precizni oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


adjective verb
Jos uvijek trazimo podatke na preciznom prinos i tipu.
We're still gathering data on precise yield and type.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Preciznije dozvole
Fine-Grained Permissions
precizni strijelac
accurate · delicate · exact · precise · punctual · specific
accurately · exactly · incisively · precisely · sharply · strictly
more precise
precizna mehanika
precision engineering
precizan šut
accurate shot
precizno navođeno streljivo
precision-guided munitions
precizni instrument
precision instrument · precision instruments


Advanced filtering
U tom se pogledu ističe da pobijana oblika nije u skladu s obvezom jasnog, preciznog i nedvosmislenog obrazloženja kako se tumači u praksi Suda.
The applicant claims, in this regard, that the contested decision does not comply with the obligation, as interpreted by the case-law of the Court of Justice, to provide a clear, precise and unequivocal statement of reasons.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Riječ „prerađeni” zamjenjuje se riječju „sušeni” kako bi se preciznije definirali ostali načini prerade proizvoda sa ZOZP-om „Marrone del Mugello”.
The word ‘processed’ has been replaced with ‘dried’ so as to more precisely define the other ways in which to process the ‘Marrone del Mugello’ PGI product.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Kao prvo, što se tiče pitanja tko je dužan dokazati ispravno ispunjenje predugovornih obveza, doista, kao što je ispravno istaknuo sud koji je uputio zahtjev, ni jedna odredba Direktive 2008/48 ne sadržava jasna i precizna pravila koja se odnose na teret dokazivanja da su vjerovnici ispunili predugovorne obveze.
First, with regard to the question to whom it falls to establish that the pre-contractual obligations have been correctly fulfilled, it is true — as the referring court has rightly pointed out — that none of the provisions of Directive 2008/48 contains clear and precise rules relating to the burden of proving that the pre-contractual obligations incumbent on creditors have been fulfilled.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Redestilacija s preciznim procesom frakcioniranja je kontinuirani ili jednokratni postupak destilacije što ga se primjenjuje u industrijskim postrojenjima uporabom destilata iz podbrojeva 2710 12 11 do 2710 19 48 , 2711 11 00 , 2711 12 91 do 2711 19 00 , 2711 21 00 i 2711 29 00 (osim propana čistoće 99 % ili veće) za dobivanje:
Redistillation by a very thorough fractionation process means distillation (other than topping) by a continuous or batch process employed in industrial installations using distillates of subheadings 2710 12 11 to 2710 19 48 , 2711 11 00 , 2711 12 91 to 2711 19 00 , 2711 21 00 and 2711 29 00 (other than propane of a purity of 99 % or more) to obtain:Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
«Smrtonosno je, ali nagađam da nije jako precizno, osim izbliza.»
"""Lethal, but my guess is it's not terribly accurate except at close range."""Literature Literature
Podrobno i precizno opišite djelatnosti društva i svih povezanih društava (nabrojite društva i navedite vrstu njihove povezanosti s vašim društvom) uključenih u proizvodnju i/ili prodaju (izvozna i/ili domaća) proizvoda iz postupka revizije.
Give details of the precise activities of the company and all related companies (please list them and state the relationship to your company) involved in the production and/or selling (export and/or domestic) of the product under review.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Krupno graneni kineski major i hladnim, precizni doktor iskočili su iz kola i potrčali prema ulazu.
The heavy-set Chinese major and the cold, precise doctor leaped out of the car and raced towards the entrance.Literature Literature
Nautički čvor, da budemo precizniji.
