osebujnost oor Engels


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Spoznati boju , čistoću i bistrinu rijeka Kupe , Kupice , Dobre ... , iskusiti prskavo zadovoljstvo slapišta , shvatiti snagu potočnih voda u kanjonu Vražji prolaz i Kamačnik , zaboraviti na vrijeme uz goranska jezera Omladinsko , Bajer , Lepenica ... nadahnuti se osebujnošću izvora Kupe i Čabranke , to i mnogo više daruju goranske vode .
Becoming aware of crystalclear water of the rivers Kupa , Kupica , Dobra ... , experiencing the spraying pleasure of waterfalls , understanding the strength of stream water in canyon Vraž ji prolaz and Kamač nik , forgetting about the time by mountain lakes Omladinsko , Bajer , Lepenica , Č ogrljin Lake ... getting inspired by the uniqueness of the Kupa and Č abranka sources , that and much more is offered by mountain rivers .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Upitala sam se bi li on uopće primijetio njezinu malu osebujnost da ju je jedini imao prilike upoznati.
I wondered if he would ever have noticed her little quirk, if he�d been the only one to know her.Literature Literature
Pjevačka osebujnost i izuzetan angažman odveli su je i u svjetove kazališta i filma .
Her specific singing and performing qualities have opened several doors for her to the world of theatre and film .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Znam što znači biti gazdin objekt sklonosti i osebujnosti.
I know what it like to be the object of Master's predilections and peculiarities.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Programirana sam kako bih tvoje osebujnosti pustila netaknutima.
I was programmed to leave your peculiar pathology untreated.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Producirano je i širom svijeta emitirano više dokumentarnih filmova u kojima se hvali kvaliteta proizvoda te se opisuje njegova osebujnost; kao što su: televizijska emisija BBC-ja „Rick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey” (1. program), dokumentarna emisija „Nouveaux produits, nouvelles habitudes: révélations sur nos assiettes” koja je emitirana na francuskom kanalu M6 u okviru programa „Zone Interdite”, a u okviru emisije „Les petits plats du Grand Mékong” TÉLÉRAME-a posvećen je program papru iz Kampota, itd.
Several documentaries praising the quality of the product, and telling about its specificity, have been produced and broadcasted worldwide; e.g.: the BBC's TV show ‘Rick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey’ (programme 1), the documentary ‘Nouveaux produits, nouvelles habitudes: révélations sur nos assiettes’ emitted by the French TV channel M6 within the programme ‘Zone Interdite’, also the show ‘Les petits plats du Grand Mékong’ of Télérame dedicated a programme to the pepper from Kampot, etc.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ta osebujnost ljudskog organizma temelji se u njegovom ontogenetskom razvoju.""
This peculiarity of the human organism is grounded in its ontogenetic development.'Literature Literature
Starješina Snow napisao je: »Usamljen sam i stranac u ovom velikom gradu, udaljen 13 000 kilometara od moje ljubljene obitelji, okružen ljudima čije su mi ponašanje i osebujnost nepoznati.
Elder Snow wrote: “I am alone and a stranger in this vast city, eight thousand miles from my beloved family, surrounded by a people [with] whose manners and peculiarities I am unacquainted.LDS LDS
Vinarije i tvornice voćnih sokova, smještene u dražesnim malim gradovima, prerađuju plodove vinove loze i doprinose osebujnosti ove regije u Ontariju.
Wineries and grape- juice plants, situated in charming little towns, process the fruitage of the vine and add to the distinctiveness of this region in Ontario.jw2019 jw2019
„Kako namjeravaš objasniti svoju ljepotu, osebujnost i dobro raspoloženje u uredu u srijedu?
“How’ll you explain your usual gorgeous, exuberant, bouncing self at the office on Wednesday?Literature Literature
Ali ja, mademoiselle, imam svojih malih osebujnosti.
But I, Mademoiselle, have my little originalities.Literature Literature
Mislim da bismo trebali biti svjesni kako postoji duhovna opasnost za one koji krivo shvate osebujnost stalnog stajanja u središtu zanimanja.
