breča oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Rasčlambe ukazuju na tektonikom uvjetovano podrijetlo ova dva kompleksa breča .
These two different breccia levels are devided by sharp disconformity .

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Breče siparne i tektonske
Rockfall and debrite breccias
Kataklastične breče
cataclastis breccias
klizna breča
slip breccia


Advanced filtering
Breča: Rascjep koji sadrži brojne fragmente zidne stijene unutar depozita minerala u međuprostorima.
Breccia: A fissure containing numerous wall-rock fragments, with mineral deposits in the interstices.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sažetak : U područjima Drniša ( Dalmacija ) i Dabrice ( Hercegovina ) utvrđenoje da su breče Jelar naslaga nastale u srednjem eocenu .
Summary : It has been established that the breccias of the JelarFormation in the regions of Drniš ( Dalmatia ) and Dabrica(Hercegovina ) have been formed in the Middle Eocene .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Na to , nakon oštre diskordancije , slijede breče s klastima vapnenca cenomanske starosti .
These breccias are overlain by carbonate breccias with clasts of Cenomanian age .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Na boksitu slijede jako raspucali vapnenci i/ ili karbonatne breče s paleogenskim klastima .
Bauxite material is overlain by heavily disjected limestones and/ or carbonate breccias with clasts of Paleogene age .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Depozit minerala koji se sastoji od zone žila, sekundarnih žila, diseminacija ili ravninskih breča.
A mineral deposit consisting of a zone of veins, veinlets, disseminations, or planar breccias.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Karbonatiti mogu formirati centralne sedimentne čepove unutar zonalnih alkalnih intruzivnih kompleksa ili poput dajka, sila, breča i žila.
Carbonatites may form central plugs within zoned alkalic intrusive complexes, or as dikes, sills, breccias, and veins.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Oko samog rta geomorfološki sastav stijena je od gabra, diorita, vulkanskog breča i granita.
In the vicinity of the Cape, there are geomorphological examples of gabbro-diorite, volcanic breccia, and granite.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sadrži breče i rastaljene stijene.
Includes breccias and melt rocks.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sažetak : Sinsedimentacijska tektonika i/ ili promjene morske razine uvjetuju kraća ili duža emerzijska razdoblja , koja uzrokuju hijatuse ( obilježene okršavanjem , karbonatnim brečama , boksitima i ugljenom ) te novi prostorni raspored i promjene uvjeta taloženja od zaštićene lagune do otvorenog mora .
Summary : Synsedimentary tectonics and/ or sea-level changes have caused short-and-long lasting emersions that resulted in hiati , as well as creation of a new accomodation space that conditioned open marine and/ or restricted lagoonal depositional regime .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Cilj determinacijevrsta iz skupine Rodentia je utvrđiva nje stratigrafske shemedonjopleistocenskih koštanih breča .
The goal of species determiantion of the rodentgroup is to establish stratigraphical sheme of Lower Pleistocenebony breccias .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Hoćeš li mi breči što te muči?
Will you talk to me?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rasčlambe ukazuju na tektonikom uvjetovano podrijetlo ova dva kompleksa breča .
These two different breccia levels are devided by sharp disconformity .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Breča, drobljeni kamen, šljunak, međusloj, stijene i nekaolinizirani granit mogu se obrađivati kako bi se dobili drobljeni agregati jedne ili druge vrste, od kamene sitneži iste veličine do materijala za donji nosivi sloj/ispunu.
Breccia, crushed stone, gravel, interburden, rock and stent can be processed to form crushed aggregates of one type or another ranging from single size chipping to sub-base/fill material.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Velebitske breče nastale su taloženjem ulomaka nastalih lomljenjem, okršavanjem i drobljenjem već ranije izdignutih naslaga.
The Velebit breccias were formed through sedimentation of fragments created by breakage, karstification and crumbling of earlier uplifted sediments.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Paleontološkom analizom životinjskih kostiju i zubi sakupljenih iz koštanih breča, ustanovljeno je da se faunska zajednica s lokaliteta Dubci sastoji od 29 faunskih elemenata, što je čini najbogatijom faunskom zajednicom na području Dinarskog krša.
By the paleontological analysis of animal bones and teeth collected from breccias, it was found that the faun community from the site Dubci consists of 29 fauna elements, making it the richest faun community in Dinaric karst area.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Česte su i pojave leća i uložaka vapnenaca i breča kao posljedica lokalnih promjena sedimentacijskih uvjeta.
Limestones and carbonate breccias are often inlayed within the flysch sequence, as a result of local sedimentation environment changes.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tercijar Šire područje Hajdučkih i Rožanskih kukova, kao i primorske padine Velebita, građene su od stijena nazvanih Velebitske breče.
Tertiary The wider area of Hajdučki kukovi and Rožanski kukovi, as well as the coast-facing slopes of Velebit, are composed of rocks called Velebit breccias.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
S obzirom na parametre čistoće stijene, veličine zrna i strukture te poroznosti, najveću mogućnost akumuliranja vode u podzemlju imaju Litofacijes tamnosivih dolomita i dolomitnih breča (L1) i Litofacijes svijetlih kristalastih dolomita i dolomitnih breča (L2).
According to the significant rock parameters (rock purity, grain size, texture and porosity), ground-water accumulation and movement of water are mainly influenced by Lithofacies of dark-grey dolomites and dolomitic breccias (L1) and Lithofacies of bright crystaline dolomites and dolomitic breccias (L2).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
U sastavu fliša se najčešće uočavaju kontinuirane izmjene slojeva pješčenjaka i šejlova, dok se turbiditne breče i konglomerati pojavljuju pri dnu fliškog redoslijeda.
Flysch deposits mostly consist of a continuous alteration of sandstone and shale layers, while turbidite breccia and conglomerates are often found at the bottom of flysch sequence.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sažetak Na području Kamenitih svata na Medvednici terenskim radom i mikropetrografskom analizom definirano je osam litofacijesa: L1-Litofacijes tamnocrvenih klastita; L2-Litofacijes tamnosivih dolomita; L3-Litofacijes kristalastih dolomita; L4-Litofacijes svijetlosivih dolomita i dolomitnih breča; L5-Litofacijes svati
Abstract: In the area of Kameniti svati (Medvednica Mt.), eight litofacies are determined by field work and by micropetrographical analysis: L1-Lithofacies of dark-red clastics; L2-Lithofacies of dark-grey dolomites; L3- Lithofacies of crystaline dolomites; L4-Lithofacies of light-grey dolomites and dolomitic breccias; L5- Lithofacies of basal conglomerates; L6-Lithofacies of porous limestones („litavac“); L7-Lithofacies of sandy biocalcarenites and biocalcrudites and L8-Lithofacies of thin-plated clayey limestones.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
S obzirom na parametre čistoće stijene, veličine zrna i strukture te poroznosti, najveću mogućnost akumuliranja vode u podzemlju imaju Litofacijes tamnosivih dolomita i dolomitnih breča (L1) i Litofacijes svijetlih kristalastih dolomita i dolomitnih breča (L2).
According to the significant rock parameters (rock purity, grain size, texture and porosity), ground-water accumulation and movement of water are mainly influenced by Lithofacies of dark-grey dolomites and dolomitic breccias (L1) and Lithofacies of bright crystaline dolomites and dolomiticParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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