It's a bowline knot, to be exact.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
„uređaj za čuvanje vina” znači rashladni uređaj sa samo jednom vrstom odjeljka za čuvanje vina s preciznim uređajem za regulaciju uvjeta čuvanja i ciljne temperature i s mjerama za sprečavanje vibracija, kako je utvrđeno u Delegiranoj uredbi (EU) 2019/2016;
‘wine storage appliance’ means a refrigerating appliance with only one type of compartment for the storage of wine, with precision temperature control for the storage conditions and target temperature, and equipped with anti-vibration measures, as defined in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2016;EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
skreće pozornost na činjenicu da Komisija za ove sektore nije utvrdila nikakve precizne i pravno obvezujuće ciljeve, već polazi od opće procjene njihovog doprinosa, unutar koje države članice imaju usporedivo veliku slobodu donošenja odluka koje mjere namjeravaju koristiti u praksi kako bi ispunile svoje ciljeve smanjenja emisija stakleničkih plinova.
points out that the Commission has not set out any precise and legally binding targets for these sectors, but rather deals with their contribution in a general way, leaving Member States comparatively broad latitude to decide what specific measures they wish to apply in order to meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
12 Uredba vlade br. 587/2006 o utvrđivanju detaljnih pravila recipročnog prijenosa mirovinskih prava koji se odnosi na sustav mirovina Zajednica (u daljnjem tekstu: Uredba vlade br. 587/2006) sadrži precizne odredbe o prijenosu mirovinskih prava češkog službenika koji je stupio u službu Zajednica.
12 Government Regulation No 587/2006 establishing detailed rules relating to the reciprocal transfer of pension rights vis-à-vis the pension scheme of the European Communities (‘Government Regulation No 587/2006’) includes detailed provisions relating to the transfer of the pension rights of a Czech official who has entered into the service of the European Communities.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ponovno apelira na veću transparentnost u pogledu naknada za opće troškove zastupnika; poziva Predsjedništvo Parlamenta da počne raditi na definiranju preciznijih pravila kada je riječ o odgovornosti za opravdane rashode u okviru te naknade, bez stvaranja dodatnih troškova za Parlament;
Reiterates the appeal for greater transparency regarding the general expenditure allowance for the Members; calls on Parliament's Bureau to work on a definition of more precise rules regarding the accountability of the expenditure authorised under this allowance, without generating additional costs to Parliament;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I to marke Vinotchka, preciznije.
A Vinotchka, to be precise.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ali u svakom naselju, svaka vlat trave, svaka bubamara, svaki detalj je precizno dizajniran i kalibriran za svoje stanovnike.
But in each one, every blade of grass, every ladybug, every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Taj se početni stav u osnovi koristi kao radna hipoteza kako bi se ispitivanje Komisije usmjerilo na nalaženje preciznog utvrđenja tržišta u zemljopisnom smislu.
This initial view is used basically as a working hypothesis to focus the Commission's enquiries for the purposes of arriving at a precise geographic market definition.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I zašto ih je tajanstveno zanimalo precizno kretanje Jupitera, planeta kojeg su vezivali za jednog od svojih najvažnijih bogova,
And why were they mysteriously concerned with the precise movements of Jupiter, a planet that they associated with one of their most important gods,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Izoštriti logiku intervencije programa; kad je riječ o opsegu programa i njegovim općim i specifičnim ciljevima i prioritetima, vrstama djelovanja i intervencija te mjerama provedbe, Komisija će nastojati izoštriti logiku intervencije 60 i pobrinuti se da odnosi među objašnjenjima, ciljevima, doprinosima, rezultatima, korisnicima, očekivanim ishodima i učincima budu jasnije izraženi, precizniji i konkretniji u svakom daljnjem nastavku programa.
Sharpen the programme's intervention logic; further to the scope of the programme and its general and specific objectives and priorities, types of action and types of intervention and implementing measures, the Commission will seek to sharpen the intervention logic 60 , and make the relations between the rationale, objectives, inputs, outputs, beneficiaries, expected outcomes and impacts more articulate, precise and concrete in any future continuation of the programme.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Preciznije, Bellinijeva limfokemija.
Most like bellini's lymphocemia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nasuprot tome, ako je neki žig bio registriran za proizvode ili usluge definirane na potpuno precizan i određen način, tako da nije moguće stvoriti posebne odjele unutar kategorije o kojoj je riječ, onda dokaz o stvarnoj uporabi žiga u odnosu na navedene proizvode i usluge nužno obuhvaća cijelu tu kategoriju u svrhu prigovora (presude od 14. srpnja 2005., Reckitt Benckiser (Španjolska)/OHIM – Aladin (ALADIN), T‐126/03, Zb., EU:T:2005:288, t. 45. i od 13. veljače 2007., Mundipharma/OHIM – Altana Pharma (RESPICUR), T‐256/04, Zb., EU:T:2007:46, t. 23.).
