odlučuje oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Taj priručnik nije obvezan, iako se većina organizacija odlučuje za njega.
This manual is not obligatory, though most organisations opt to have one.


Proveo je nekoliko dana odlučujući puno duže nego što je odlučio da će se ubiti.
He had spent several days deciding much longer than he had spent deciding to kill himself.


Proveo je nekoliko dana odlučujući puno duže nego što je odlučio da će se ubiti.
He had spent several days deciding much longer than he had spent deciding to kill himself.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

odlučivati se
decide · determine · make up one's mind
odlučujući set
deciding game · deciding set
odlučujući rez
odlučuj faktor
odlučuj tren
turning point · turning-point
odlučujući rezultat
odlučujući glas
casting vote
odlučujući trenutak
turning point
adjudicate · decide · decree · determine · make up one's mind · opt · resolve · rule · settle · to decide


Advanced filtering
Slijedom navedenoga, Sud (četvrto vijeće) odlučuje:
On those grounds, the Court (Ninth Chamber) hereby rules:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ja odlučujem.
This is my decision.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Također je objasnio da svatko sam odlučuje hoće li služiti vojsku ili neće.
He also explained that military service is a personal decision.jw2019 jw2019
Europsko vijeće, odlučujući kvalificiranom većinom, iz redova priznatih osoba s ugledom i stručnim iskustvom u monetarnom ili bankarskom području, a na preporuku Vijeća danu nakon savjetovanja s Europskim parlamentom i Upravnim vijećem ESB-a imenuje predsjednika, potpredsjednika i ostale članove Izvršnog odbora.
The President, the Vice-President and the other members of the Executive Board shall be appointed by the European Council, acting by a qualified majority, from among persons of recognised standing and professional experience in monetary or banking matters, on a recommendation from the Council, after it has consulted the European Parliament and the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
U područjima iz stavka 1. točkama (c), (d), (f) i (g) Vijeće odlučuje jednoglasno, u skladu s posebnim zakonodavnim postupkom i nakon savjetovanja s Europskim parlamentom i navedenim odborima.
In the fields referred to in paragraph 1(c), (d), (f) and (g), the Council shall act unanimously, in accordance with a special legislative procedure, after consulting the European Parliament and the said Committees.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Vijeće odlučuje kvalificiranom većinom.
The Council shall act by a qualified majority.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
18 Svojom protužalbom Kendrion zahtijeva od Suda da ukine točke 1. do 6. izreke pobijane presude i, ponovno odlučujući:
18 By its cross-appeal, Kendrion claims that the Court should set aside points 1 to 6 of the operative part of the judgment under appeal and, giving a new ruling:Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
44 Kao drugo, valja podsjetiti da u skladu s člankom 12. navedene okvirne odluke, pravosudno tijelo izvršenja u skladu s pravom države članice izvršenja odlučuje hoće li zadržati osobu uhićenu na osnovi europskog uhidbenog naloga.
44 In the second place, it should be borne in mind that, under Article 12 of Framework Decision 2002/584, the executing judicial authority is to take a decision on whether a person arrested on the basis of a European arrest warrant is to remain in detention, in accordance with the law of the executing Member State.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Vijeće, ako je to potrebno nakon sazivanja dvaju uzastopnih sastanaka, odlučuje u roku od četiri mjeseca nakon prijedloga Komisije.
The Council shall, if needed after convening two successive meetings, act within four months of the Commission proposal.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Wilhelmina ne može odlučivati o ničemu.
Wilhelmina has no creative input here whatsoever.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Prolazi inicijaciju i zatim sámo odlučuje o sebi
He then undergoes a ceremony of initiation after which, he has the freedom to make his own choicesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Zapovjednik jedrilice namijenjene letovima iznad vode utvrđuje rizike za preživljavanje osoba iz jedrilice u slučaju prisilnog slijetanja na vodi, na osnovi čega odlučuje o prijevozu:
The pilot-in-command of a sailplane operated over water shall determine the risks to survival of the occupants of the sailplane in the event of a ditching, based on which he/she shall determine the carriage of:Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Ako ćete da uradite ovo, treba da prestanete da donosite odluke koje bi donosio čovek sa povredom glave i da odlučujete kao roditelj.
If you guys are gonna do this you have to stop making decisions a head-trauma patient would make and start making decisions that a parent would make.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako Irska i/ili Ujedinjena Kraljevina zatraže da sudjeluju u određenim aktivnostima, o tome odlučuje Upravni odbor.
Should Ireland and/or the United Kingdom request to participate in specific activities, the management board shall decide thereon.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Prema tom zakonu, s pravnim sredstvom koje je podnio A. A. Tall i o kojem još nije odlučeno treba postupati kao s pravnim sredstvom o kojem se odlučuje u sporu pune jurisdikcije i koje ima suspenzivan učinak, pri čemu A. A. Tall tijekom trajanja postupka ima pravo, ako se za to pokaže potreba, na odgovarajuću materijalnu pomoć.
