pasti stado oor Engels

pasti stado

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Poput pastira starog vremena, današnji starješine s ljubavlju “pasu stado Božje”
Like caring shepherds of ancient times, modern-day elders lovingly “shepherd the flock of God”jw2019 jw2019
16 Starješine ‘gorljivo pasu stado’.
16 The elders shepherd the flock “eagerly.”jw2019 jw2019
Stoga ako starješine samilosno pasu stado, to znači da se trude udovoljiti onome što Bog od njih očekuje.
Elders who compassionately shepherd the flock are thus endeavoring to live up to what God expects of them.jw2019 jw2019
Živio je za to da pase stado!
He lived to shepherd the flock!jw2019 jw2019
Ostanite na planini i pasite stada.”
Stay on the mountain and tend the flocks.”jw2019 jw2019
Krajolikom prevladava suho eukaliptusovo šipražje među kojim su razasute travnate ravnice na kojima pasu stada ovaca i goveda.
The countryside, for the most part, was dry eucalyptus scrub interspersed with flat, open grasslands where sheep and cattle grazed.jw2019 jw2019
Petar je uvidio da treba upozoriti starješine da je opasno pasti stado “radi nepoštenog dobitka”.
Peter saw the need to warn his fellow older men about the danger of shepherding the flock out of “love of dishonest gain.”jw2019 jw2019
Pasite stado Božje koje vam je povjereno” (1. PETROVA 5:2, NS).
Shepherd the flock of God in your care.” —1 PETER 5:2.jw2019 jw2019
Umjesto da pasu stado, oni su pasli sami sebe.
Instead of feeding the flock, they fed themselves.jw2019 jw2019
14 Petar je nadalje potaknuo starješine da ne pasu stado “radi nepoštenog dobitka, nego gorljivo”.
14 Peter also encouraged elders to shepherd the flock, “neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly.”jw2019 jw2019
U daljini seljaci obrađuju zemlju, vade plodove iz pustinje, pasu stada koza.
In the distance, the peasants worked the land, reaped fruit from the desert, tended flocks of goats.Literature Literature
10 Starješine također mogu dobro koristiti pitanja dok pasu stado.
10 Elders can also put questions to good use when shepherding the flock.jw2019 jw2019
Jehova je dao nadglednike da pasustado”.
Jehovah has provided overseers to shepherd “the flock.”jw2019 jw2019
Zaharija je dobio zadatak da “pase stado za klanje određeno” — ljude nalik ovcama koje su njihovi vođe izrabljivali.
Zechariah is portrayed as one sent to “shepherd the flock meant for the killing” —sheeplike people exploited by their leaders.jw2019 jw2019
14 Pastistado Božje” može uključiti pomaganje ovcama u rješavanju raznih problema, koji mogu iskrsnuti u skupštini.
14 Shepherding “the flock of God” may require helping the sheep with various problems that may arise within the congregation.jw2019 jw2019
Skupštinski starješine ‘pasu stado’ tako što brinu za duhovne potrebe ovaca (1.
Congregation elders are privileged to “shepherd the flock,” helping to care for the spiritual needs of others.jw2019 jw2019
Kada pasemo stado koza u pustinji... i šaljemo ih na lijevo one imaju tendenciju da idu na desno.
When we herd goats in the desert... and we send them to the left, they tend to go to the right.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
18. (a) S kakvim stavom kršćanski starješine ‘pasu stado’?
18. (a) With what attitude do Christian elders “shepherd the flock”?jw2019 jw2019
Ja ću pasti stado svoje, i ja ću ih odmarati.”
I myself shall feed my sheep, and I myself shall make them lie down.”jw2019 jw2019
Kršćanski starješine trebaju ‘pasti stado Božje’ (1.
Christian elders are to “shepherd the flock of God.”jw2019 jw2019
Osim toga, kao što je i prorečeno, tamo pasu stada ovaca.
Furthermore, flocks of sheep graze there, as foretold.jw2019 jw2019
U prvome čitanju, preuzetom iz Knjige izlaska, dok pase stado Mojsije vidi grm u plamenu koji ne izgara.
In the First Reading from the Book of Exodus, Moses, while tending his flock, sees a burning bush that is not consumed by the
Nakon što razmotri svoje dužnosti, izražava cijenjenje skupštini zbog njene suradnje sa starješinama dok pasu stado.
After reviewing his duties, he expresses appreciation to the congregation for their cooperation with the elders as they shepherd the flock.jw2019 jw2019
Poglavlja 4–5 objašnjavaju zašto se evanđelje propovijeda mrtvima i zašto starješine moraju pasti stado.
Chapters 4–5 explain why the gospel is preached to the dead and why the elders must feed the flock.LDS LDS
Pasite stado Božije koje vam je predato” (1. PETROVA 5:2).
Shepherd the flock of God in your care.” —1 PETER 5:2.jw2019 jw2019
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