domoljubni oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Pitali su ih misle li da je emisija domoljubna ili nije.
They were asked if the show was patriotic or unpatriotic, and Jack wanted you to see the results.

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Da, dobro, taj navodni strah pretvorio je previše domoljubnih Amerikanca u crvene.
“Yeah, well, that supposed fear has turned far too many patriotic Americans into Reds.”Literature Literature
Davanje napojnica nije domoljubno.
Tipping is un-American.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mladi kralj je odlučio pritisnuti bratovo pravo na rusko prijestolje čak i nakon što su Poljaci su bili protjerani iz Moskve nakon domoljubnog ustanka 1612. godine te je Mihail Romanov bio izabran za novog cara.
The young king decided to press his brother's claim to the Russian throne even after the Poles had been expelled from Moscow by a patriotic uprising of 1612 and Mikhail Romanov had been elected a new tsar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pa sam rekao, " Gledajte, jesu li ove sve domoljubne stvari u parku farsa? "
lz mog osobnog znanja i iskustva mogu reći kako su ltalo- Amerikanci među najodanijim, zakonu najposlušnijim, najdomoljubnijim i najvrijednijim građanima ove zemlje
I can state from my own knowledge and experience that Italian- Americans are among the most Ioyal, most law- abiding, patriotic, hard- working American citizens in this landopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Na drugom mjestu hvali domoljubnoga baruna koji se trudio očuvati Anglia Anglis.
And here he praises a patriotic baron, who would struggle to preserve Anglia Anglis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Radila je dakako u različitim odborima, što se i očekivalo od svake domoljubne žene, ali je taj rad nije poticao.
She did her committee work, as every patriotic woman was expected to do, but she did not find it challenging.Literature Literature
Kad je jedna grupa djece odbila pjevati domoljubne pjesme, učitelj se razljutio i čitavom razredu rekao da izađe van.
When one group of children refused to participate in singing patriotic songs, their teacher became angry and ordered the class to stand outside.jw2019 jw2019
“Siguran sam da ne biste prezali ni pred kojom domoljubnom dužnošću–” “Dobro.
“I am sure you would not flinch from any patriotic duty—” “Good.Literature Literature
Bilo kako bilo, nipošto neće sudjelovati u domoljubnim gestama koje nisu u skladu s Biblijom (2.
In any case, they are determined not to make patriotic gestures, which are out of harmony with the Bible.jw2019 jw2019
Sjeverni Irak općenito je bio područje nemira tijekom rane faze iransko-iračkog rata, kada su se 1982. i 1983. godine, uz iransku podršku, udružile paravojne postrojbe Kurdistanske demokratske stranke i Domoljubne unije Kurdistana.
Northern Iraq was an area of general unrest during the early stage of the Iran–Iraq War, with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) militias joining forces, with Iranian support, in 1982 and 1983, respectively.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dawronoyi afilirana Domoljubna revolucionarna organizacija Bet-Nahraina (PROB) izvela je prvi napad skupa s Kurdistanskom radničkom strankom (PKK) protiv vojne utvrde Kurdistanske demokratske strane (KDP) u gradu Kasre, pri čemu je poginulo 39 Pešmerginih boraca i 20 ozlijeđeno.
On 17 July 1999, the Dawronoye-affiliated Patriotic Revolutionary Organization of Bet Nahrain (PROB) carried out its first attack alongside with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) against a KDP military compound in the town of Kasre, where 39 Peshmerga fighters were killed and 20 injured.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ako nešto prozovu Domoljubnim zakonom, onda budite sigurni da će isti ubrzo iskoristiti za progon nas domoljuba.
