minoran oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


On je našao minorni problem u lokalnom bunaru.
He found a minor problem in the local water supply.
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No carski kult i njegovi zahtjevi izazvali su minorni izazov rimskoj religiji, s globalnim posljedicama.
But it was the imperial cult and its demands that provoked a minor challenge to Roman religion, with world-shattering consequences.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
·eksperimenti ozračivanja nuklearnog goriva radi smanjenja radiotoksičnosti nuklearnog otpada; tehnološka pitanja transmutacije minornih aktinida (tj. mogućnosti zadržavanja proizvoda fisije, postupak bez prašine, nabreklost zbog helija);
·nuclear fuel irradiation experiments investigating the reduction of the radiotoxicity of nuclear waste; minor actinide transmutation technological issues (i.e. fission products retention capabilities, dust-free process, helium swelling);eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
U stvari, u posljednjih 10 godina, broj zahtjeva za transplantaciju organa se udvostručio, dok se u isto vrijeme, trenutni broj transplantacijskih postupaka minorno povećao.
In fact, in the last 10 years, the number of patients requiring an organ has doubled, while in the same time, the actual number of transplants has barely gone up.ted2019 ted2019
Hoću reći: autor minornog djela ne zove se gospodin X ili Y.
I mean: the author of the minor work isn’t Mr.Literature Literature
Na prvi pogled, čini se kao minorno pitanje, kap u moru neslaganja između Srbije i Kosova
At first glance, it seems like a minor issue, a whitecap in the sea of disagreements between Serbia and KosovoSetimes Setimes
Ako je mogućnost interpersonalne i interaktivne komunikacije isključivo minorna pomoćna značajka druge usluge pa se iz objektivnih tehničkih razloga ne može koristiti bez te glavne usluge, a njezino uklapanje nije način za izbjegavanje primjene pravila kojima se uređuju elektroničke komunikacijske usluge, na takve se pomoćne usluge ne primjenjuju druge odredbe osim onih o sigurnosti komunikacije iz ove Direktive.
If the interpersonal and interactive communication facility is purely a minor ancillary feature to another service and for objective technical reasons cannot be used without that principal service, and its integration is not a means to circumvent the applicability of the rules governing electronic communications services, all other provisions beyond rules on security of communications in this Directive shall not apply to such ancillary services.not-set not-set
Naime, taj se oblik delinkvencije često odlikuje relativno „minornim”(38) prekršajima koji nisu nužno obuhvaćeni kaznenim pravom država članica, ali koji zbog učinkovitosti mogu dovesti do nametanja sankcije od strane upravne vlasti, a ne od strane suda nadležnog za kaznena pitanja.
That form of crime is often characterised as relatively ‘minor’ offences (38) which are not necessarily part of the criminal law of the Member States, but which may give rise, for reasons of effectiveness, to the imposition of a penalty by an administrative authority and not by a criminal court.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
27 Kada je riječ o uvjetu koji se odnosi na činjenicu da pod navedeni razlog za odbijanje ulazi svaki znak koji se „isključivo” sastoji od oblika proizvoda koji je potreban kako bi se postigao tehnički rezultat, Sud je precizirao da postojanje jednog ili nekoliko minornih arbitrarnih elemenata u znaku čiji su svi temeljni elementi određeni tehničkim rješenjem koje taj znak izražava ne utječe na zaključak prema kojem se navedeni znak sastoji isključivo od oblika proizvoda potrebnog za postizanje tehničkog rezultata.
27 As regards the condition relating to the fact that the ground for refusal covers any sign consisting ‘exclusively’ of the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result, the Court has held that the presence of one or more minor arbitrary elements in a sign, all of whose essential characteristics are dictated by the technical solution to which that sign gives effect, does not alter the conclusion that the sign consists exclusively of the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
To je minorni problem.
That's a minor snag.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Znate, primjećujem da ovdje nema nekih minornih preinaka koje sam zamolila svog odvjetnika da ubaci, a one nisu bile uključene u mjenicu.
You know, I'm noticing that there are some minor changes that I asked my attorney to make that are not included in this draft.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ubijao je sve, čak i one minorne mikrobe koji uzrokuju običnu prehladu.
