inženjer građevine oor Engels

inženjer građevine

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construction engineer
(@1 : tr:inşaat mühendisi )
civil engineer
(@1 : tr:inşaat mühendisi )
civil engineering
(@1 : tr:inşaat mühendisi )


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Usluge inženjera, osobito inženjera građevine
Engineering services, in particular civil engineeringtmClass tmClass
Ovo mjesto bilo je namijenjeno inženjeru građevine s Berkeleya.
That seat was meant for a structural engineer from Berkeley.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Biste li radije da su ovu građevinu izgradili inženjeri ili Whitman i njegovi zaigrani momci?
Would you rather this building be built by engineers or Whitman and his boys at play?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Usluge inženjera, osobito u području toplinske izolacije građevina
Engineering, in particular in the field of heat insulation for buildingstmClass tmClass
Prema Turskoj udruzi arhitekata, građevinskih i strojarskih inženjera (TMMOB), više od # posto građevina u Turskoj izgrađeno je ilegalno i protivno građevinskim standardima
According to the Turkish Construction and Machine Engineers and Architects Union (TMMOB), more that # per cent of buildings in Turkey are illegal and substandardSetimes Setimes
Ne morate biti inženjer da biste gradili prelijepe kuće, prelijepe mostove, prelijepe građevine.
You don't have to be an engineer to make beautiful houses, beautiful bridges, beautiful buildings.ted2019 ted2019
Građevina je nazvana po Josephu Tottenu, vojnom časniku i inženjeru, poznatom kao otac utvrda od cigle.
Structure's named after Joseph Totten, U.S. army officer and engineer known as the father of brick fortification.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zanimanja arhitekta i inženjera štite društvo od opasnosti povezanih s građevinama i tehničkom opremom te daljnjim razvojem tehničke opreme za infrastrukturu i nove tehnologije potiču inovativnost društva i kvalitetu života.
Architects and engineers protect the community from risks arising from structures and technical equipment, and promote society’s capacity to innovate and people’s quality of life by developing infrastructure and technical equipment and inventing new technologies.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Trenutno je zaposleno 10 djelatnika; diplomirani inženjeri građevine, diplomirani inženjeri arhitekture, prvostupnici građevinarstva, građevinski tehničari, ovlašteni agent za promet nekretnina, pravnica i brojni vanjski suradnici.
Currently 10 employees are employed: graduate engineers, graduate architectural engineers, bachelors of civil engineering, civil engineering technicians, licensed real estate agent, lawyer and many collaborators.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Diplomirani je inženjer građevine s preko 20 godina iskustva u struci na pozicijama u upravi i visokom menadžmentu u domaćim i stranim tvrtkama u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.
He is an engineer with over 20 years of experience in positions of the administration and senior management in domestic and foreign companies in Croatia and abroad.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Moj je otac bio nevjerojatno precizan. Bio je inženjer građevine, ništa se nije radilo bez jakog osjećaja za preciznost i točnost u smislu uporabe materijala i minimalnog održavanja.
My father was incredibly rigorous, he was an engineer builder, nothing was ever done without a strong sense of precision, and a strong sense of accuracy in the use of materials for purpose, and for an avoidance of maintenance.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
U organizaciji Vijeća za regionalnu suradnju zemalja Jugoistočne Europe (RCC) održan je Prvi pregovarački sastanak vezan za Sporazum o međusobnom priznavanju profesionalnih kvalifikacija doktora medicine, stomatologa, arhitekata i inženjera građevine.
Created on 14 January 2019 The First Negotiation Meeting on the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers was held in the organization of the Regional Cooperation Council of the countries of South East Europe (RCC).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prema tome, postoji nedostatak iskustava i kvalifikacija u implementiranju mjera energetske učinkovitosti među arhitektima, inženjerima građevine i radnicima u građevini, jer stambeni objekti koji su energetski učinkoviti još nisu postali standard.
Consequently, there is a lack of experience and qualification in implementing energy efficiency measures among architects, engineers and workers, since such buildings are not yet standard production.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To su besplatne edukacije namijenjene širokoj stručnoj javnosti: inženjerima građevine, geodezije, strojarstva, elektrotehnike, arhitektima, krajobraznim arhitektima, ekonomistima kao i svima zainteresiranima koji u svom poslovanju trebaju koristiti adekvatna znanja o zelenoj gradnji.
Its training sessions are free of charge and intended for a wider professional public, including civil engineers, geodetic engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, architects, landscape architects, economists and all those who are interested in green building and who need to use adequate green building knowledge in their business activities.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Godine 1955. je tvrtka Marco iz Seattlea, specijalizirana za morsku građevinu i dizajn prepoznala potencijal njegovog izuma, te su njezini inženjeri iz prototipa proizveli proizvod za praktičnu upotrebu nazvan Power blok.
