtvenika tako da iskazujemo vjeru u Isusovu žrtvu te cijelim srcem služimo Jehovi ‘čistih ruku i bezazlena srca’ (Psalam 24:4).
We too can wash our hands in innocency and march around God’s altar if we exercise faith in Jesus’ sacrifice and, ‘innocent in hands and pure in heart,’ wholeheartedly serve Jehovah. —Psalm 24:4.jw2019 jw2019
Nasmiješe se njegovoj bezazlenosti.
They laughed at his ingenuousness.Literature Literature
Davenport uočio je istinsku nevinost u njezinim očima, bezazlenost toga lica.
Davenport saw the genuine innocence in her eyes, the lack of guile on her face.Literature Literature
Ali s vremenom je John prešao granicu između bezazlenosti i uvrnutosti.
But as time went on, John crossed that fine line between harmless and just weird.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nažalost, bilo je to vrijeme bezazlenosti.
Alas, that was a time of innocence.Literature Literature
5 Eva je u svojoj bezazlenosti pokazala da je to tako.
5 In her innocence, Eve indicated that this was so.jw2019 jw2019
Oprez pokazujemo tako što na vrijeme prepoznajemo situacije u kojima postoji opasnost da pogazimo svoja uvjerenja, a bezazlenost pokazujemo tako što u takvim situacijama ostajemo neutralni.
We show caution by recognizing dangers early, and we remain innocent by not letting them lead us into compromise.jw2019 jw2019
Vidjela sam strpljivost, bezazlenost, prividnu blagost, kojom se preživjeli iz Hiroshime mire sa sudbinom, toliko nepravičnom da mašta, obično tako plodna, pred njima zastaje.
I saw the patience, the innocence, the apparent meekness with which the temporary survivors of Hiroshima adapted to a fate so unjust that the imagination, usually so fertile, is silent before it.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tata izvi obrvu, možda u strahu da su neka zlobna govorkanja okaljala moju bezazlenost.
My father arched an eyebrow, fearing perhaps that some foul rumors might have sullied my innocence.Literature Literature
Zatim, opisujući bezazlenost onih, koji su krenuli u rat 1914. obrazlaže Čepman (Chapman):
Then, describing the innocence of those who went off to the war in 1914, Chapman commented:jw2019 jw2019
Povrh svega toga koketa iz bezazlenosti. 89 VII NA ŽALOST, ŽALOST I POL Sve situacije imaju svoje instinkte.
CHAPTER VII—TO ONE SADNESS OPPOSE A SADNESS AND A HALF All situations have their instincts.Literature Literature
“Onima koji hode u bezazlenosti ne ukraćuje ni jednoga dobra”, stoji u Psalmu 84:11.
“Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness,” states Psalm 84:11.jw2019 jw2019
Bezazlenost je jedna vrsta ludila.
Innocence is a kind of insanity.’Literature Literature
Od nje će otpasti mnogo melankolične čežnje, ali će u nju ući nova nevinost i bezazlenost.
Much melancholy ambition will fall away from her, and a new innocence, yes, harmlessness will be hers.Literature Literature
Psalmist je pokazao da je čak i u svojoj kući, gdje ga drugi nisu vidjeli, ‘hodio u bezazlenosti svog srca’ (Psalam 101:2).
The psalmist showed that even inside his house, where others did not see him, he ‘walked about in the integrity of his heart.’jw2019 jw2019
Bezazlenost, odnosno besprijekornost, zaista vodi pravedne da čak i u teškim okolnostima čine ono što je ispravno u Božjim očima i na koncu im donosi korist.
(Proverbs 11:3) Integrity indeed guides the upright to do what is right in God’s eyes, even under difficult circumstances, and brings benefits in the long run.jw2019 jw2019
A kada jednom izgubi priču... također gubi i svoju bezazlenost i djetinjstvo.
And once mankind loses its storyteller... it will also lose its childhood.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tvoja bezazlenost vezana uz ljude poput Streawea brzo će nestati.""
Your days of innocence about people like Streáwe are fast disappearing.”Literature Literature
Za kršćane je uistinu pravi blagoslov imati pouzdanje poput psalmista, koji je napisao: “Jehova Bog [je] sunce i štit, Jehova daje blagodat i slavu; onima koji hode u bezazlenosti ne u[s]kraćuje ni jednoga dobra.
What a blessing for a Christian to have such confidence as the psalmist who wrote: “Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; favor and glory are what he gives.jw2019 jw2019
Međutim, Aron je od prvoga časa smjesta predobio ljude svojom ljepotom i bezazlenošću.
But from the very first people were won instantly to Aron by his beauty and his simplicity.Literature Literature
Naročito su me ohrabrile riječi iz Psalma 84:11, gdje stoji da Jehova neće uskratiti nijednog dobra onima koji hode u bezazlenosti.
The words that especially hit home were those of Psalm 84:11, which tells us that Jehovah will not hold back anything good from those who walk in faultlessness.jw2019 jw2019
A kada jednom izgubi priču, također gubi i svoju bezazlenost i djetinjstvo
And once mankind loses its storyteller... it will also lose its childhoodopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Bezazlenost što je u meni prirođena je bezazlenost; malo je u nje snage, a nimalo umijeća.
The innocence that is in me is a native innocence: I have little strength and no art.Literature Literature
Ne zaboravi da Jehova ‘onima koji hode u bezazlenosti ne uskraćuje ni jednoga dobra’ (Psalam 84:11).
Remind yourself that “Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness.”jw2019 jw2019
Da, “pravednik jednako hodi u bezazlenosti svojoj; blago sinovima njegovim poslije njega!”
Yes, “the righteous is walking in his integrity.jw2019 jw2019
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