If they call something the Patriot Act, you can bet it won’t be long before they’re using it to hunt down us patriots.Literature Literature
2: Koji biblijski reci utječu na stav kršćana prema sudjelovanju u domoljubnim svečanostima? (rs str. 217 odl. 2 – str. 218 odl. 3) (5 min)
2: What Scriptures Influence a Christian’s Attitude Toward Patriotic Ceremonies? —rs p. 274 ¶2–p. 275 ¶3 (5 min.)jw2019 jw2019
Rimski povjesničari, kao što su Tit Livije i Tacit, spominju neke prostitutke koje su stekle ugled svojim domoljubnim, poštenim ili dobrotvornim postupcima.
Historians such as Livy and Tacitus mention prostitutes who had acquired some degree of respectability through patriotic, law-biding, or euergetic behavior.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Waco i Dallas previše su domoljubni.
And Waco and Dallas are too patriotic.Literature Literature
Scena je bila vrlo emotivna: hrvatske su zastave vijorile na vjetru, ljudi su pjevali domoljubne pjesme i nosili barjake s natpisima " Recimo ne EU " i " Bože, čuvaj naše generale "
The scene was very emotional: Croatian flags fluttered in the wind, people were singing patriotic songs and carrying banners that read " No to the EU " and " God save our generals "Setimes Setimes
Sljedeće tri godine sastojale su se od rata između Hutu vlade i napadačkih snaga poznatih kao Ruandska Domoljubna Fronta.
The next three years consisted of war between the Hutu government and the invading forces known as the Rwanda Patriotic Front.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Postavit ćemo Jennu na pozornicu, zastave iza nje, pjevat će nešto gdje se SAD rimuje s Nek'plate, obući je u domoljubni kostim i nazvati to pozdrav trupama.
We're gonna take Jenna, put some flags behind her, have her sing a song that rhymes USA with " Make them pay, " dress her in an eagle costume, and we're gonna call it a salute to the troops episode.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neki je vojnik rekao da je to naša domoljubna dužnost - znate kako oni već govore - ali Robert, on je bio lukav.
Some army man said it was our patriotic duty—you know, they talk like that—but Robert, he was clever.Literature Literature
Također je pisao domoljubne pjesme, u kojima je iznio intimne osjećaje boli, nade i razočarenja zbog tragedija u suvremenoj slovenskoj povijesti.
He also wrote patriotic songs, in which he conveyed intimate sentiments of pain, hope and frustration for the tragedies in the contemporary Slovenian history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Osnivač Nacionalnog kongresa za narodnu obranu, 2006.; visoki časnik, Zbor za kongoansku demokraciju – Goma (RCD-G), 1998.–2006.; časnik Domoljubnog fronta Ruande (RPF), 1992.–1998.
Founder, National Congress for the People's Defense, 2006; Senior Officer, Rally for Congolese Democracy-Goma (RCD-G), 1998-2006; Officer Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), 1992-1998.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Iz mog osobnog znanja i iskustva mogu reći kako su Italo-Amerikanci među najodanijim, zakonu najposlušnijim, najdomoljubnijim i najvrijednijim građanima ove zemlje.
I can state from my own knowledge and experience that Italian-Americans are among the most loyal, most law-abiding, patriotic, hard-working American citizens in this land.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Na temelju svog razumijevanja Biblije mnogi su osobno odlučili ne sudjelovati niti u pozdravljanju zastave niti u pjevanju domoljubnih pjesama.
Because of their understanding of the Bible, many make a personal decision to refrain from participating in the flag salute and in the singing of patriotic songs.jw2019 jw2019
Sažetak : Autor ukazuje na osobit položaj , prirodne odlike , rani život na otoku Žirju i da se rano spominje u pisanim izvorima ; zatim , na kretanje pučanstva , duhovni rad i život i na domoljubnu liniju duhovnog života u Žirju - od srednjovjekovlja do zadnjeg domovinskog rata .
Summary : The author points to special position , natural characeristic , early life on island ž irje and that the island of Ž irje has been very early mentioned in the written documents ; then , about follow of population the spiritual ork and life on island and to the patriotic line of the spiritual life on Ž irje since the Middle Age to the last patriotic war .hrenWaC hrenWaC
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