In 1955 the company Marco from Seattle, specialized in sea building and design, recognized the potential of his invention and its engineers produced a product for practical use called the Power Block.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
U mnogim zemljama koje se nalaze u područjima sklonim potresima od građevinskih inženjera zahtijeva se da se drže strogih pravila gradnje kako bi se izgradilo aseizmičke građevine.
Many countries in earthquake- prone areas require structural engineers to adhere to strict building codes to make structures earthquake resistant.jw2019 jw2019
Hrvatski savjet za zelenu gradnju, Hrvatsko društvo krajobraznih arhitekata i Hrvatska komora arhitekata – Odbor za krajobraznu arhitekturu organiziraju konferenciju namijenjenu krajobraznim arhitektima, ekolozima, arhitektima, inženjerima građevine te svima koje zanima održivost u području krajobrazne arhitekture.
Green building committee in Croatia and Croatian Society of Landscape Architects will organize a conference intended for landscape architects, ecologists, architects, engineers, construction and anyone else interested in sustainability in the field of landscape architecture.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Usluge inženjera, informatičara, geologa i arhitekata, odnosno vještačenja i studije tehničkih projekata u području građevine, popravka i održavanja industrijskih postrojenja, osobito tvornica, tvornica metala, postrojenja za proizvodnju energije, kemijskih tvornica
Services provided by engineers, computer technicians, geologists and architects, namely surveying and technical project studies in the context of the construction, repair and maintenance of industrial installations, in particular factories, metallurgy factories, energy production sites, chemical factoriestmClass tmClass
Možemo povećati i male mehaničke pokrete poput vibracija motora koje bi inženjerima pomogle u pronalaženju i dijagnosticiranju mehaničkih problema ili u izučavanju kako se građevine njišu na vjetru i reagiraju na sile.
We can also magnify small mechanical movements, like vibrations in engines, that can help engineers detect and diagnose machinery problems, or see how our buildings and structures sway in the wind and react to forces.ted2019 ted2019
U organizaciji Regionalnog vijeća za suradnju (RCC) u Tirani, Albanija, 13. i 14. studenog 2018. godine, održana je obuka za pregovaračke timove koji će provesti pregovore o Sporazumu o uzajamnom priznavanju stručnih kvalifikacija doktora medicine, stomatologa, arhitekata i inženjera građevine između 6 ekonomija Zapadog Balkana.
In the organization of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in Tirana, Albania, on November 13 and 14, 2018, training for negotiating teams was held that will conduct negotiations on the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers between 6 economies of the Western Balkans.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Evidentiranje građevine u katastarski operat i zemljišne knjige provest će se ako je za građevinu izdana uporabna dozvola, odnosno izvješće nadzornog inženjera za građevine za koje se izdaje rješenje o uvjetima gradnje.
Recording of buildings in the cadastral and land registration will be conducted if the building use permit, or the report of the supervisory engineer for buildings for which a building permit.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
HSZG je do sada putem mini Simpozija predstavio pojam zelene gradnje širokoj stručnoj javnosti: inženjerima građevine, geodezije, strojarstva, elektrotehnike, arhitektima, krajobraznim arhitektima, ekonomistima kao i svima zainteresiranima za zelenu gradnju u gradovima: Karlovcu, Zadru, Varaždinu, Puli, Koprivnici, Osijeku, Rijeci, Čakovcu, Požegi, Splitu i Dubrovniku. U narednom periodu planirane su edukacije i u ostalim gradovima.
So far, the Croatian Green Building Council has organised many mini-symposiums and has thus presented the notion of green building to the wider professional public, including: civil engineers, geodetic engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, architects, landscape architects, economists and all those who are interested in green building and are based in Karlovac, Zadar, Varaždin, Pula, Koprivnica, Osijek, Zagreb and Čakovec.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mastic Beach, NY - generalni izvođač Stalco Construction, arhitekt, inženjer gradilišta i rukovoditelj građevine LK McLean Associates '(LKMA) imaju... Prije 3 tjedana
Mastic Beach, NY – General contractor Stalco Construction and architect, site engineer, and construction manager L.K. McLean Associates’ (LKMA) have... 3 weeks agoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
U suradnji s poslovnim partnerima – ovlaštenim inženjerima geodezije, arhitekture i građevine, nudimo izradu svih vrsta geodetskih i arhitektonskih projekata, kompletne projektne dokumentacije...
In cooperation with our business partners - Chartered Engineers of geodesy, architecture and construction, we can produce all types of geodetic and architectural projects, draft complete project...ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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