disciplinski oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Odgovarajuće nacionalno tijelo poduzima disciplinske mjere, ako je to potrebno.
Where applicable, disciplinary action shall be exercised by the national authority concerned.

Geskatte vertalings

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disciplinska komisija
disciplinary commission
disciplinska kazna
misconduct penalty
disciplinske mjere
disciplinary measures


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Takvo obrazloženje temeljeno na autonomnom karakteru kaznenih i disciplinskih postupaka može se primijeniti u postupku koji je, u vrijeme nastanka činjenica, bio predviđen člankom 247. stavkom 7. UEZ‐a i koji se sada nalazi u članku 286. stavku 6.
This reasoning, based on the autonomous nature of criminal and disciplinary proceedings, can be transposed to the procedure which was laid down, at the material time, in Article 247(7) EC and which now appears in Article 286(6) TFEU.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Otpustiti ga, disciplinski ga stisnuti cijelo desetljeće, ili mu natovariti još jaču istragu.
You can fire him, tie him up in administrative proceedings for the next decade, refer him to harsher interrogations.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako se u okviru nacionalnog prava pokrene disciplinski ili administrativni postupak, informacije iz izvješća o događajima ne koriste se protiv:
If disciplinary or administrative proceedings are instituted under national law, information contained in occurrence reports shall not be used against:not-set not-set
stalnog obrazovanja, osiguranja kvalitete i istražnih i disciplinskih sustava.
continuing education, quality assurance and investigative and disciplinary systems.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
izvršavanje administrativnih istraga i disciplinskih postupaka;
the performance of administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
U okviru svojeg upravnog djelovanja EDA može provoditi administrativne istrage, disciplinske postupke, preliminarne aktivnosti u vezi sa slučajevima potencijalnih nepravilnosti prijavljenih Europskom uredu za borbu protiv prijevara (OLAF), postavljati ograničenja u odnosu na povjerljive elemente ad hoc aktivnosti u kontekstu Odluke 2015/1835, obrađivati slučajeve zviždanja, obrađivati postupke uznemiravanja, obrađivati unutarnje i vanjske pritužbe, provoditi istrage koje vodi službenik za zaštitu podataka u skladu s člankom 45. stavkom 2. Uredbe (EU) 2018/1725 i interne sigurnosne istrage (u području informacijske tehnologije), provoditi aktivnosti za zaštitu drugih važnih ciljeva od općeg javnog interesa Unije ili države članice, a posebno ciljeva zajedničke vanjske i sigurnosne politike Unije.
Within the framework of its administrative functioning, EDA may conduct administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings; carry out preliminary activities related to cases of potential irregularities reported to OLAF; impose restrictions as regards to classified elements of ad hoc activities in the context of Decision 2015/1835; process whistleblowing cases; handle procedures of harassment; process internal and external complaints; carry out investigations by the Data Protection Officer in line with Article 45(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725; internal (IT) security investigations; and carrying out activities to protect other important objectives of general public interest of the Union or of a Member State, in particular the objectives of the common foreign and security policy of the Union.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
U odnosu na upućeno osoblje, disciplinski postupak provode državna tijela ili predmetna institucija EU-a.
In the case of seconded staff, disciplinary action shall be exercised by the national authorities or EU institution concerned.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U skladu s člancima od 3. do 7. ove Odluke, Komisija može ograničiti primjenu članaka od 14. do 17. i članaka 19., 20. i 35. Uredbe (EU) 2018/1725, kao i načelo transparentnosti iz članka 4. stavka 1. točke (a) te uredbe u mjeri u kojoj se njegove odredbe odnose na prava i obveze iz članaka od 14. do 17. i članaka 19., 20. i 35. te uredbe, ako bi ostvarivanje tih prava i obveza ugrozilo svrhu administrativnih istraga, preddisciplinskih i disciplinskih postupaka te postupaka suspenzije ili bi negativno utjecalo na prava i slobode drugih ispitanika.
Subject to Articles 3 to 7 of this Decision, the Commission may restrict the application of Articles 14 to 17, 19, 20 and 35 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, as well as the principle of transparency laid down in Article 4(1)(a) of that Regulation insofar as its provisions correspond to the rights and obligations provided for in Articles 14 to 17, 19, 20 and 35 of that Regulation, where the exercise of those rights and obligations would jeopardise the purpose of administrative inquiries, pre-disciplinary, disciplinary and suspension proceedings or would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Član osoblja ili bivši član osoblja podliježe disciplinskim mjerama, ako se namjerno ili iz nemara ne pridržava svojih obveza iz ovog Pravilnika o osoblju.
Any failure by a staff member or former staff member to comply with his obligations under these Staff Regulations, whether intentionally or through negligence on his part, shall make him liable to disciplinary action.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Slijedom toga, iako se većina članova disciplinskog odbora slagala oko toga da je, prema njegovu mišljenju, Izvršni odbor mogao utvrditi narušavanje odnosa povjerenja da je smatrao da se tužitelj vodio osobnim interesom, Službenički sud smatra da je Izvršni odbor u okviru svoje široke diskrecijske ovlasti u definiranju svojih zahtijeva glede integriteta osoblja ESB‐a u predmetnom slučaju mogao smatrati da je došlo do narušavanja odnosa povjerenja, čak i izvan situacije koju navodi disciplinski odbor, odnosno čak i da ne postoji dokaz o tome da se tužitelj vodio osobnim interesom.
Consequently, even though the majority of the Disciplinary Committee agreed that, from its point of view, a breakdown in the relationship of trust could be established by the Executive Board if the latter took the view that the applicant had been furthering his personal interest, the Tribunal finds that the Executive Board could, under its broad discretion to define its requirements in terms of the integrity of ECB staff, take the view in the present case that the breakdown in the relationship of trust was complete, even outside the situation suggested by the Disciplinary Committee, that is to say even in the absence of proof that the applicant had been furthering his personal interest.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Protiv svakog pojedinca odgovornog za povredu sigurnosnih propisa utvrđenih ovom Odlukom može se pokrenuti disciplinski postupak u skladu s mjerodavnim pravilima i propisima.
