lukobran oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Sjeverni i zapadni lukobran već su ozbiljno poplavljeni.
We already have serious flooding in the north and west piers.


Istočno od lukobrana je kamera koja gleda na marinu.
Yeah, east to the breakwater, there's a security camera overlooking the marina.




Najveća dopuštena brzina prilaza lukobranu te raspoloživost, vrsta i snaga tegljača.
Maximum allowable speed of approach to the jetty and availability of tugs, their type and bollard pull.


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I have a truck in the lot down by the pier.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
unutar crte koja spaja vanjske krajeve lukobrana
Within a line joining the seaward ends of the breakwatersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
od vanjskih krajeva lukobrana do mosta Toome
From the seaward ends of the breakwaters to Toome BridgeEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
unutar lukobrana
Within the breakwaterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iza Porera prolazim Valun i brojne uvale prije strmog Mužilja načičkanog bunkerima i velikog pulskog lukobrana .
After Porer I pass near Valun Bay and numerous other bays before reaching the steep hill Muž ilj and the long pier protecting the harbor of Pula .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Aberystwyth || unutar vanjskih krajeva lukobrana
Aberystwyth || Within the seaward ends of the breakwatersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Malo iza Trasorke j e uvala Jamna sa malim masivnim mulom s lukobranom .
Behind islet Trasorka there is a bay Jamna with a small massive pier .hrenWaC hrenWaC
ORIJENTACIJA : otočić Lupac sa svjetlom - crvena kula sa stupom i galerijom ; zvonik u mjestu i svjetlo na glavi lukobrana - zelena kula sa stupom i galerijom .
LANDMARKS : islet of Lupac with a light - red tower with column and gallery ; belfry in the village , an light on the breakwater head - green tower with column and gallery .hrenWaC hrenWaC
unutar lukobrana
Within the breakwatersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
unutar crte koja se proteže od North Sutora do lukobrana Nairn te prema otvorenom moru od voda 2. zone
Within a line from North Sutor to Nairn Breakwater and seaward of Zone 2 watersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Rijeka Orwell i rijeka Stour || rijeka Orwell unutar crte koja se proteže od lukobrana Blackmanshead do Languard Pointa te u smjeru otvorenog mora od voda 3. zone
River Orwell and River Stour || River Orwell within a line from Blackmanshead breakwater to Landguard Point and seaward of Zone 3 watersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Lukobran je vrlo sklizak.
The jetty's very slippery.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jugoistočni lukobran.
The southeast pier.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
unutar crte koja spaja vanjske krajeve sjevernog i istočnog lukobrana
Within a line joining the seaward ends of the north and east breakwatersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Etap I - przebudowa falochronu wschodniego 12 550 797 10 644 987 Modernizacija postojećeg lukobrana, širenje i jaružanje ulaznog plovnog dijela morskog puta 5 322 493,50 5 322 493,50 X 17 Modernizacja wejścia do portu wewnętrznego ( w Gdańsku ).
Etap I - przebudowa falochronu wschodniego 12 550 797 10 644 987 Upgrade of an existing breakwater, widening and dredging of the entry fairway 5 322 493.50 5 322 493.50 X 17 Modernizacja wejścia do portu wewnętrznego ( w Gdańsku ).elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
‚lučka infrastruktura’ znači infrastruktura i oprema za pružanje lučkih usluga povezanih s prijevozom, uključujući pristaništa koja se koriste za vezivanje brodova, obalne zidove, lukobrane i plutajuće pontonske rampe u plimnim područjima, unutarnje bazene, zemljište dobiveno nasipanjem i melioracijom, infrastrukturu za alternativna goriva, infrastrukturu za prihvat brodskog otpada i ostataka tereta i prometnu infrastrukturu unutar područja luke;
“port infrastructure” means infrastructure and facilities for the provision of transport related port services, including berths used for the mooring of ships, quay walls, jetties and floating pontoon ramps in tidal areas, internal basins, backfills and land reclamation, alternative fuel infrastructure, infrastructure for the collection of ship-generated waste and cargo residues and transport facilities within the port area;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
VEZ : Uz unutrašnji dio lukobrana ili unutar lučice u četverovez ili bočno .
BERTH : to the inner side of breakwater , or within the boat harbour alongside or stern-to .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Večeras će Lionell sakriti posljednje oružje unutar zida muškoga WC-a na lukobranu.
Tonight, Lionell would hide the last of the weapons inside the wall of the men’s loo at the pier.Literature Literature
unutar vanjskih krajeva lukobrana
Within the seaward ends of the breakwatersEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Popravak, rekonstrukcija, održavanje i podkolčenje zgrada, zidova, mostova, tunela, rupa, startnih staza u zračnim lukama, nasipima, branama, dokovima, kejovima, pontonskim mostovima, lukobranima, postoljima i molovima
Repair, restoration, maintenance and underpinning of buildings, walls, bridges, tunnels, pits, airport runways, dikes, dams, docks, quais, landing stages, piers, platforms and molestmClass tmClass
Bungalovi su započinjali upravo iza restorana i protezali se uokolo sve do lukobrana.
The cottages began just beyond the restaurant, stretching around to the breakwater.Literature Literature
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