nestrpljivost oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


quality of being impatient
Ali, zbog naše nestrpljivosti završili smo povrijeđujući jedno drugo.
By being impatient we ended up hurting each other.


Ne bombastika, nema vatre, samo nestrpljivost da bi stvari učinili.
No bombast, no fire, just an eagerness to get things done.

ants in one's pants

[ ants in one’s pants ]


verb noun
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Potter je počeo potiho zviždukati neku melodiju da bolje iskaže svoju nestrpljivost.
Potter began whistling some low tune, better to show his own impatience.Literature Literature
5 Nestrpljivost se skupo plaća
5 Impatience Can Be Harmfuljw2019 jw2019
Pokazivao je tragove nestrpljivosti kada bi Maud govorila o graditeljskim projektima.
He showed signs of impatience when Maud talked about building projects.Literature Literature
Impatience.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gola i nevidljiva letačica suzdržavala se i svladavala, njezine su se ruke tresle od nestrpljivosti.
The naked and invisible aeronaut tried to restrain and control herself, but her hands shook with impatience.Literature Literature
No što ako iz svoje reakcije na neku nevolju vidimo da imamo određene nepoželjne karakterne crte, kao što su nestrpljivost i ponos?
But what if we react to affliction in a way that shows up undesirable traits, such as impatience and pride?jw2019 jw2019
On je još bio neproračunljiv čimbenik; gđica Warren i mladi Talijan pokazivali su nestrpljivost ravnu Nicolinoj.
He was still the incalculable element; Miss Warren and the young Italian wore their anticipation as obviously as Nicole.Literature Literature
Njihova pohlepa, vjerojatno zajedno s nestrpljivošću koja je dovela do grijeha, imala je kobne posljedice za sve nas.
Their greed, possibly combined with impatience that led to sin, had fatal consequences for all of us.jw2019 jw2019
Možda je i on očitovao nestrpljivost priključivši se Evi u grijehu, a da se najprije nije obratio svom nebeskom Ocu Jehovi za pomoć ili vodstvo.
He too may have manifested impatience by following Eve into sin without first approaching his heavenly Father, Jehovah, for help or direction.jw2019 jw2019
U napadu nestrpljivosti zgrabim je za ruku i potegnem do Regent Streeta, mašući kao majmun.
In a fit of impatience, I grab her by the arm and drag her over to Regent Street, gesticulating like a monkey.Literature Literature
Izgaram od nestrpljivosti da to vidim.
I look forward to it with lively anticipation, sir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rayev glas sada je bio na rubu i Phillip je prepoznao nestrpljivost i uzrujanost.
There was an edge to Ray’s voice now, an impatience and annoyance that Phillip recognized.Literature Literature
"Suoči se s činjenicama Bailey"", rekao je, a u glasu mu se osjećala nestrpljivost."
Face the facts, Bailey,” he finished with an undertone of impatience.Literature Literature
Ejla je Vuku dala znak da sjedne, ali on nije mogao sakriti svoju nestrpljivost da se poigra s djecom.
Ayla had signaled Wolf to stay down, but he couldn’t hide his eager anticipation in seeing the children.Literature Literature
Opsovao je kroz zube ispijajući zadnji gutljaj kako bi prikrio nestrpljivost, ili pomutnju.
He cursed to himself and finished his drink, trying to hide his impatience, or his confusion.Literature Literature
Bjørn Holm vidio je kako Bellman bijesno gleda novinara dok mu nestrpljivost nateže kutove usana.
Bjørn Holm could see Bellman giving the man the evil eye as impatience strained at the corners of his mouth.Literature Literature
Nestrpljivost se povezuje i s nekim drugim zdravstvenim tegobama.
There are other health problems associated with the lack of patience.jw2019 jw2019
Biblija nam pomaže razumjeti jedan od glavnih uzroka nestrpljivosti danas.
The Bible helps us to understand a prime cause of impatience today.jw2019 jw2019
Obuzdavajući svoju nestrpljivost, pazio sam da budem oprezan, da unaprijed promislim.
Struggling against my eagerness, I urged caution on myself, told myself to think ahead.Literature Literature
Nestrpljivost je neprijatelj trudnoći.
Anxiety is an enemy to pregnancy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
«U redu, njemu», reče on, pokušavajući prikriti nestrpljivost u glasu.
"""All right, he,"" he said, trying to mute the impatience in his voice."Literature Literature
Zbog nje biste mogli ostati bez novca, izgubiti prijatelje, pretrpjeti mnogo boli i doživjeti kojekakve druge neugodnosti, i to naprosto zato što nestrpljivost često ide ruku pod ruku s donošenjem loših odluka.”
It can cost you money, friendships, pain and suffering or any number of consequences simply because impatience is often followed by bad decisions.”jw2019 jw2019
Međutim, njegova nestrpljivost samo odražava njegov veliki gnjev, “znajući da ima malo vremena” (Otkrivenje 12:12, NW).
However, his impatience only reflects his having great anger, “knowing he has a short period of time.”jw2019 jw2019
Isgrimnurova nestrpljivost se odjednom istopi.
Isgrimnur’s impatience suddenly dropped away.Literature Literature
Na taj način ona našu nestrpljivost i naše sumnje preobraava u sigurnu nadu da Bog dri svijet u svojim rukama i da usprkos svakoj tami on pobjeđuje, kako se to potresnim slikama jasno ističe na završetku Otkrivenja.
It thus transforms our impatience and our doubts into the sure hope that God holds the world in his hands and that, as the dramatic imagery of the end of the Book of Revelation points out, in spite of all darkness he ultimately triumphs in
201 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.