naglo otvoriti oor Engels

naglo otvoriti

Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


adjective verb noun interjection adverb
Tijekom tog razdoblja, tlak pri kojem se ventil „naglootvori mora se zabilježiti kao tlak otvaranja.
During this interval, the pressure at which the valve ‘pops’ open is to be recorded as the popping pressure.

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Dok je Clare gledala, vrata su se naglo otvorila i dvije su figure teturavim koracima izišle na sunce.
Even as Clare watched, the door burst open and two figures reeled out into the sunlight.Literature Literature
Zurila je u svoj radni stol dok Robin nije naglo otvorila vrata i pobjegla.
She stared at her desk until Robin yanked open the door and fled.Literature Literature
Vrata su se naglo otvorila baš kad je stigla do njih.
The doors opened abruptly just as she arrived in front of them.Literature Literature
I prije nego sam se stigla predomisliti, vrata su se naglo otvorila.
And before I can change my mind, the door busts open.QED QED
Više se iznenadila nego prestrašila kad su se naglo otvorila suvozačka vrata njezina automobila.
She was more surprised than alarmed when her passenger door was yanked open.Literature Literature
Oči mi se naglo otvore i podignem glavu sa stola.
My eyes snap open and I whip my head off the table.Literature Literature
Daniel je naglo otvorio oči i nasmiješio se, osmijehom sa slike iz dosjea.
Daniel snapped open his eyes and smiled—the same smile as in the picture in his file.Literature Literature
Policajci su stali, dotrčali do njega, naglo otvorili vrata i pronašli čovjeka oblivena krvlju.
The cops stopped, ran to it, yanked open the door, and found a man with blood all over him.Literature Literature
A onda je naglo otvorila oči.
Then she opened her eyes, just like that...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Upravo kad je prolazio ispred vrata, Janson ih je naglo otvorio eksplozivnom snagom.
Just as he passed in front of the door, Janson swung it open with explosive force.Literature Literature
Nekoliko sekundi kasnije je netko naglo otvorio vrata iza mene i brzo sam se okrenuo.
Seconds later, somebody kicked open a door behind me, and I turned around fast.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kad sam došao pred vrata svojeg ureda, ona se naglo otvore i na njima se pojavi stari.
As I reached the door to my office, it opened suddenly and the Old Man stood there.Literature Literature
Deset minuta kasnije vrata Mallucéovog privatnog svetišta su se naglo otvorila.
Ten minutes later the door to Mallucé's inner sanctum burst open.Literature Literature
Kad se približio, Annabel je naglo otvorila vrata.
As he neared, Annabel threw open her door.Literature Literature
Zagrcnuo se, stresao i naglo otvorio oči, kao da ga je munja pogodila u trticu.
He gagged, sputtered, and opened his eyes suddenly, as if a bolt of lightning had zapped him in the tailbone.Literature Literature
Vrata su se naglo otvorila i Eliopolosovi policajci su utrčali u sobu, s izvučenim pištoljima.
The door burst open and Eliopolos’s officers ran into the room, their own pistols drawn.Literature Literature
Iznad njih se naglo otvorio prozor odakle je provirila glava i odmah nestala.
Above them, a window was flung open, a head popped out, only to disappear immediately.Literature Literature
Kad je potrčao do vrata na trijemu, te ih u panici naglo otvorio, shvatio je da nema pasa.
When he raced to the deck door, wrenched it open in panic, he saw that there were no dogs.Literature Literature
Althene je vidjela kako su se naglo otvorila vrata automobila.
Althene could see the car door open.Literature Literature
Vrata su se naglo otvorila prije nego je dospio podići ruku.
The door was jerked open before he could lift a hand.Literature Literature
Vrata su se naglo otvorila uz tresak.
The door slammed open with a crash.Literature Literature
"Vrata se naglo otvore i začuje se glas: ""Granthame""."
The door suddenly opened, and a voice called out, “Grantham.”Literature Literature
Ponovno je naglo otvorila oči i ovaj put joj želudac nije spopala mučnina, već strah.
Her eyes shot open again, and this time it wasn’t nausea but fear that gripped her stomach.Literature Literature
Vrata su se naglo otvorila, i on ude, a sunčevo svjetlo mu preplavi lice.
The door sprang open, he entered, and the sunlight fell full into his eyes.Literature Literature
Mora da je to bio znak jer se vrata naglo otvore i četvorica zatvorskih čuvara banu u sobu.
It must have been a signal, for the door flew open and the four handlers burst into the room.Literature Literature
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