brod na jedra oor Engels

brod na jedra

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sailing ship

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sailing vessel

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Zbog toga su svi njegovi brodovi na jedrima imali crveni križ.
For this reason, all of his ships bore on their sails a red cross.jw2019 jw2019
Brodovi na jedra i motorni brodovi
Sailing and motor boatstmClass tmClass
Gulet ( franc . golette ) je tradicionalni turski drveni brod na jedra s dva jarbola , uzdignutim pramcem , i ravnom krmom .
Gulet ( world comes from French golette ; schooner ) is a traditional Turkish wooden sailing vessel with two-mast , raised bow , broad beam and flat stern .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Kada čuješ za gusarski brod, pomisliš na jedra, topove...
You hear " pirate ship " you think sails, cannonballs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Iako veliku većinu brodova pogoni dizel motor, a popularni su još i benzinski motori i pogon na jedra, brodovi na električni pogon ustvari postoje već 120 godina.
While a significant majority of water vessels are powered by diesel engines, with sail power and gasoline engines also popular, boats powered by electricity have been used for over 120 years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inače , to je treća Jonjićeva međunarodna izložba čija je voštana jedrilica dužine jednog metra , izložena u Pomorskom muzeju Dubrovnik , ušla u konkurenciju za Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao prvi voštani brod na jedra koji je prije četiri godine zaplovio u Jadranskom moru , a prije dvije i na Atlantiku . A. H .
He also has a one metre long model in the Maritime Museum in Dubrovnik which may be entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the first wax ship to sail in the Adriatic Sea and Atlantic Ocean .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Vidim brod s jedrima na visokom drvetu a pored njega kanu.
I see a ship with sails in a tall tree and from the stern hangs a canoe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Išli smo na jedrenje blizu vodopada na brodu s duginim jedrom.
And we went sailing near the waterfall, on the boat with the rainbow sail.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kao brodovi na ledu, samo što jedri na kotačima, nastavi Pitt, oglušujući se na Giordinov sarkazam.
"""Like an ice boat, only it sails on wheels,"" Pitt continued, deaf to Giordino's sarcasm."Literature Literature
Na drugome brodu platio bi to tek kojim razderanim jedrom, ali ne na ovome.
On another vessel he’d have suffered nothing worse than a burst sail or two, but not this one.Literature Literature
Dajte posadu na taj brod i spustite jedra.
Put a crew aboard this ship and have her re-canvased.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Naši brodovi jedre neko vrijeme na valovima, a onda moraju potonuti.
Our boats... sail for a little while on the waves and then they have to sink.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nekoć davno je bila jedro na brodu.
Was a sail on a ship long time ago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Idite na svoje brodove i podignite jedra.
Get to your ships, my lads, and hoist your sails!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I ljude s bijelim kapama koji jedre na brodovima.
And people in white hats sailing boats.QED QED
9 Čini se da su pojedini predani kršćani u nekim dijelovima svijeta skratili jedra na brodu svoje vjere.
9 A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith.jw2019 jw2019
Često se naglašava da je, kad je stigao u Novi svijet, Kolumbo na jedrima svojih brodova imao templarski križ.
It is often pointed out that when Columbus arrived in the New World his ships bore the Templar cross upon their sails.Literature Literature
Pa, ako ih ubaci na brod u Charlestonu i jedri s njima do ovamo, imao bi vremena za oboje.
Well, if he gets them on board in Charleston and sails them out here, he would have time for both.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On je pokušavao na svoju ruku brod pod punim jedrima, ali on ne čini puno napredovati, ja misao.
He was trying his hand at a ship under full sail, but he didn't make much headway, I thought.QED QED
Trebalo je brzo i još jedanput izvršiti neke promjene na jedrima, da se brod ne bi izložio opasnosti.
It became urgent to change once more the state of the sails, so as not to risk the security of the vessel.Literature Literature
Imali su katapulte i na dvadeset dva broda s bijelim jedrima u luci.
They had catapults on the twenty-two white-sailed ships in the harbour.Literature Literature
Prešli smo rijeku, a od pogleda na blještava jedra trgovačkih brodova, moje je srce zapjevalo.
We crossed the river, and the bright sails of trade-ships made my heart sing.Literature Literature
Mali brod s velikim jedrima bio je brži nego ikoji ratni brod na moru, ili je barem tako tvrdio njezin kapetan.
A small ship with big sails, she was faster than any warship afloat, or so her captain had claimed.Literature Literature
Drvena se platforma uz škripu postavila na viseću užad, poput broda koji jedri, i polako se spuštala izvan vidokruga.
The wooden platform settled on to the suspended ropes with a sailing-ship creak and slowly sank from view.Literature Literature
Koji od vas se dobrovoljno javlja da popravi ljestve gornjeg jedra? Jer kad se kapetan Flint vrati, neka se vrati na brod koji može podići jebena jedra bez smrtnih posljedica.
So which of you would like to volunteer to repair our topsail yard footrope so that when Captain Flint returns, he returns to a ship that can hoist its fucking sails without fatalities?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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