modernizam oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Vjerujem da je nekada postojao modernizam, zatim je završio i ostali su samo padovi i propast.
I believe that once there was modernism, then it ended, now there is only decline and decay.
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Turn-of-the-Century literature





Vjerujem da je nekada postojao modernizam, zatim je završio i ostali su samo padovi i propast.
I believe that once there was modernism, then it ended, now there is only decline and decay.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


movement of art, culture and philosophy
Vjerujem da je nekada postojao modernizam, zatim je završio i ostali su samo padovi i propast.
I believe that once there was modernism, then it ended, now there is only decline and decay.

modernist literature

characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional styles of poetry and verse

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Modernizam (književnost)
late modern period


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Što ti znaš o poslijeratnom modernizmu?
What do you know about post-war modernism?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Drugo, u zadnja dva desetljeća, zahvaljujući globalizaciji, zahvaljujući tržišnoj ekonomiji, zahvaljujući usponu srednje klase, mi u Turskoj svjedočimo onome što ja nazivam preporod islamističkog modernizma.
Secondly, in the past two decades, thanks to globalization, thanks to the market economy, thanks to the rise of a middle class, we in Turkey see what I define as a rebirth of Islamic modernism.ted2019 ted2019
Bio je to odgovor na Modernizam i njemu pridružen pogled na arhitekturu koj je sentimentalnu vezanost za stare građevine i strukture predpostavio tehnološko arhitektonskom napretku i promjeni.
It was a response to Modernism and its corresponding architectural perspective, which eschewed sentimental attachment to old buildings and structures in favor of technological and architectural progress and change.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Najprije je koristio tradicionalni stil pisanja, a kasnije je pisao pod utjecajem parnasizma i modernizma.
Originally, he wrote in a traditional style, but later became influenced by parnassism and modernism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Modernizam je, s druge strane, utemeljen na čvrstom vjerovanju da gospodarski rast nije samo moguć nego apsolutno nužan.
Modernity, in contrast, is based on the firm belief that economic growth is not only possible, but absolutely essential.Literature Literature
Sve više se okretao od otvorenosti islamskog modernizma prema kulturnoj sintezi.
He increasingly moved away from Islamic modernism's openness to cultural synthesis.Literature Literature
Modernizam je završen u 1970-ima kada je konstrukcija jeftinih, uniformiranih stambenih blokova dovršena u mnogim zemljama, poput Britanije i Francuske.
Modernist planning fell into decline in the 1970s when the construction of cheap, uniform tower blocks ended in most countries, such as Britain and France.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uz Karla Rahnera i Bernarda Lonergana, Balthasar je nastojao ponuditi intelektualni i vjerodostojan odgovor na zapadni modernizam, koji je pozornost svijeta odvlačio od kršćanstva.
Along with Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan, Balthasar sought to offer an intellectual, faithful response to Western modernity, which posed a challenge to traditional Catholic thought.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ovaj trend, dio većeg pokreta poznatog kao modernizam, pružio je retorički rub za ekspanziju društvenih znanosti.
This trend, part of the larger movement known as modernism provided the rhetorical edge for the expansion of social sciences.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Toksični ostatak modernizma... post-prosvjetiteljski...
A toxic remnant of modernism... of post-Enlightenment...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ali javlja se zanimljivo pitanje: Ako je islamski modernizam bio toliko popularan u 19.-om i ranom 20. stoljeću, zašto je islamizam postao toliko popularan u ostatku 20. stoljeća?
But there is a curious question: If Islamic modernism was so popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, why did Islamism become so popular in the rest of the 20th century?ted2019 ted2019
Welles je smatrao kako lokacija ima "modernizam Julesa Vernea" i melankolični osjećaj "čekanja", što je bilo prikladno za Kafku.
