inventarni oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


verb noun
Budite oprezni s inventarnim vaučera.
Be careful with the inventory vouchers.

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Dellray joj je dao inventarni popis svega �to je na�la, po kojemu je prolazila, stavku po stavku.
Dellray gave her an inventory sheet of everything she’d found and she went through it item by item.Literature Literature
Po završetku zadaća na koje upućuje članak 6. ovog Protokola, Zajednica na mjesečnoj osnovi izrađuje i dostavlja Agenciji izvješća o inventarnim izmjenama u vremenskom roku koji je utvrđen u dopunskim aranžmanima.
Upon completion of the tasks referred to in Article 6 of this Protocol the Community shall, on a monthly basis, produce and provide the Agency with the inventory change reports within the time limits specified in the subsidiary arrangements.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Površina pogođena prirodnim nepogodama u inventarnoj godini
Area subject to natural disturbances in the inventory yearEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
U tom kontekstu „registar“ tumačim kao inventarni popis pohranjenih informacija o okolišu, putem kojega se te informacije mogu pretraživati i identificirati.
(33) In this context, I understand a ‘register’ to mean an inventory of the environmental information held and through which that information can be searched and identified.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Budite oprezni s inventarnim vaučera.
Be careful with the inventory vouchers.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sve sadržano je popisano i numerirano...... na inventarnoj listi koju ste dobili
All the contents therein are listed by number on the inventory sheet distributed among youopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Žarište se stavlja na objašnjenje promjena u najnovijoj inventarnoj godini u odnosu na 1990. te na objašnjenja znatnih međugodišnjih varijacija za najnovije godine izvješćivanja, osobito od godine X-3 do godine X-2.
The focus shall lie on the explanation of changes in the most recent inventory year compared with 1990 and on explanations of significant inter-annual variations for the most recent years of reporting, in particular from year X-3 to year X-2.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne postoje inventarne liste vrsta za područja koja se nalaze pod utjecajem onečišćivača , ili za zaštićena područja , kao što su nacionalni parkovi .
No inventories ever were accomplished with concernto areas subjected to pollution and to protected areas , such as marine national parks .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Zbog činjenice da nijedan od tih predmeta nije uveden u logistički sustav opreme (Equipment Logistics System, u daljnjem tekstu: ELS) koji je predviđen za to ili u drugi inventarni sustav ESB‐a, bilo je teško odrediti mjesto na kojem se oni nalaze.
Since none of those items had been inventoried in the ‘Equipment Logistics System’ (‘the ELS system’) designed for that purpose or in any other inventory system of the ECB, it was difficult to determine their whereabouts.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pronalaženje predmeta koji nedostaju [...] otežano je zbog toga što nijedan njih nije uveden ni u [sustav ,ELS‘] ni u ijedan drugi inventarni sustav ESB‐a.
Due to the fact that none of these items have been inventoried either in the [ELS system] or in any other inventory system at the ECB, the location of the ... [missing] items was made more difficult.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Broj/brojevi inventarne jedinice proizvoda (SKU – Stock Keeping Unit)
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number(s) of the productEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mnogo godina nakon toga, francuski arheolog Auguste Mariette pronašao je takozvanu Inventarnu stelu.
Many years later, an inventory stela would be unearthed by the French archaeologist Auguste Mariette.Literature Literature
Kasnija uklanjanja u inventarnoj godini (10)
Subsequent removals in inventory year (10)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
'Inventarna stela', kako je kasnije nazvana, ima sva obilježja autentičnosti.
"This ""Inventory Stela,"" as it came to be called, bears all the marks of authenticity."Literature Literature
Mora se uspostaviti sustav inventarnog držanja tkiva i/ili stanica kako bi se osiguralo da se oni ne mogu izdati prije nego se zadovolje svi zahtjevi iz ove Direktive.
There must be a system of inventory hold for tissues and/or cells to ensure that they cannot be released until all requirements laid down in this Directive have been satisfied.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On smatra da su moguća sljedeća objašnjenja [...]: (i) ti se predmeti još uvijek nalaze negdje u zalihama ESB‐a, a nisu pronađeni jer je istraga bila manjkava; međutim, prema [tužiteljevom] mišljenju, dvojbeno je je li to tako zato što se osobe iz [Odjela za upravne usluge] koje su te predmete stavile u zalihe točno sjećaju gdje su ih stavile, sa ili bez [inventarnog] sustava; (ii) osoblje koje ne radi u [tom odjelu] ([osoblje] iz drugih odjela ili vanjskih društava, koje ima pristup zalihama) odnijelo je te predmete [negdje drugdje]; ili (iii) jedna ili više osoba odnijele su te predmete kako bi bacile sumnju na [tužitelja] ili radi vlastite koristi.
In his view, possible explanations ... are the followings: (i) the items are still somewhere in the ECB store rooms and were not found due to the inadequate inspection; however, in [the applicant]’s view, it is doubtful that this would be the case, as the people from [the Administrative Services Division] who placed the items in the store rooms would know exactly where the items were located, with or without [an inventory] system; (ii) the items were replaced by non-[Administrative Services Division] staff ([staff] from other divisions or external companies with access to the store rooms) to another place ... or (iii) the items were removed by one or more persons either with the purpose of trying to incriminate [the applicant] or for their own benefit.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
"Na Inventarnoj steli Kufu Sfingu naziva ""Čuvaricom etera, koja svojim pogledom vodi vjetrove."""
"In the Inventory Stela, Khufu called the Sphinx ""Guardian of the Aeter, who guides the Winds with his gaze."""Literature Literature
Sjedi preda mnom, i traži inspekciju mojih inventarnih zapisa.
"""He's sitting in front of me, demanding to inspect my inventory records."""Literature Literature
Emisije u inventarnoj godini koje se mogu isključiti u toj inventarnoj godini (9)
Emissions in inventory year that can be exluded in the inventory year (9)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
zapis o rezanju ili slanini: sadržava serijski broj, proizvođača slanine, datum klanja, mjesto klanja, broj komada, objekt u kojem se proveo tov, uzgajivač, inventarni broj gospodarstva na kojem se drže životinje, broj objekta podrijetla naveden na ušnoj markici, popis komada mesa i s njima povezanih upotrijebljenih brojeva markica.
Cutting or bacon record: contains the serial number, bacon producer, date of slaughter, place of slaughter, number of pieces, fattening establishment, animal keeper, animal husbandry record number, establishment number of the establishment of origin according to the ear tag, list of meat cuts and associated seal numbers used.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Broj/brojevi inventarne jedinice proizvoda (SKU – Stock Keeping Unit)
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number of the productEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kako svjedoči Inventarna stela, Sfinga je već bila u Gizi u vrijeme Kufua, Kefraovog prethodnika.
"As the ""Inventory Stela"" attests, the Sphinx had already stood at Giza in the time of Khufu, a predecessor of Chefra."Literature Literature
Kaže inventarnom da šalje dvojicu, specijalnom da šalje još dvojicu.
He tells Property to send two men, and Special to send two more.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
82 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.