poštivati oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Od sada ćemo jedna drugoj poštivati granice i usredotočiti se na posao.
How about from now on we just respect each other's boundaries and we will refocus on your account?
Open Multilingual Wordnet


No ljudi su je prvenstveno poštivali zbog njenih duhovnih svojstava — poniznosti, samopožrtvovnosti i vjerne ljubavi.
It was Ruth’s spiritual qualities—her humble, self-sacrificing attitude and her loyal love—that were the major factors in the public esteem she enjoyed.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


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Morali su se uspostaviti standardi, a opskrbljivači su ih morali poštivati ili bi ostali bez posla.
Standards were necessarily instituted and suppliers had to meet these standards or lose business.Literature Literature
Uvjeti i zahtjevi koje međunarodna organizacija mora poštivati kako bi od Upravnog odbora dobila odobrenje u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 2.a Konvencije za preuzimanje odgovornosti za učinkovitu organizaciju i funkcioniranje međunarodnog sustava jamstava i za ispis i raspodjelu karneta TIR sljedeći su:
The conditions and requirements to be complied with by an international organisation in order to be authorised, in accordance with Article 6.2 bis of the Convention, by the Administrative Committee to take on the responsibility for the effective organisation and functioning of an international guarantee system and to print and distribute TIR Carnets are:eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Ili ćeš poštivati njegovo pravo da odbije tvoju ponudu, uviđajući da i njemu isto tako trebaju njegova sredstva ili je možda ozbiljnije procijenio rizike od tebe?
Or would you respect his right to decline your offer, realizing that he may well need his funds or may assess the risks as more serious than you do?jw2019 jw2019
Nije mi nikada palo na um ne poštivati ugovor
It never crossed my mind not to honor my agreementopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
a da nisu poštivane odredbe obaveznog sustava označivanja, ili
- without complying with the compulsory labelling system, orEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Svaka država članica poduzima potrebne mjere kako bi plovila koja vijore njezinu zastavu poštivala mjere ICCAT-a koje su prenesene u pravo Zajednice kao i primjenjive mjere Sporazuma o međunarodnom programu za zaštitu dupina.
Each Member State shall take the action necessary in order that vessels flying its flag respect the IATTC measures transposed into Community law and the International Dolphin Conservation Programme Agreement measures applicable.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Očekujemo da ćete ju poštivati.
And we expect that you will respect that privacy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No nisam je još znao poštivati ni odgonetati njezine poruke.
But I had not yet learned to respect it, nor to decipher its messages.Literature Literature
Odrasli ste, nisam to poštivao.
You guys are grown adults and I don't have no business disrespecting you like this.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jedan od načina kako može ‘zidati svoju kuću’ jest da uvijek dobro govori o svom suprugu, jer tad će ga i drugi više poštivati.
One thing that will ‘build up her house’ is that she always speaks well of her husband and thus increases the respect of others for him.jw2019 jw2019
Rekla si da nema testiranja obiteljskog DNK. Trebalo je to poštivati.
Look, you said no DNA tests on the family, and I should've respected that, instead of doing what I did.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
34 Iz sudske prakse Suda također proizlazi kako opseg formalnosti određenih od strane navedene države članice, koje porezni obveznik mora poštivati kako bi mogao izvršavati pravo na odbitak PDV‐a, ne smiju prelaziti ono što je neophodno potrebno za kontrolu ispravne primjene postupka obrnute porezne obveze i osiguranja naplate PDV‐a (vidjeti, u tom smislu, gore navedenu presudu Bockemühl, t. 50. i onu od 30. rujna 2010., Uszodaépítő, C‐392/09, Zb., str. I‐8791., t. 38.).
34 It is also apparent from the Court’s case-law that the scope of the formalities laid down by the Member State concerned, which must be complied with by a taxable person in order to be able to exercise the right to deduct VAT, should not exceed what is strictly necessary for the purposes of verifying the correct application of the reverse charge procedure and ensuring that the VAT is collected (see, to that effect, Bockemühl, paragraph 50, and Case C-392/09 Uszodaépítő [2010] ECR I-8791, paragraph 38).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tu je dužnost njihova vrsta poštivala generacijama.
It's a duty their kind has honored for generations.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zbog toga što se ovi dragi stariji kršćani iskreno brinu za druge doista ih nije teško poštivati.
The heartfelt concern shown by these dear older Christians makes the showing of respect to such older ones truly a pleasure.jw2019 jw2019
Ovakvu dobru volju valja poštivati.
Such good will should not be denied.Literature Literature
Onda morate razumjeti zašto ne mogu poštivati vaš zahtjev.
Then you should understand why I can't honor your request.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kako bi se osiguralo pravilno upravljanje skladištem, primjereno je usvojiti odredbe za smanjenje iznosa potpore koji se mora platiti ako je količina skladištena tijekom ugovorenog razdoblja manja od ugovorene količine i u slučaju kada razdoblje skladištenja nije u potpunosti poštivano.
To ensure that the storage is properly managed, it is appropriate to adopt provisions for reducing the amount of aid to be paid when the quantity stored during the contractual storage period is less than the contractual quantity and where the storage period is not fully observed.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dobro smo znali da vozači jako poštivaju jedni druge, jer su se poznavali. Slično kao vojni piloti u ratu, jer se možda više neće vratiti.
We were very aware then that the drivers had massive respect for each other because they kne w, a bit like fighter pilots in World War ll, that they might not come back.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gdje god se nalazili, ljudi imaju priliku pokazati je li im stalo do onoga tko je stvorio nebo i Zemlju te hoće li poštivati njegove zakone i ljubiti svoje bližnje (Luka 10:25-27; Otkrivenje 4:11).
People everywhere are being given an opportunity to show whether they care who created the heavens and the earth and whether they will show respect for his laws and demonstrate love for their fellowman. —Luke 10:25-27; Revelation 4:11.jw2019 jw2019
PNG je potvrdio, kako se navodi u članku 20. stavku 1. Uredbe o ribolovu NNN, da na snazi ima nacionalne mehanizme za provedbu, nadzor i izvršenje zakona, propisa i mjera očuvanja i upravljanja koje moraju poštivati njegova ribolovna plovila.
PNG confirmed, as Article 20(1) of IUU Regulation states, that it has national arrangements in place for the implementation, control and enforcement of laws, regulations and conservation and management measures which must be complied with by its fishing vessels.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Oduvijek sam te poštivala.
I have always respected you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Namjeravam poštivati Sallyinu posljednju želju.
Sally was as close to family as anybody can get, and I intend on honoring her dying wish.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zar ne bi bilo čudno da je osoba koja vas je najviše poštivala, osoba s kojom se najmanje slažete?
Wouldn't it be odd if the person who respected you the most was the person you agreed with the least?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vaše veličanstvo, dajete li riječ da ćete poštivati sve uvjete ovog novog sporazuma?
Your Majesty, do you pledge to honour all the terms of this new treaty?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Emma je pomislila na mogućnost da se poda muškarcu kojeg ne bi mogla voljeti ni poštivati.
Emma thought of giving herself to a man she could neither love nor respect.Literature Literature
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