osmerac oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


line of very of eight syllables

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


verse with eight syllables per line

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Poslije diplomiranja na Yaleu, Damien Thorn je došao na Oxford kao učenik... gdje je predvodio oxfordski osmerac u pobjedi i pobjedio u westchesterskom polo-kupu.
After majoring at Yale, Damien Thorn came to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, where he captained the Oxford eight to victory and won the Westchester Cup at polo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Obojica smo u osmercu sveučilišta.
We're both in the intervarsity eight.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rumunjske veslačice osvojle su prvo mjesto u utrci dvojaca bez kormilara i osmeraca s kormilarom, dok je gimnastičarka Monica Rosu osvojila zlatno odličje u preskoku
Romanian athletes placed first in women 's lightweight double skulls and women 's rowing eight with coxswain, while gymnast Monica Rosu took the gold in the women 's vaulting eventSetimes Setimes
Vidio je osmerac kako promiče, a za njim usamljena plava božica u skifu.
He saw a rowing eight switch by, followed by a lone blonde goddess in a skiff.Literature Literature
U utrci osmeraca za žene, Rumunjke su branila zlatno odličje
In women 's eights, the Romanians were the defending championsSetimes Setimes
U završnici ih je pretekao australski osmerac, ali su posljednjim zaveslajima uspjeli odoljeti talijanskom naletu, osvojiti brončanu medalju i ostaviti iza sebe veslačke velesile Italiju, SAD i Rumunjsku.
Croatia kept up relentlessly. Australia overtook them at the finish but Croatia managed to outperform Italy to win the bronze medal, leaving behind rowing giants Italy, USA and Romania.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Najiskusniji veslači na dasci vozit će 18 kilometara dugu regatu, dok će ostali rekreativci i entuzijasti moći, kao i proteklih godina, sudjelovati na Fun SUP regati, brzinskom veslanju na SUP osmercima, te SUP Like a Pro radionicama.
The most experienced stand up paddlers will participate in a 18-km-long regatta. Recreational athletes and enthusiasts, as in previous years, will have the opportunity to participate in the Fun SUP regatta, the SUP eights speed paddling, or the SUP Like a Pro workshops.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Veslački klub “Neretvanski gusar” iz Metkovića u suradnji sa Veslačkim savezom Dalmacije i Hrvatskim veslačkim savezom organizira V. regatu osmeraca “NERETVA OPEN 2019”.
The rowing club Neretvanski gusar from Metković cooperation with the Rowing Association of Dalmatia and the Croatian Rowing Association, is organizing the 5th eight+ regatta ’’NERETVA OPEN 2019’’.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Trenutno se možemo pohvaliti ne samo solidnom prvom postavom, nego i drugom, a posebno smo ponosni što smo, nakon više od 10 godina, uspjeli složiti i ženski osmerac.
Currently, we not only have a good first team but also an adequate second team and we are particularly proud of forming a first ladies’ eight in more than ten years.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Nadu je podgrijao sjajan nastup veslačkog osmerca, koji je u kvalifikacijama te kraljevske veslačke discipline pobijedio sve konkurente i na briljantan način, izravno, izborio ulazak u finale.
Hopes were raised by an excellent performance of the men's eight rowing crew, who brilliantly won the heat and advanced directly to the final.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Po prvi puta su osvojili prva mjesta u muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji na sveučilišnoj utrci osmeraca, kao i pobjedu na utrci legendi.
For the first time, they won gold medals in the men’s and women’s university eights race, as well in the race of legends.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Također, na Google Play-u možete pronaći našu android aplikaciju pod nazivom Neretvanski gusar, koja je razvijena povodom obilježavanja 50 godina od osnutka Kluba, a u svrhu pružanja osnovnih informacija za utrku osmeraca Neretva Open, vremenskih uvjeta i vodostaja rijeke Neretve, osnovnih informacija za veslačke pripreme i interaktivnom kartom koja sadrži sve potrebne informacije grada Metkovića i doline Neretve.
Also, on Google Play, you can find our Android app called Neretvanski gusar that was developed to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Club. The application has been developed to provide basic information for the eight+ race Neretva Open, weather conditions and water levels of the Neretva River, basic information for rowing preparations and an interactive map containing all necessary information about Metković and the Neretva Valley.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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