drukčije rasporediti oor Engels

drukčije rasporediti

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Hmm, znaš da ako drukčija rasporediš ova slova, dobiješ...
Hmm, you know if you rearrange these letters, you get...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unutra se nije mogao uporabiti nos jer je dugmad bila drukčije raspoređena.
Inside, he couldn’t use his nose because the buttons were different.Literature Literature
Možemo li drugačije rasporediti namještaj?
Do you mind if we rearrange the furniture?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Treba li da se ujutro drugačije rasporedimo?
Should we regroup in the morning?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako protresete kutiju, komadići će se drugačije rasporediti.
If you shake the box, the pieces will take up another arrangement.Literature Literature
– veterinarske ljekarne i veterinarske drogerije, ako njihov kapital drže isključivo veterinari ili ako je on drukčije raspoređen na temelju kasnijih zakonodavnih izmjena;
– veterinary pharmacies and veterinary pharmaceutical outlets, if their capital is exclusively held by veterinary practitioners or if it is otherwise amassed in the wake of subsequent legislative amendments;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
– veterinarske ljekarne i veterinarske drogerije, ako njihov kapital drže isključivo veterinari ili ako je on drugačije raspoređen na temelju kasnijih zakonodavnih izmjena [...]”
– veterinary pharmacies and veterinary pharmaceutical outlets, if their capital is exclusively held by veterinary practitioners or if it is otherwise amassed in the wake of subsequent legislative amendments ...’eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
45 Na tu se mogućnost upućuje i u točki (m) članka 1. PV-a, koja veterinarske ljekarne i veterinarske drogerije obvezuje da navedu „drže li njihov kapital isključivo veterinari ili je on drugačije raspoređen na temelju kasnijih zakonodavnih izmjena” (moje isticanje).
46 That eventuality is also hinted at in Article 1(m) of the CVP, which requires veterinary pharmacies and veterinary pharmaceutical outlets to specify ‘if their capital is exclusively held by veterinary practitioners or if it is otherwise amassed in the wake of subsequent legislative amendments’ (emphasis added).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Da je Alice ona stara, to bi bilo raspoređeno drugačije.
If Alice was still Alice, that would be arranged into a cock and balls by now.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Čak su i povijesne činjenice, osim jedne, raspoređene drukčije.
Even the historical events have been in at least one case rearranged.Literature Literature
Globalne raznolikosti mogu biti raspoređene vrlo drukčije od onih za 'druge veze'.
The global lines of division can be very differently drawn for these “other affiliations.”Literature Literature
Njih se petorica rasporede po naslonjačima, ali ozračje je bilo drugačije negoli na prijašnjim sastancima.
The five of them sat around the room but the atmosphere was different from their earlier meetings.Literature Literature
Njemačka vlada je opravdavala okupaciju potrebom da pruže podršku svojim jedinicama raspoređenim u susjednoj Francuskoj, mada su Luksemburžani drukčije tumačili njemačke postupke.
The German government justified the occupation by citing the need to support their armies in neighbouring France, although many Luxembourgers, contemporary and present, have interpreted German actions otherwise.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Osim ako je u rasporedima stranaka za ukidanje carina iz Priloga I.-A poglavlju 1. glave IV. Sporazuma (dalje u tekstu „rasporedi”) predviđeno drukčije, na ukidanje carina koje stranke provode na temelju članka 29. (Ukidanje carina na uvoz) glave IV. (Trgovina i pitanja povezana s trgovinom) Sporazuma primjenjuju se sljedeća pojašnjenja:
Except as otherwise provided in the Tariff Elimination Schedules of Parties included in Annex I-A to Chapter 1 of Title IV of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Schedules’), the following clarifications apply to the elimination of customs duties by Parties pursuant to Article 29 (Elimination of Customs Duties on Imports) of Title IV (Trade and Trade-related Matters) of the Agreement:eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Osim ako je u rasporedima stranaka za ukidanje carina iz Priloga I.-A poglavlju 1. (dalje u tekstu „rasporedi”) predviđeno drukčije, na ukidanje carina koje provode stranke u skladu s člankom 29. (Ukidanje carina na uvoz) glave IV. (Trgovina i pitanja povezana s trgovinom) ovog Sporazuma primjenjuju se sljedeća pojašnjenja:
Except as otherwise provided in the Tariff Elimination Schedules of Parties included in Annex I-A to Chapter 1 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Schedules’), the following clarifications apply to the elimination of customs duties by Parties pursuant to Article 29 (Elimination of Customs Duties on Imports) of Title IV (Trade and Trade-related Matters) of this Agreement:eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Druge okultne tradicije, ili druge vjere/duhovni pravci će možda imati u potpunost drukčije rasporede.
