halja oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Istupite na svjetlo i svucite te smiješne halje.
Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes.




Podići ću ti halju i pregledati te. U redu?
I'm going to lift your gown and examine you, okay?


Bio je okorjeli radikal koji se skrivao iza svojih halja.
He's a dyed-in-the-wool radical hiding behind his vestments.
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monk's cloth

[ monk’s cloth ]
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monk's cloth


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Svakoga sam puta mogao vidjeti barem dva obrisa: obrise muškaraca u dugačkim etrurskim haljama sa šiljatim bradama.
At least two were visible each time: men in long brown Etruscan robes, with pointed beards.Literature Literature
Sara je sakrila bilješku u nabore halje, čekajući trenutak samoće.
Sara secreted the note into the folds of her robe, waiting for a private moment.Literature Literature
Ljudi su nahrupili prema naprijed, moleći blagoslov i pokušavajući dotaknuti snježnobijele halje svetih ljudi.
The crowd surged forward, people begging for a blessing and trying to touch the snow-white robes of the holy men.Literature Literature
Sanjala sam onaj san o Peggy puno puta kao mala, s maskama i haljom.
I had the Peggy dream so many times when I was younger with the masks and the robe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Joseph, gde ti je halja?
Joseph, where the hell is your robe?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kabera je zavukao ruku u halju i izvukao malen modar kamen na kožnoj traci, poljubio ga i izrekao kratku molitvu.
Cabera reached into his robe and brought forth a small blue stone on a thong, kissing it and mumbling a short prayer.Literature Literature
Kahdia je stajao na vratima, visok i vitak u svojoj bijeloj halji.
Kahdia stood in the doorway, tall and slender in his white robe.Literature Literature
Nosio je dugačku svećeničku halju i nije pio. Majka je rekla da je u celibatu, zbog toga je došao kod nje.
He wore these long monk's robes, he didn't drink, and according to my mother, he was celibate, which is why he came to her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Caris je utisnula lice u Mairine meke dojke, puštajući da joj se vunena halja natopi suzama.
Caris pressed her face into Mair’s soft breasts, letting the woollen robe soak up the tears.Literature Literature
Vrativši se u predvorje, skinuo sam kapu i halju.
Returning to the hall, I removed my cap and robe.Literature Literature
Sakrio sam se među gomilom, posramljen, glave stalno zaklonjene kapuljačom moje dominikanske halje.
I am mingling with the crowd, feeling deeply ashamed, my head still covered by the hood of my Dominican habit.Literature Literature
Desetljeća zaštite ispod redovničke halje poštedila su je sunčevih zraka od kojih koža stari.
Decades of protection beneath a nun’s habit had spared her from the sun’s aging rays.Literature Literature
Zašto onda napadaš čovjeka u bolničkoj halji?
Then why are you accosting a man in a dressing gown?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isgrimnur se okrene i ščepa svećenika za halju, unijevši se manjem čovjeku u lice.
Isgrimnur turned and grabbed at the priest's robe, thrusting his face close to the smaller man's.Literature Literature
Poput pornozvijezde u redovničkoj halji.
It's like looking at a porno star in a nun's habit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Promišljeno hodanje koje se doimalo gotovo anakronističkim, kao da se ta figura šeće u srednjevjekovnim haljama?
The deliberate pace that seemed almost anachronistic, as if the figure should be strolling in medieval robes?Literature Literature
Halja od neobojene vune opasana uzetom od konoplje obilježavala ga je kao jednog od prosjačke braće.
A robe of undyed wool belted with a hempen rope marked him for one of the begging brothers.Literature Literature
"""Odjeveni u crne halje, kako piše Libanio u Pro templis, monasi su jeli više od slonova."
"""Wearing black vestments, as Libanius writes in Pro Templis, the monks ate more than elephants."Literature Literature
„A upravo sad, dok mi ovdje divanimo, Juda ulazi u samostan s bodežom skrivenim pod haljom.
“But right now, right now as we talk, Judas is at the monastery with his knife hidden under his shirt.Literature Literature
Do polovice staze nosila je sandale, a ne čizme, i do listova dugu jednodijelnu halju s teškim zlatnim pojasom.
Halfway down the row she was wearing sandals, not boots, and a calf-length, one-piece garment, with a heavy gold belt.Literature Literature
Svečana halja časti.
Ceremonial robe of honour.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Guilder je stao ispred visokog zrcala držeći halju pred sobom.
Guilder positioned himself in front of the full-length mirror with the gown held before him.Literature Literature
Bojiš se za njega među strvinarima u crvenim haljama.
And, I think, rather fearing for him... here among we red-robed vultures.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vidjela je kako njezin otac gleda sjedokosog svećenika, u njegovoj blijedožutoj božjoj halji.
She saw her father look at the grey-haired cleric, in his pale yellow robe of the god.Literature Literature
Sad kad ti muškarci nisu više bili osvijetljeni, vođa u bijeloj halji mahnuo im je da krenu naprijed.
Now that his men were no longer back-lighted, the white-robed leader waved them forward.Literature Literature
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