I think we should be aware that there can be a spiritual danger to those who misunderstand the singularity of always being in the spotlight.LDS LDS
Pored toga, pozivamo vas da detaljnije ispitate dokaze o tome da svemir s mnogim osebujnostima nije nastao tek slučajno.
In addition, we invite you to examine in greater detail evidence that this universe and its many features did not develop simply by chance.jw2019 jw2019
S druge strane, osebujnost proizvoda, koja se temelji na njegovoj snažnoj oštrini (koja ne „peče”) i intenzivnoj aromi, povezana je sa specifičnim uvjetima područja i lokalnim proizvodnim metodama.
On the other hand, the specificity of the product, that lies in its strong (but not ‘burning’) pungency and its aromatic intensity, is related to the specific conditions of the area and the local production methods.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Matsuo Basho(1644—1694) Pjesma Možda su odabrali Hokkaido zbog njegove osebujnosti.
MATSUO BASHO (1644–94) Poem PERHAPS THEY had chosen Hokkaido because of its maverick reputation.Literature Literature
Frontex je u suradnji sa stručnjacima iz država članica, u obliku sustava tekućih izdataka za sredstva ( engl. Running Expen-ses of Means, REM ), razvio rješenje koje omogućuje sufinanciranje zajedničkog popisa utvrđenih prihvatljivih troškova za raspoređivanje tehničke opreme uz istovremeno uvažavanje nacionalnih pravila i osebujnosti različitih nadležnih tijela država članica.
The system of Running Expenses of Means ( REM ) is a solution established by Frontex together with experts from the Member States, allowing to co-finance the common list of defined eligible costs for technical equipment deployments and to adapt to the national rules and the specifities of various MS authorities.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Mi zelimo da obuhvatJimo njezinu osebujnost. a ne da dopustimo da nas zavede apstrakcija estetske svijesti.
We want to grasp its distinctive nature without being confused by the abstraction performed by aesthetic consciousness.Literature Literature
Osebujnost tih košnica očituje se u njihovom jedinstvenom umjetničkom stilu.
What makes the kranjič particularly interesting is the unique art form it once bore.jw2019 jw2019
To je jelo prava švedska osebujnost.
This dish remains a very Swedish phenomenon.jw2019 jw2019
Mladi umjetnik koji sa čupavim zaliscima ulazi u predvorje Ritza rado će objasniti svoju osebujnost.
The young artist wearing his whiskers into the lobby of the Ritz will be glad to explain his idiosyncrasy.Literature Literature
Površinom zauzima oko 20 hektara i dio toga je 1963. godine proglašeno posebnim geografsko-botaničkim rezervatom kao lako prepoznatljivim i jedinstvenim staništem u Hrvatskoj, a s namjerom očuvanja osebujnosti vegetacije, gdje su se u uvjetima života na pijesku mogle razviti i prilagoditi samo određene biljne vrste; među ostalima i preko 300 vrsta leptira.
The sands occupy about 20 hectares and in 1963, part of it was declared a special geographical and botanical reserve as an easily recognizable and unique habitat in Croatia, and the intention of preserving the great diversity of vegetation, where the conditions of life on the sand could develop and adapt to certain plant species; among others, and over 300 species of butterflies .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Naravno, nadam se da vas zanima osebujnost Corteza koliko i nas.
Of course, I'm hopeful you're as interested in the character of The Cortez as we are.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
čitamo: “U društvu koje pokušava sve učiniti proročanskim, prirodna je sila jedna varijanta, jedna osebujnost, koju nitko ne može objasniti i nitko je ne može spriječiti”.
comments: “In a culture that has tried to make everything predictable, nature’s violence is the one variant, the one oddity, that no one can explain or prevent.”jw2019 jw2019
U čemu je onda Marxova osebujnost, njihova hi storijska zasluga?
What, then, is peculiar to Marx, what is his historical merit?Literature Literature
Ti si rafiniran, imaš osebujnost.
You're refined, you've got a lot of class.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
101 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.