koja oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Molim te pomogni mi odabrati šešir koji odgovara mom novom odijelu.
Please help me pick out a hat which matches my new dress.


Poslat ću pismo svome bratu koji živi u Sapporu.
I will send a letter to my brother who lives in Sapporo.


Problem je u tome što je sunčeva energija preskupa.
The problem is that solar energy costs too much.


Imate li problema s razumijevanjem onog što vam žene ili mala djeca kažejo?
Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you?

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
prerada i uskladištenje plutonija trebali bi se provesti po primitku informacija o programu nuklearne energije dotične stranke, kad se uspostave ili prime obveze, dogovori i ostale informacije koje traže smjernice te kad stranke dogovore da prerada i uskladištenje plutonija čine sastavni dio opisanog programa nuklearne energije; ako se predloži prerada ili uskladištenje plutonija kad ti uvjeti nisu zadovoljeni, postupak se provodi samo kad su stranke tako dogovorile nakon savjetovanja koje bi se trebalo održati odmah kako bi se razmotrio svaki takav prijedlog;
(g) the reprocessing and plutonium storage should only take place when the information provided on the nuclear energy programme of the party in question has been received, when the undertakings, arrangements and other information called for by the guidelines are in place or have been received and when the parties have agreed that reprocessing and plutonium storage are an integral part of the described nuclear energy programme; where it is proposed to carry out reprocessing or storage of plutonium when these conditions are not met, the operation should take place only when the parties have so agreed after consultation, which should take place promptly to consider any such proposal;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U okviru uspostave Europske usluge elektroničke naplate cestarine (EETS) 17 , normizacija bi bila korisna u područjima koja se odnose na: norme za ispitivanje sigurnog nadzora sustava za naplatu cestarine i profila razmjene informacija između radnji pružanja usluge i naplate cestarine te reviziju normi za ispitivanje na kojima se temelje satelitski elektronički sustavi naplate cestarine i norma za elektroničku naplatu cestarine koja se temelji na komunikacijskom sustavu kratkog dometa putem satelita (DSRC).
Under the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) deployment 17 the following further standardisation activities would be beneficial: test standards for the secure monitoring of toll systems and for profiles of information exchange between Service Provision and Toll Charging activities, and revision of the test standards forming the basis of satellite-based electronic tolling systems and the profile standard for Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) -based electronic tolling.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Posljedica je to i povećane podjele hrane u Portugalu koja ima visok udio voća i povrća.
Also due to the increase in food distribution in PT, which has a high proportion of fruit and vegetables.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Kako bi se dokazalo u kojoj mjeri neka hranjiva tvar ili bojilo u novom obliku ili iz novog izvora može zamijeniti ekvivalentni dodatak koji je već odobren ili se duže vrijeme koristi, mogu se koristiti studije bioraspoloživosti.
Bioavailability studies may be used to demonstrate the extent to which a novel form or source of a nutrient or colorant can substitute for an equivalent additive already approved or established.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dok službene mjere utvrđene u stavku 2. ne stupe na snagu, vlasnik ili posjednik svake peradi kod koje se sumnja na bolest poduzima sve razumne mjere kako bi se osiguralo poštovanje stavka 2., izuzevši njegovu točku (g).
Until such time as the official measures laid down in paragraph 2 are enforced, the owner or keeper of any poultry in which disease is suspected shall take all reasonable action to ensure compliance with paragraph 2, except for (g) thereof.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Prije no što su napustili izdavačku kuću, predali su ruže Schnellu.
Before they left the publishing house they gave the roses to Schnell.Literature Literature
U isto se vrijeme potrošnja Zajednice povećala za 29 % što znači da industrija Zajednice nije mogla iskoristiti prednost povećanja potrošnje Zajednice i time se tržišni udjel proizvođača Zajednice smanjio za 24 % u manje od tri godine.
At the same time, Community consumption increased by 29 %, meaning that the Community industry was unable to take advantage of the increase in Community consumption and thus that the market share of the Community producers declined by 24 % in less than three years.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Duga povijest proizvodnje vina na navedenom zemljopisnom području, sklonost ranom dozrijevanju i gustoća vinove loze kojima se odlikuje, odavno su pogodovali objedinjavanju uzgojnih praksi.
The long wine-growing history of the geographical area, its early specialisation and the density of the vines which characterise it have long favoured the pooling of practices.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
One su bez sjemenki, srednje veličine, zlatne boje koja teži prema smeđoj i slatke.
They are seedless, medium-sized, golden in colour tending to brown, and sweet.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Što ima, mali momče?
What's up, little dawg?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To bi mogao biti slučaj s kopčom na limenci s napitkom, koja bi se mogla otrgnuti i koju bi moglo progutati dijete i njom se udaviti.