On the other hand, if a trade mark has been registered for goods or services defined so precisely and narrowly that it is not possible to make any significant subdivisions within the category concerned, then the proof of genuine use of the mark for those goods or services necessarily covers the entire category for the purposes of the opposition (judgments of 14 July 2005 in Reckitt Benckiser (Spain) v OHIM — Aladin (ALADIN), T‐126/03, ECR, EU:T:2005:288, paragraph 45, and 13 February 2007 in Mundipharma v OHIM — Altana Pharma (RESPICUR), T‐256/04, ECR, EU:T:2007:46, paragraph 23).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
30 Kao što je nezavisni odvjetnik Jacobs istaknuo u točki 30. svojeg mišljenja uz presudu Suda od 19. svibnja 1994., SEP/Komisija (C‐36/92 P, Zb., str. I‐1911., I‐1914.), obveza navođenja svrhe zahtjeva znači „[da Komisija] mora jasno identificirati navodnu povredu pravila o tržišnom natjecanju“, „da se neophodnost informacija mora ocijeniti s obzirom na svrhu navedenu u zahtjevu za pružanjem informacija“ i „da svrha mora biti dovoljno precizno navedena, bez čega bi bilo nemoguće utvrditi jesu li informacije neophodne te Sud ne bi mogao izvršavati svoju kontrolu“.
30 As Advocate General Jacobs made clear in point 30 of his Opinion in Case C‐36/92 P SEP v Commission [1994] ECR I‐1911, I‐1914, the obligation to state the purpose of the request means ‘of course that [the Commission] must identify the suspected infringement of the competition rules’, ‘[t]he necessity of the information must be judged in relation to the purpose stated in the request for information’ and ‘[t]he purpose must be indicated with reasonable precision, otherwise it will be impossible to determine whether the information is necessary and the Court will be prevented from exercising judicial review’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
precizan podatak o točnom roku mirovanja koje se primjenjuje sukladno odredbama nacionalnog prava koje prenose odredbe ovog stavka.
a precise statement of the exact standstill period applicable pursuant to the provisions of national law transposing this paragraph,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Drugim tužbenim razlogom navodi se da je Komisija donoseći pobijanu odluku povrijedila Uredbu (EZ) br. 1049/2001, posebno članak 4. navedene uredbe i/ili preciznije članak 4. stavak 3. iste uredbe jer nije dokazala da je navedeni razlog za odbijanje primjenjiv, jer pogrešno nije odvagnula interese povezane uz otkrivanje informacija te jer pogrešno i uz povredu članka 4. Uredbe (EZ) br. 1049/2001 nije posebno i pojedinačno ispitala dokumente na koje se upućuje u zahtjevu za pristup dokumentima.
Second plea in law, alleging that the Commission by adopting the Contested Decision acted in breach of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, especially of Article 4 of that Regulation and/or more specifically of Article 4(3) thereof because it failed to demonstrate that the invoked ground of refusal applies, it wrongly did not weigh the interests served with disclosure and wrongly and in breach of Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 did not examine specifically and individually the documents referred to in the request for access to documents.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Digitalizacija poljoprivrede: Udio poljoprivrednika koji primaju potpore za tehnologiju precizne poljoprivrede u okviru ZPP-a
Digitising agriculture: share of farmers benefiting from support to precision farming technology through the CAPEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Iste rečenice na engleskom jeziku i njihov potpun i precizan prijevod na drugom jeziku, koje nadležno tijelo smatra odgovarajućim.
The same sentence in English and its full and precise translation into such other languages as the competent authority deems appropriate.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Međutim, teško je utvrditi precizne iznose jer su usluge u okviru mreže EURES u pravilu dio ponude usluga javnih službi za zapošljavanje.
However, it is difficult to identify exact amounts as EURES services mainly have been part of the service offer of the Public Employment Services.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
220 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.