nabrajanje oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Kao prvo, nabrajanje takvih čimbenika bilo je izričito indikativno, a ne taksativno.
First, the enumeration of such factors was explicitly indicative, not exhaustive.


adjective noun verb
Jer ako ga namjestiš, imaš samo 60 sekundi za nabrajanje.
Because if you let go of that, you'll have only 60 seconds to list them.



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

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znak nabrajanja


Advanced filtering
U predlošku S.12.02 u četvrtom stavku općih napomena nabrajanje od „k” do „n” mijenja se u nabrajanje od „a” do „d”.
In template S.12.02, in the fourth paragraph of the general comments, the numbering is changed in ‘a’ to ‘d’ instead of ‘k’ to ‘n’;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Upravo kao što nema kraja nizu njegovih znamenaka, tako izgleda da nema kraja ni nabrajanju praktičnih primjena korisnog, fascinantnog broja pi.
Just as there is no end to its digits, it seems that there is also no end to the number of practical applications for useful, elusive pi.jw2019 jw2019
U ovom slučaju bilo bi relativno jednostavno dostaviti takav dokaz nabrajanjem konkretnih slučajeva u kojima su dugovi nekog EPIC-a ili neke francuske teritorijalne zadruge ostajali dugo neplaćeniusprkos nepostojanju redovitog stečajnog postupka odnosno postupka u slučaju insolventnosti.
In the present case it would be relatively easy to adduce such proof by pointing to specific cases where the debts of an EPIC or of a French territorial, local or regional authority persistently remained unpaid, despite there being no formal bankruptcy or insolvency procedure.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
To je nabrajanje taksativno, što jasno proizlazi iz detaljnog i preciznog izričaja te odredbe, kao i toga da zakonodavac Unije prilikom sastavljanja odredbe nije dodao izraze kao što su „kao“, „na primjer“, „osobito“, „i dr.“, koji bi ukazivali na to da se nabrajanje navodi isključivo primjera radi. Predmetne leće postavljaju se na rožnicu oka koja nije uopće navedena u tom taksativnom nabrajanju niti je sadržana u nekoj drugoj odredbi Uredbe br.
It gives an exhaustive list, as is abundantly clear from the detailed, precise wording of that provision, and from the fact that the EU legislature refrained in the drafting of that provision from adding any terms such as ‘as’, ‘for example’, ‘including’ or ‘etc.’, which would have indicated that the items listed were given merely by way of example.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
EnumerationsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vrijednosti za nabrajanje ComparisonOperatorValue
Values for the enumeration ComparisonOperatorValueEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(Nabrajanje i kratak opis, ako je potreban): ...
(Enumeration and brief description if necessary):EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Točno je da slučajevi predviđeni tom odredbom (određeni datum, dovršenje određenog posla ili nastupanje određenog događaja) nisu iscrpni: zapravo u članku 3. točki 1. tog okvirnog sporazuma ispred tog nabrajanja stoji izraz: „kao što“.
It is true that the scenarios envisaged by that provision (‘reaching a specific date, completing a specific task, or the occurrence of a specific event’) are not exhaustive: clause 3(1) precedes that list with the words ‘such as’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nakon nabrajanja mnogih običaja svoje crkve, kardinal priznaje: “Svi su oni poganskog porijekla, a postaju svetima, jer ih je preuzela crkva” (izdanje 1969. str.
Then, after listing many of the practices of his church, the cardinal admits that these “are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church.”jw2019 jw2019
U slučaju negativnog odgovora na prvo pitanje: treba li se iz nabrajanja uređaja u Napomenama s objašnjenjem Kombinirane nomenklature o tarifnom broju 9025 KN-a zaključiti da naprave koje ne funkcioniraju poput tih uređaja (određivanje temperature na temelju primjerice mehaničkog širenja tekućina ili metala, fizikalnih promjena ili električnih impulsa itd.) ne mogu biti uvrštene u tarifni broj 9025 KN-a?
If this question is to be answered in the negative: Should it be deduced from the listing of the devices in the Explanatory Notes to the HS concerning CN heading 9025 that devices which do not function in ways that are incorporated in those devices (measuring of temperature by means, for example, of the mechanical expansion of liquids or metals, physical changes or electrical impulses, etc.) cannot be classified as falling under CN heading 9025?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ovaj dio referentnog dokumenta o NRT-u mora biti veoma kratak i u njemu je potrebno koristiti formu nabrajanja.
This part of the BREF should be very short using bullet point lists.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Neću koristiti vrijeme za nabrajanje mnogih načina na koje djeluje, ali ima jedan način na koji radi, i tako je radio od početka svijeta, a to je da dovodi u kušnju jednu osobu da uništi ugled druge govoreći ružne stvari o njoj.5