This could be the case with a fastening on a beverage container, which could come loose and be swallowed by a child, causing the child to choke to death.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nije shvaćao što se, kvragu, dogodilo i nije znao kako će to moći objasniti svojim nadređenima.
He couldn’t see what the hell had happened, and he had no idea how he was going to explain it to his superiors.Literature Literature
(118) Vanjske granice na koje se upućuje u ovoj Uredbi one su granice na koje se primjenjuju odredbe iz glave II. Uredbe (EU) 2016/399, što uključuje vanjske granice država članica schengenskog područja u skladu s Protokolom br. 19 o schengenskoj pravnoj stečevini uključenoj u okvir Europske unije, koji je priložen UEU-u i Ugovoru o funkcioniranju Europske unije (UFEU).
(118) The external borders referred to in this Regulation are those to which the provisions of Title II of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 apply, which includes the external borders of Schengen Member States in accordance with Protocol No 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union, annexed to the TEU and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).not-set not-set
Štaviše, to je ona jedina istina koju um može spoznati u apsolutnom smislu.
Moreover, it is only this truth which the intelligence can know in an absolute sense.Literature Literature
Blake, predlažem vam da vam O' Reilly donese dokumente... kojima ćete se braniti od najozbiljnijih optužbi... krivotvorenja dokumenata i pružanja pomoći neprijatelju
Blake, I suggest that you have O' Reilly bring back whatever documents... you' re going to need to defend yourself against the most serious of these charges... falsifying records and lending aid and comfort to the enemyopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Dob je bila uključena, u skladu s člankom 13. UEZ‐a, u razloge diskriminacije iz članka 1. Direktive(3) i ona je upravo razlog koji je doveo do najvećeg broja odluka Suda u okviru sporova povezanih s primjenom navedene direktive.
In line with Article 13 EC, age was included among the grounds of discrimination listed in Article 1 of the Directive (3) and is the one that has given rise to the largest number of rulings by the Court in disputes regarding the application of the Directive.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Elektromagnetska kompatibilnost i radijski spektar (ERM) -- Uređaji kratkoga dometa (SRD) -- Radijska oprema za frekvencijsko područje od 1 GHz do 40 GHz -- 2. dio: Harmonizirana europska norma koja obuhvaća bitne zahtjeve iz članka 3.2 direktive R&TTE
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short range devices; Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directiveeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Uniju posebice pogađa nedostatak ulaganja zbog ▌ fiskalnih ograničenja za države članice i usporenog rasta, što dovodi do nesigurnosti na tržištu u pogledu gospodarske budućnosti.
The Union suffers in particular from a lack of investment as a consequence of ▌ fiscal constraints on Member States and from sluggish growth, thereby resulting in market uncertainty regarding the economic future.not-set not-set
službeni dokumentacijski paket, koji se dostavlja tehničkoj službi u trenutku podnošenja zahtjeva za homologaciju, obuhvaća cjelokupni opis ECS-a i, prema potrebi, uređaja za ograničavanje zakretnog momenta.
the formal documentation package, which shall be supplied to the technical service at the time of submission of the type-approval application, shall include a full description of the ECS and, if applicable, the torque limiter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Možda možemo samo da odemo u prošlost i pošaljemo poruku da upozorimo New York što će se dogoditi?
Maybe we can just go into the past and send a message forward, like warn that New York is gonna happen?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Identitet dioničara i osoba (fizičkih ili pravnih osoba) koje imaju izravnu ili neizravnu kontrolu nad upravljanjem CSD-om ili imaju udjele u kapitalu CSD-a i iznosi tih udjela
Identities of the shareholders or persons (natural or legal persons), that exercise direct or indirect control over the management of the CSD or that hold participations in the capital of the CSD and the amounts of those holdingseurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
kategorije životinja ili robe koje predstavljaju nizak rizik ili ne predstavljaju specifični rizik te za koje stoga nisu potrebne kontrole na graničnim kontrolnim postajama.
categories of animals or goods posing a low risk or no specific risk and for which controls at border control posts are therefore not necessary.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Dok ne budemo znali što točno smjera.
Until we know for sure what he's up to.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ovim se modulom opisuje onaj dio postupka kojime prijavljeno tijelo utvrđuje i potvrđuje da je uzorak reprezentativan za predviđenu proizvodnju u skladu s odredbama Direktive 96/48/EZ i TSI-ja koje za njega vrijede u pogledu prikladnosti za korištenje, što se dokazuje tipskom provjerom kroz praktičnu uporabu.
This module describes that part of the procedure by which a notified body ascertains and attests that a specimen, representative of the production envisaged, meets the provisions of Directive 96/48/EC and of the TSI that apply to it for suitability for use, to be demonstrated by type validation by in service experience.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne znam koja je dovoljno dobra za njega.
I do not know who is good enough for him».Literature Literature
222 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.