Welles thought the location possessed a "Jules Verne modernism" and a melancholy sense of "waiting", both suitable for Kafka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Brazilska umjetnost od 16. se stoljeća razvila u razne stilove, od Baroka (dominantni stil u Brazilu do početka 19. stoljeća) do Romantizma, Modernizma, Ekspresionizma, Kubizma, Nadrealizma i apstraktne umjetnosti.
Brazilian art has developed since the 16th century into different styles that range from Baroque (the dominant style in Brazil until the early 19th century) to Romanticism, Modernism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstractionism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zapadni nacionalni modernizam i « modernizam » trećeg svijeta postali su središnji dio kapitalističkog teritorija , ne kao njegovi bastardni proizvodi već kao inherentni unutrašnji projekt- utvrda koji je preobražen , progutan i ispljunut kao teritorij za kapitalizaciju buduće umjetnosti .
Western national modernism and third world “ modernism” both became the central part of capitalist territory , not as its bastard products , but as an inherently internal bastion project that was transformed , swallowed and spat out as a territory for future art capitalisation .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Vesele šezdesete poznate su po svom liberalnom modernizmu.
The swinging sixties are legendary for their liberal modernity.Literature Literature
Slijedeći mjesec predavat ću u Stockholmu u Švedskoj o objektivizaciji ženskih oblika u poslijeratnom modernizmu.
Next month, I'm going to be lecturing in Stockholm, Sweden, on the objectification of the female form in post-war modernism.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I vjerujem kako islamski modernizam koji je započeo u 19. stoljeću, ali koji je imao zastoj u 20. stoljeću zbog političkih poteškoća u Muslimanskom svijetu, doživljava preporod.
And I believe that the Islamic modernism which began in the 19th century, but which had a setback in the 20th century because of the political troubles of the Muslim world, is having a rebirth.ted2019 ted2019
Izložba modernizma?
the modernism exhibit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Taj trend je generalno nazvan islamistički modernizam, i bio je unaprijeđen od strane intelektualaca i državnika, ne samo kao intelektualna ideja, već i kao politički program.
That trend is generally called Islamic modernism, and it was advanced by intellectuals and statesmen, not just as an intellectual idea though, but also as a political program.QED QED
Vjerujem da je nekada postojao modernizam, zatim je završio i ostali su samo padovi i propast.
I believe that once there was modernism, then it ended, now there is only decline and decay.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U modernizmu koji vremenom sve više uzima mjesto tradiciji u našim životima , u vremenu u kojem raste ritam života i broj razvoda , godišnjica braka postaje kruna tradicije obiteljskog života .
In modern times , which over the years more and more subtract the place of tradition in our lives , in times where rhythm of life and number of divorces are growing , wedding anniversary becomes a crown of tradition in family life .hrenWaC hrenWaC
U vrijeme prevlade avangarde i modernizma, ravnatelj Akademije, Camillo Boito, je naukovao umjetnike kao što su Luca Beltrami i Cesare Tallone, koji su opet bili ulitelji modernim umjenticima kao što su Carlo Carrà i Achille Funi.
During the period of the avant-garde when Modernism was becoming established, the director of the Academy Camillo Boito had as pupil Luca Beltrami, and Cesare Tallone taught Carlo Carrà and Achille Funi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No modernizam je okrenuo svijet naopačke.
Modernity turned the world upside down.Literature Literature
Brinton u svom pregledu izložbe u Americi godine 1909. navodi: „To je jaki i slikoviti život koji Zuloaga nastoji prije svega zabilježiti, a to su narodni radovi netaknuti nemilosrdnim modernizmom koje on istrsžuje u najudaljenijim kutovima rodnoj zemlji.
Brinton in his review of an exposition in America in 1909, he states that: It is this racy and picturesque life which Zuloaga seeks above all else to place on record, and it is these popular types unspoiled by ruthless modernism which he pursues into the farthest corners of his native land.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On, " bezmotivni masivni ubojica " je mučenik post-modernizma.
He, the " motiveless-mass-murderer " is the martyr of Post-modernism.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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