Other occult traditions and other religions/spiritual paths may have completely different layouts.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ta energetska tranzicija, pokrenuta u svim europskim zemljama, za posljedicu ima drugačiji razmještaj izvora proizvodnje: nova postrojenja, raspoređena na širem području nego što je slučaj kod konvencionalnih načina proizvodnje, ne podudaraju se s prethodnim geografskim razmještajem.
This energy transition on which all European countries have embarked results in energy being generated in different locations: these new sites, which are more dispersed than ‘traditional’ power plants, do not coincide with the previous template.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Osim ako je u ovoj glavi drukčije određeno, ako se stavka može rasporediti u više od jedne kategorije zahtijevanih stabilnih izvora financiranja, raspoređuje se u kategoriju zahtijevanih stabilnih izvora financiranja koja proizvodi najveći ugovorni zahtijevani stabilni izvor financiranja za tu stavku.
Unless otherwise specified in this Title, where an item can be allocated to more than one required stable funding category, it shall be allocated to the required stable funding category that produces the greatest contractual required stable funding for that item.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Sastavljeno u Ženevi dana ... [mjesec] tisuću devetsto devedeset pete u po jednom primjerku na engleskom, francuskom i španjolskom jeziku, pri čemu se svaki od tih tekstova smatra vjerodostojnim, osim ako nije drukčije predviđeno s obzirom na obvezujuće rasporede koji se nalaze u Prilogu ovom Protokolu.
Done at Geneva this ... day of [month] one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five, in a single copy in the English, French and Spanish languages, each text being authentic, except as otherwise provided for in respect of the schedules annexed hereto.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(Zvijezde su raspoređene u galaksije i njihovo je kretanje međusobno uvjetovano, iako svaka zvijezda ima drugačija svojstva.
(The stars are grouped into galaxies and move in relation to one another, even though the characteristics of the individual stars differ.jw2019 jw2019
Sredstva preraspoređena iz projekata na temelju 9. EDF-a ili prijašnjih EDF-ova nakon 31. prosinca 2007. više se ne mogu preraspoređivati, osim ako Vijeće na temelju prijedloga Komisije jednoglasno ne odluči drukčije, s iznimkom sredstava raspoređenih nakon tog datuma stupanja na snagu koji proizlaze iz sustava kojim se jamči stabilizacija zarada od izvoza primarnih poljoprivrednih proizvoda (Stabex) na temelju EDF-ova koji su prethodili 9. EDF-u, a koji se automatski prenose na nacionalne indikativne programe navedene u članku 2. točki (a) podtočki i. i članku 3. stavku 1. te sredstava navedenih u stavku 2. točki (b).
Funds decommitted from projects under the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs after 31 December 2007 shall no longer be committed, unless decided otherwise by the Council unanimously, on the basis of a proposal by the Commission, with the exception of the funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the systems guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (Stabex) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF which shall be automatically transferred to the respective national indicative programmes referred to in Article 2(a)(i) and Article 3(1) and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
To znači da su komponente pogonske jedinice, uključujući hladnjake ulja motora, vode, ulja mjenjača i ERS sustava, drukčije raspoređeni unutar motornog prostora, ali i da Ferrari ima poboljšane sustave hlađenja koji zauzimaju manje prostora uz zadržavanje učinkovitosti.
This means that the components of the power unit, including engine oil, water, transmission oil and ERS coolers, are differently distributed inside the engine department, but also hints that Ferrari has improved their cooling systems that take up less space while maintaining efficiency and power.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
U tom smislu, činjenica da su različiti elementi STL-a raspoređeni između različitih zakonskih odredbi koje su de facto međusobno povezane ne jamči – kao takva – drugačiji pristup.
In that respect, the fact that the different elements of the STL are spread among different legal provisions that are de facto linked together would not — as such — warrant a different approach.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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