I will not take time to enumerate the many ways he employs but there is one way in which he operates, and has operated from the beginning of the world, and that is to tempt one individual to destroy the reputation of another by saying unkind things of them.5LDS LDS
Ian je počeo s nabrajanjem činjenica, koje je Peter već znao ili ih je znao dobrim dijelom.
Ian began with a recitation of the facts, which Peter already knew, or mostly.Literature Literature
Za razliku od toga furnirski trupci listača obuhvaćenih godišnjim planovima rada identificiraju se nabrajanjem i opisivanjem svakog izvornog stabla i pojedinačno pribavljenih furnirskih trupaca.
In contrast, saw‐logs of broadleaf species covered by annual operating plans are identified by enumerating and describing each original tree and saw‐log obtained individually.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
99 Drugo, kada je riječ o argumentaciji tužitelja da pobijana uredba vrijeđa slobode koje im daju odredbe članka 6. i 16. Povelje Europske unije o temeljnim pravima u pogledu prava na slobodu i sigurnost te slobode poduzetništva, potrebno je istaknuti da se tužitelji u okviru tog tužbenog razloga ograničavaju na apstraktno nabrajanje povreda navedenih odredaba.
99 In the second place, as regards the applicants’ argument that the contested regulation breaches the freedoms recognised by Articles 6 and 16 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, on the right to liberty and security and also to freedom to conduct a business, it should be observed that the applicants merely refer to a breach of those provisions in the abstract in the context of the present plea.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
26 U tim okolnostima valja, s jedne strane, smatrati da sama činjenica, da se u nabrajanju slučajeva u kojima se smanjuje oporezivi iznos nacionalna provedbena odredba ne prenosi na sve situacije iz članka 90. stavka 1. te direktive, ne omogućuje zaključak da, s obzirom na opći pravni kontekst te provedbene mjere, ona nije takve prirode da bi mogla učinkovito jamčiti punu primjenu Direktive o PDV‐u na dovoljno jasan i precizan način.
26 In those circumstances, it must be considered, first, that the mere fact that, in setting out the situations in which the taxable amount is reduced, the national transposing provision does not reproduce all the situations referred to in Article 90(1) of that directive does not lead to the conclusion, with regard to the general legal context which that transposing measure is part of, that it cannot be capable of effectively ensuring the full application of the VAT Directive in a sufficiently clear and precise manner.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
novo_ nabrajanje
new_fkey_constraintKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Kada je završio nabrajanje, dodao je: - Još nešto.
When he’d concluded the list, he added, “Another thing.Literature Literature
54 Međutim, imajući u vidu da to nabrajanje nije taksativno, treba naglasiti da druge vrste argumenata, kao što su oni vezani uz poštovanje međunarodnog prava, također mogu biti mjerodavni u tom kontekstu.
54 However, given the non-exhaustive nature of this list, it should be emphasised that other types of considerations, such as those relating to the observance of international law, may also be relevant in that context.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Kao što je to Sud tvrdio u pogledu članka 16. Uredbe br. 110/2008(49), članak 13. stavak 1. uredbi br. 510/2006 i br. 1151/2012(50) sadržava postupno nabrajanje zabranjenih djelovanja na temelju kojeg se svaka točka te odredbe razlikuje od prethodnih točaka(51).
As the Court confirmed in relation to Article 16 of Regulation No 110/2008, (49) Article 13(1) of Regulations No 510/2006 and No 1151/2012 (50) contains a graduated list of prohibited conduct in which each subparagraph of that provision is to be distinguished from those that precede it.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Jer ako ga namjestiš, imaš samo 60 sekundi za nabrajanje.
Because if you let go of that, you'll have only 60 seconds to list them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kao što je već naglasio nezavisni odvjetnik M. Campos Sánchez-Bordona u pogledu odredbe prava Unije koja je slična članku 16. Uredbe br. 110/2008(102), smatram da taj članak sadržava stupnjevito nabrajanje zabranjenih radnji među kojima se točka (c) razlikuje od dvije prethodne odredbe.
In line with what was pointed out by Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona with regard to a provision of EU law similar to Article 16 of Regulation No 110/2008, (102) I take the view that that article sets out a graduated list of prohibited acts, in which paragraph (c) is very different to the two previous paragraphs.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Kad se molite, ne izgovarajte isprazne riječi kao pogani, koji [pogrešno] umišljaju da će biti uslišani zbog svoga nabrajanja.
And in praying do not parrot off words like the heathen; for they [erroneously] think they will get themselves listened to by the quantity of what they say.jw2019 jw2019
Ime nabrajanja
Entity & nameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.