The appeal brought by Mr Tall, in which judgment is pending in the main proceedings, must, as required by the 2014 Law, be dealt with as an appeal in which the court hearing the case has unlimited jurisdiction and which has suspensory effect, while Mr Tall is entitled, as applicable, to the appropriate material assistance while the proceedings are ongoing.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ako postoje dostatni dokazi prema kojima će, po isteku prijelaznog razdoblja, na tržištu poljoprivrednih zemljišta u Mađarskoj doći do teških poremećaja ili postoji rizik od teških poremećaja, Komisija na zahtjev Mađarske odlučuje o produljenju prijelaznog razdoblja u trajanju od najviše tri godine.” [neslužbeni prijevod]
If there is sufficient evidence that, upon expiry of the transitional period, there will be serious disturbances or a threat of serious disturbances on the agricultural land market of Hungary, the Commission, at the request of Hungary, shall decide upon the extension of the transitional period for up to a maximum of three years.’Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Komisija na temelju rezultata te evaluacije odlučuje o opravdanosti nacionalne mjere.
On the basis of the results of that evaluation, the Commission shall decide whether the national measure is justified or not.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Na taj način pas uči da ste vi glavni i da vi odlučujete kad ćete mu pokloniti pažnju.
In this way your dog learns that you are the leader and you decide when attention is given.jw2019 jw2019
O takvom imenovanju odlučuje korisnik na svoju odgovornost i ako to zahtjeva sklapanje ugovora o javnoj nabavi, u skladu s važećim pravilima Unije te nacionalnim pravilima o javnoj nabavi;
Such designation shall be decided upon by the beneficiary under its own responsibility and, if it requires the award of a procurement contract, in compliance with the applicable Union and national public procurement rules;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kada je potrebno da Vijeće odlučuje običnom većinom, ono odlučuje većinom svojih članova.
Where it is required to act by a simple majority, the Council shall act by a majority of its component members.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Ako država članica odluči da isporuke sirovog mlijeka od proizvođača prema prerađivaču sirovog mlijeka mora biti obuhvaćena pisanim ugovorom između tih strana, ona također odlučuje koju fazu ili koje faze isporuke pokriva takav ugovor ako dotične proizvode isporučuje jedan ili više posrednika.
Where a Member State decides that deliveries of raw milk by a farmer to a processor of raw milk must be covered by a written contract between the parties, it shall also decide which stage or stages of the delivery shall be covered by such a contract if the delivery of raw milk is made through one or more collectors.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
I sada odlučujemo bitku ovdje.
And now we decide to combat her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U nepovoljnim uvjetima (kao što su javni natječaji kojima se snižavaju cijene, smanjenje prodaje i profitabilnosti, pad cijena usluga, potreba za smanjenjem udjela troškova osoblja u ukupnim troškovima proizvodnje) poduzeća koja posluju u sektoru pozivnih centara često se odlučuju na preseljenje u zemlje s nižim troškovima radne snage, intervencije u troškove radne snage ili zatvaranje.
In a context of adverse conditions (such as tendering by pulling prices down, declining sales and profitability, price of services plummeting, and the need of reducing the weight of staff costs in the total of production costs) the solution frequently adopted by the enterprises operating in the call center sector have been either relocation to countries with cheaper labor costs, interventions on the cost of labor or closure.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
7. „izvršenje radova” znači izvršenje ili oblikovanje i izvršenje radova koji se odnose na jednu od djelatnosti iz Priloga I. ili posla ili realizacije, bez obzira kojim sredstvom, posla koji odgovara zahtjevima koje je naveo javni naručitelj ili naručitelj koji ima odlučujući utjecaj na vrstu ili oblikovanje posla;
(7) ‘execution of works’ means the execution, or both the design and execution, of works related to one of the activities referred to in Annex I or of a work, or the realisation, by whatever means, of a work corresponding to the requirements specified by the contracting authority or contracting entity exercising a decisive influence on the type or design of the work;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Europsko vijeće odlučuje da konferencija predstavnika vlada država članica ispituje izmjene koje predlaže irska Vlada u obliku Protokola o pitanjima koja brinu irski narod vezano za Ugovor iz Lisabona koji se prilaže Ugovoru o Europskoj uniji i Ugovoru o funkcioniranju Europske unije, čiji se tekst prilaže ovoj Odluci i koji predstavlja nadležnost navedene konferencije.
The European Council hereby decides that a conference of representatives of the governments of the Member States shall examine the amendments proposed by the Irish Government in the form of a Protocol on the concerns of the Irish people on the Treaty of Lisbon, to be annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in the wording as attached to this Decision, which will constitute the terms of reference of the said conference.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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