It killed everything, even the minor germs that caused the common cold.Literature Literature
Pogrešan identitet, kao da igra minornu ulogu u nekoj britanskoj farsi – samo je sad bilo uzurpirano njezino majčinstvo.
Mistaken identity, as if she were a minor character in some British farce—only now her very motherhood had been usurped.Literature Literature
Slikari romantizma pretvorili su slikanje pejzaža u vodeći žanr, pošto je isti do tada smatran minornim žanrom ili kao dekorativna pozadina za kompozicije ljudskim figurama.
Romantic painters turned landscape painting into a major genre, considered until then as a minor genre or as a decorative background for figure compositions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bellin život za nju je bio minorna pojedinost - preko koje se lako može prijeći.
Bella’s life was a minor detail to her—easy to blow off.Literature Literature
Uglavnom, izmijenit ćemo... ono, što bi mogla biti još jedna dosadna parada zvijezda Broadwaya... koji pjevaju nepoznate pjesme iz minornih mjuzikala... u reviju, s pričom i smislom.
So basically, we're gonna change what could've been just another boring cavalcade of Broadway stars singing forgotten numbers from obscure musicals... Into a revue with a story and movement.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
62 U tom pogledu smatra da je Opći sud pogrešno utvrdio da žalitelj nije dokazao da je njegova uloga u predmetnoj povredi bila minorna, s obzirom na to da je sama Komisija u spornoj odluci priznala da su određeni drugi poduzetnici imali glavnu ulogu u utvrđenim nezakonitim djelovanjima.
62 In that regard, the appellant submits that the General Court wrongly held that the appellant had not demonstrated that its role in the infringement in question was minor, given that the Commission had itself acknowledged in the decision at issue the central role played by certain other undertakings in the context of the unlawful practices found.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Ako su statička ispitivanja definirana u Dodatku B. pokazala da je izvitopereni kolosijek izazvao naprezanja isključivo na ograničenim područjima okvira okretnog postolja, tamo gdje su naprezanja uzrokovana vertikalnim i poprečnim opterećenjima minorna, ispitivanja zamora u prvoj će se fazi provoditi isključivo s vertikalnim i poprečnim opterećenjima.
If the static tests defined in Appendix B have shown that the track twist induced stresses only in limited zones of the bogie frame, where the stresses caused by the vertical and transverse loads are minor, the fatigue test, as a first stage, shall be performed with only vertical and transverse loads.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ženska mreža Hrvatske i Zeleni za Zagreb ( jedna od tih minornih stranaka s paritetnim omjerom spolova na listama ) uputili su Državnom izbornom povjerenstvu zahtjev da se iz izborne utrke isključe sve stranke koje na listama imaju manje od 20 posto žena .
Women� s Network Croatia and the party Zeleni za Zagreb ( Greens for Zagreb � one of those minor parties with equal amount of women and men on their lists ) have submitted a request to the National Election Committee to disqualify the parties which have less than 20 percent of women on their lists .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Niste im rekli da imam ovog časa ugovor od agenta na stolu koji čeka samo nekoliko minornih detalja da se ispeglaju?
Didn't you tell them that there's a contract on my agent's desk with just a few minor details to iron out?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ipak, ti isti mediji su zanemarili bahatost generacije koja je bila previše samouvjerena zbog II sv. rata i smatrala Vijetnam minornom silom koju će lako savladati.
Yet, that same media ignored the arrogance of a generation that over-confident from WW2, dismissed Vietnam as a 4th rate power that could be easily defeated.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Minimalna zarada u Glavnoj ligi bejzbola, čak u minornoj ligi bejzbola, je dovoljna za život.
The minimum salary in Major League Baseball, even in minor league baseball, is livable.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Minorna instalacija koja je tehnički ili pravno dio neke instalacije.
Minor Installations technically or legally part of an InstallationEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Je li ostvarivo uključiti privatnu osobnu zaštitnu opremu za zaštitu od minornih rizika poput vode ili vlage?
Is it feasible to include PPE for private use providing protection against minor risks such as water or damp?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Međutim, čak su i pristaše optužile vladu za minorne izmjene nepopularnog i nedemokratskog ustava, koji je napisala vojska # godine nakon vojnog udara
But even supporters have accused the government of merely tinkering at the edges of Turkey 's unpopular and undemocratic constitution, which was written by the army in # following a military coupSetimes Setimes
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