fizička lica oor Engels

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Ravnatelj je svake sekunde osjećao fizičku bol na licu kojem će dugo trebati da zacijeli, ali to je bilo nevažno.
The chief warden felt physical pain every second from a face that would take a long time to heal, but it meant nothing.Literature Literature
Razlikovna fizička obilježja: veliko okruglo lice, puna brada te šepa zbog plastične proteze umjesto donjeg dijela lijeve noge.
Distinguishing physical marks: large round face, full beard, and walks with a limp due to plastic prosthesis in place of his left lower leg.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Revizije operacija obuhvaćaju provjere na licu mjesta fizičke provedbe operacije samo ako se to zahtijeva vrstom predmetne operacije.
Audits of operations shall include on-the-spot verification of the physical implementation of the operation only where it is required by the type of operation concerned.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Revizije operacija uključuju, ako je primjenjivo, provjeru na licu mjesta fizičke provedbe operacije.
Audits of operations shall, where applicable, include on-the-spot verification of the physical implementation of the operation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iako su liječnici rekli da će se fizički sasvim oporaviti, u licu je siv i ispijen.
Although physically the doctors say he’ll make a full recovery, he looks grey and drawn.Literature Literature
Nakon što je izdahnula, okupljeni su uočili fizičku promjenu na njenom licu.
When she awakens, she perceives her real physical appearance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
dokumentirati, na licu mjesta, fizički dokazi preusmjeravanja konvencionalnog oružja i streljiva ili trgovine njima u regijama pogođenima sukobima;
document, in situ, the physical evidence of diverted or trafficked conventional weapons and ammunition in conflict-affected regions;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
„Ne fizički, osim šake u lice, ali to mu se već i prije znalo dogoditi.
“Not physically other than a fist to the face, but he’s had that before.Literature Literature
Vidjet ćeš emotivnu reakciju na mom licu i fizičku prema tvome!
You're going to see an emotional response on my face and a physical response directed at yours.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Provjerama na licu mjesta države članice fizički provjeravaju točnost registracije i knjigovodstva za plasirano mlijeko, a posebno:
At all stages Member States shall physically check by means of on-the-spot checks the accuracy of registration and accounting of the milk marketed and in particular:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kako je internet postao sve jači medij , te se sve više koristi u reklamne svrhe , WNN omogućava fizičkim i pravnim licima da se na jednostava n način oglašavaju po veoma povoljnom cenama na više portala odjednom .
As the internet has become a media that grows ever stronger , and is increasingly used for advertising purposes , both in the more developed parts of the world and progressively also in less advanced part , WNN provides a simple way of advertising , at very affordable prices , on several web portals at once .hrenWaC hrenWaC
To se dokazivalo preslikama računa za sirovine pronađenih na licu mjesta usporedno s fizičkim pregledom proizvodnih linija i zaliha sirovina.
This was evidenced by copies of raw materials invoices seen on the spot together with a physical inspection of the production lines and stocks of raw materials.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Njegovo lice bilo je rječiti of fizičke patnje.
His face was eloquent of physical suffering.QED QED
Sličnost nije bila fizička, već se prije očitovala kroz izraz lica i manire.
The resemblance was not physical but one of expression and manner.Literature Literature
Države članice tijekom uzimanja otisaka prstiju i prikaza lica uvijek poštuju dostojanstvo i fizički integritet maloljetnika.
At all times Member States shall respect the dignity and physical integrity of the minor during the fingerprinting procedure and when capturing a facial image.not-set not-set
Žudnja za njim je iznenada postala tako intenzivna i fizička da je osjetila navalu krvi u lice.
Suddenly the longing for him was so intense and so physical that she felt a rush of blood to her face.Literature Literature
Godišnja inventura sastavlja se osobito na temelju rezultata kontrola zaliha iz članka 4. Uredbe br. 2148/96 koje se provode fizičkom provjerom skladišta na licu mjesta, u skladu s postupcima iz Priloga III. navedenoj uredbi.
The annual inventory is established in particular on the basis of the results of inventory controls covered by Article 4 of Regulation No 2148/96, performed by means of the on-the-spot physical inspection of storage sites, in accordance with the procedures referred to in Annex III to that regulation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Države članice tijekom uzimanja otisaka prstiju i prikaza lica uvijek trebaju poštovati dostojanstvo i fizički integritet maloljetnika.
At all times Member States should respect the dignity and physical integrity of the minor during the fingerprinting procedure and when capturing a facial image.not-set not-set
218 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.