Any individual who is responsible for a breach of the security rules laid down in this Decision may be liable to disciplinary action in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disciplinska pravila, postupci i mjere te pravila u vezi s upravnim istragama utvrđeni su u Prilogu IX.”
Disciplinary rules, procedures and measures and the rules covering administrative investigations are laid down in Annex IX.’EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
oslobodi tužitelja od disciplinske odgovornosti u odnosu na optužbe koje je istaknuo EULEX;
exonerate him of each of the disciplinary charges brought against him by Eulex;·EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disciplinske mjere
Disciplinary measuresEurLex-2 EurLex-2
3) Spadaju li odredbe koje zabranjuju svako oglašavanje protivno profesionalnoj etici (odredbe članka 27. stavaka 1. do 3. u vezi s glavom D točkom 13. Kodeksa liječničke etike [savezne zemlje Hessen]) u pravila struke čije nepoštivanje od strane pružatelja usluga omogućuje pokretanje disciplinskog postupka u državi članici domaćinu pred liječničkim tijelom nadležnim za provođenje disciplinskih postupaka zbog teže povrede pravila struke koja je izravno i posebno povezana sa zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnosti potrošača?
(3) Are the provisions on unprofessional advertising (Paragraph 27(1) to (3) in conjunction with Part D, point 13, of the [Code of professional conduct for doctors in Hesse]) professional rules the breach of which by the service provider in the host State may give rise to professional disciplinary proceedings for serious professional malpractice which is directly and specifically linked to consumer protection and safety?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
" Disciplinski problemi " s mlađim bratom Tyler.
" disciplinary issues " with younger brother Tyler.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
152 Iako svaka od različitih okolnosti navedenih u točkama 147. do 151. ove presude doduše ne može, sama po sebi i promatrana izolirano, dovesti u sumnju neovisnost tijela poput Disciplinskog vijeća, njihova bi kombinacija, međutim, mogla dovesti do drugačijeg zaključka, tim više ako bi gore navedeno ispitivanje u vezi s KRS-om pokazalo nedostatak neovisnosti potonjeg u odnosu na zakonodavnu i izvršnu vlast.
152 Although any one of the various facts referred to in paragraphs 147 to 151 above is indeed not capable, per se and taken in isolation, of calling into question the independence of a chamber such as the Disciplinary Chamber, that may, by contrast, not be true once they are taken together, particularly if the abovementioned assessment as regards the KRS were to find that that body lacks independence in relation to the legislature and the executive.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Ako potičete pobačaj na bilo koji način, mogli biste biti podvrgnuti crkvenom disciplinskom postupku.
If you encourage an abortion in any way, you may be subject to Church discipline.LDS LDS
Odgovarajuće nacionalno tijelo poduzima disciplinske mjere, ako je to potrebno.
Where applicable, disciplinary action shall be exercised by the national authority concerned.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Centar pred disciplinskim povjerenstvom zastupa član osoblja koji u tu svrhu dobiva mandat od direktora.
The Centre shall be represented before the Disciplinary Board by a staff member mandated by the Director to this effect.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disciplinske mjere.
Disciplinary action.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Članak 101. stavak 1. UFEU-a, u vezi s člankom 4. stavkom 3. UEU-a, treba tumačiti na način da nacionalni propis poput onoga o kojemu je riječ u glavnom postupku koji, s jedne strane, ne omogućava odvjetniku i njegovoj stranci da naknadu koja pripada odvjetniku dogovore u iznosu nižem od najnižeg dopuštenog iznosa određenog pravilnikom profesionalnog udruženja odvjetnika, poput Visšeg advokatskog saveta (Visoko odvjetničko vijeće, Bugarska), pod prijetnjom provođenja disciplinskog postupka protiv odvjetnika o kojem je riječ, i, s druge strane, ne omogućava sudu da naloži naknadu iznosa nagrade za rad nižu od tog najnižeg dopuštenog iznosa, može ograničiti tržišno natjecanje na unutarnjem tržištu, u smislu članka 101. stavka 1.
Article 101(1) TFEU, read in conjunction with Article 4(3) TEU must be interpreted as meaning that national legislation, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which, first, does not allow a lawyer and his client to agree remuneration in an amount below the minimum amount laid down in a regulation issued by a lawyers’ professional organisation, such as the Vissh advokatski savet (Supreme Council of the Legal Profession, Bulgaria), without that lawyer being subject to a disciplinary procedure, and, secondly, which does not authorise the courts to order reimbursement of fees in an amount less than that minimum amount, is capable of restricting competition in the internal market within the meaning of Article 101(1) TFEU.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Sastav znanstvenog odbora osigurava uravnoteženu rodnu, disciplinsku i sektorsku stručnost kao i regionalnu raspodjelu.
The composition of the scientific committee shall ensure a balance of gender, disciplinary and sectoral expertise as well as regional distribution.not-set not-set
Izgleda da je morao napustiti koledž iz disciplinskih razloga.
He left college for disciplinary reasons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako pogledamo na Drugi vatikanski koncil, vidimo da u tome povijesnom času Crkve nije bilo posebnih zabluda vjere koje je trebalo ispravljati ili osuditi, niti je bilo specifičnih doktrinarnih ili disciplinskih pitanja koja bi trebalo razjasniti.
If we look at the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, we see that in that stretch of the Church’s journey there were no particular errors of faith to correct or condemn, nor were there any specific questions of doctrine or discipline to explain.vatican.va vatican.va
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