lavež oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


I svaka tri sata probudi komšinicu svojim lavežom.
And every three hours he barks the neighbour awake.


verb noun




verb noun interjection Acronym
Jedan japanski proizvođač igračaka izumio je uređaj koji prevodi pseći lavež u ljudski govor, izvještava Japan Information Network.
A Japanese toy maker has developed a device purported to translate dog woofs into human words, reports Japan Information Network.

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To ga je podsjetilo na riječ barok, baraka, lavež, pudlica,
That reminds him of the word baroque, barrack, bark, poodle,QED QED
Tek kad me Aflatu-nov lavež prenuo, shvatio sam daje prostorija utihnula.
It wasn’t until Aflatoon startled me with a bark that I realized how quiet the room had become.Literature Literature
Topao vjetar nosi viku i plač, lavež pasa.
The hot wind whistling through the streets carries sounds of yelling and crying, dogs barking.Literature Literature
Od razdražujuće neprestanog psećeg laveža do treštećeg susjedovog stereouređaja ili upornog zavijanja automobilskog alarma ili radija buka je postala svakodnevica.
From the irritatingly persistent bark of a dog to the blasting of a neighbor’s stereo or the insistent blare of a car burglar-alarm or radio, noise has become the norm.jw2019 jw2019
Teško, poput psećeg laveža, izgovara svaku riječ, tako teško da mu oko usana pucaju balončići čilija.
As hard as a dog barking, he says each word so hard that chili bubbles out around his mouth.Literature Literature
Ovaj lavež je ulazio u tu zadnju kategoriju.
This bark fit into the last category.Literature Literature
Kupam se uz njegov lavež.
I bathe to the sound of that dog barking.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bio je neloš pas čuvar čiji je lavež već otjerao provalnike, vandale, pa čak i nekoliko ogorčenih klijenata.
He was a passable watchdog whose bark had chased away burglars, vandals, and even several disgruntled clients.Literature Literature
Dok ju je Honor vodila kroz voćnjak prema staji, mogla je čuti Diggerov bijesan, prigušeni lavež.
As Honor led her through the orchard toward the barn, she could hear Digger’s furious, muffled barking.Literature Literature
Samo je lavež pasa bio drugačiji; to, i Bijela braća koja su izvlačila slamke da vide tko će me ostati čuvati.
Only the yelping of dogs was different; that, and the White Brethren drawing straws to see who would stay to guard me.Literature Literature
Ti i ja?Tvoj stari ima još neki dobar lavež u slamarici
Your old man ́s still got a few good how is left in himopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Izvana je mogao čuti prigušen lavež pasa.
Outside he could hear the faint barking of dogs.Literature Literature
Echo Lawrence: Probudio me pseći lavež.
Echo Lawrence: The dogs barking woke me up.Literature Literature
Epštajn misli da je Ramov lavež mnogo gori od njegovog ujeda.
Epstein maintains Rahm's bark is far worse than his bite.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Pa, sad kad si to spomenula, čini mi se da je lavež bio više ili manje neprekinut ranije te večeri."
“Well, now that you mention it, it seems like the barking was pretty constant early in the evening.Literature Literature
Čitav je grad u jednom trenutku legao spavati; jedina buka bio je lavež pasa.
The whole town had instantly gone to bed; the only noise now was barking dogs.Literature Literature
A rog se opet oglasi, još mnogo bliže, tri duga zvuka, a mogao sam čuti i lavež pasa koji je dopirao odnekud s lijeva.
And the horn sounded again, much nearer now, three long notes, and I could hear the baying of hounds, off to the left.Literature Literature
I svaka tri sata probudi komšinicu svojim lavežom.
And every three hours he barks the neighbour awake.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A tu je i unajmljivanje pasa da nas prate lavežom dok prolazimo gradovima. - Neveselo se osmjehnuo. - Skupo je
And then there's the hiring of the dogs that bark at us as we pass through the towns.""Literature Literature
Čuli su se laveži u daljini, i vrlo blizu jedan koji je zvučao kao lavež obučenog psa čuvara.
Barking dogs could be heard in the distance, and one very close by sounded to them like a trained guard dog.Literature Literature
Lavež psa.
A dog barks.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lavež je možda privukao pozornost stražara.
The barking might have attracted the attention of the security guards.Literature Literature
Kao da njegov lavež nije više bio upućen onima, koji su išli k njemu.
The males in fact have nothing to do with the guidance of the herd.Literature Literature
Susjedov pas nastavi svoj jednolični lavež.
The neighbors dog continued its monotonous baying.Literature Literature
Izmaknuo mi se, a kašljucavi lavež koji mu se začuo kroz zube očito je bio smijeh.
He dodged out of the way, and the coughing bark that came through his teeth was obviously laughter.Literature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.