prepiska oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Službena prepiska znači svaku prepisku koja se odnosi na operaciju ili njezino izvršenje.
Official correspondence means all correspondence relating to the operation and its functions.

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Lična prepiska lorda Cornwallisa.
lt`s the personal correspondence of Lord Cornwallis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Redni broj predmeta s naznakom stranaka naznačuje se u postupovnim aktima, u prepiskama vezanima uz taj predmet te, ne dovodeći u pitanje članak 66. Poslovnika, u objavama Općeg suda i u dokumentima Općeg suda objavljenima na internetskoj stranici Suda Europske unije.
The serial number of the case together with the names of the parties shall be indicated on the procedural documents, in correspondence relating to the case and, without prejudice to Article 66 of the Rules of Procedure, in the publications of the Court and in the documents of the Court on the internet site of the Court of Justice of the European Union.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Tužitelji smatraju da zbog toga nisu mogli utvrditi na kojoj je razini vođena prepiska i je li se stvarno odnosila na takve suradnike.
The applicants claim that that makes it impossible to determine the level at which correspondence is carried out and whether it indeed concerns non-senior staff.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sva prepiska koju kandidat šalje u vezi sa svojom prijavom mora sadržavati ime istovjetno onome na prijavi i broj selekcijskog postupka.
Any correspondence from a candidate concerning an application must quote the name given in that application and the number of the selection procedure.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Istaknula je i da su u prethodnoj fazi postupka njezine službe podijelile predmetne dokumente u četiri zasebne kategorije s obzirom na to kako su ih utvrdili tužitelji, odnosno u prepisku razmijenjenu s adresatom Odluke o automobilskom staklu (kategorija A), prepisku razmijenjenu s trećim osobama (kategorija B), dokumente zaplijenjene u istragama provedenima tijekom postupka (kategorija C) i interne dokumente Komisije (kategorija D) (točke 2.2. i 2.3. pobijane odluke).
It also pointed out that, at an earlier stage of the proceeding, the Commission’s services had divided the documents at issue into four separate categories, having regard to how the applicant had classified the documents, namely correspondence exchanged with the addressees of the Carglass decision (category A); correspondence exchanged with third parties (category B); documents seized in the course of the inspections carried out during the proceedings (category C); and the internal documents of the Commission (category D) (points 2.2 and 2.3 of the contested decision).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
14 Kada je riječ o točki 5. zahtjeva za pristup (prepiska koja se odnosi na produljenje vijeka trajanja dvaju reaktora), Komisija je potvrdila da nije u posjedu nijednog dokumenta koji bi, prema njezinu mišljenju, bio relevantan za odgovor na zahtjev.
14 With regard to point 5 of the request for access (communications concerning the lifetime extension for two reactors), the Commission confirmed that it had no documents which, in its view, were relevant for the purpose of replying to the request.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Dodatna pravila i informacije o prepisci s Komisijom, uključujući načela koja se primjenjuju na podneske poslane e-poštom, zainteresirane strane mogu pronaći u prethodno spomenutim uputama za komunikaciju sa zainteresiranim stranama.
For further rules and information concerning correspondence with the Commission including principles that apply to submissions by e-mail, interested parties should consult the communication instructions with interested parties referred to above.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A što se prepiske tiče, on je ignorirao svaku omotnicu koja mu je dolazila.
As for correspondence, he ignored every envelope that came through the door.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Svi podnesci, uključujući podatke koji se traže u ovoj obavijesti, ispunjeni upitnici i prepiska zainteresiranih strana za koje se zahtijeva povjerljivo postupanje nose oznaku „Ograničeno” (7).
All written submissions, including the information requested in this notice, completed questionnaires and correspondence provided by interested parties for which confidential treatment is requested shall be labelled ‘Limited’ (7).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dužnosnici nekoliko balkanskih zemalja osudili su objavljivanje tisuća procurjelih povjerljivih dokumenata i interne prepiske američkog State Departmenta na internetskoj stranici WikiLeaks, koje je započelo u nedelju ( # studenog
Officials in several Balkan countries have condemned the release of thousands of leaked confidential US State Department documents and internal correspondence by the WikiLeaks website since Sunday (November # thSetimes Setimes
Ti razlozi su povjerljivost prepiske, sigurnost mreže u vezi s prijevozom opasnog tereta, poštovanje uvjeta zapošljavanja i programa socijalne sigurnosti koji su utvrđeni zakonima, uredbama, odredbama i/ili kolektivnim ugovorima o kojima je postignut dogovor između nacionalnih socijalnih partnera u skladu sa zakonom Zajednice i nacionalnim zakonom te, kada je to opravdano, zaštita podataka, zaštita okoliša i regionalno planiranje.
These reasons are the confidentiality of correspondence, security of the network as regards the transport of dangerous goods, respect for the terms and conditions of employment, social security schemes, laid down by law, regulation or administrative provision and/or by collective agreement negotiated between national social partners, in accordance with Community and national law and, where justified, data protection, environmental protection and regional planning.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Svi podnesci, uključujući podatke koji se traže u ovoj obavijesti, ispunjeni upitnici i prepiska zainteresiranih strana za koje se zahtijeva povjerljivo postupanje nose oznaku „Ograničeno” (6).
All written submissions, including the information requested in this Notice, completed questionnaires and correspondence provided by interested parties for which confidential treatment is requested shall be labelled ‘Limited’ (6).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dužnosnici i privremeno osoblje || Administrativna provedba Sporazuma i provedba njegova proračuna (povlastice, praćenje ulova, plaćanje, sektorska potpora), priprema Zajedničkih odbora i pregovora za sljedeći protokol i sudjelovanje na njima, priprema i provedba zakonodavnih akata, prepiska, tehnička i znanstvena podrška.
Officials and temporary staff || Administrative and budgetary implementation of the agreement (licences, monitoring catches, payment, sectoral support), preparation for and participation in joint committees and negotiating subsequent protocols, preparation and implementing legislative acts, correspondence, technical and scientific support.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pojedina država članica može, ako je to potrebno zbog organizacije njezina pravosudnog sustava, svojem središnjem tijelu, ili svojim središnjim tijelima, povjeriti odgovornost za administrativno prosljeđivanje i primanje EIN-ova, kao i za drugu službenu prepisku u vezi s EIN-ovima.
A Member State may, if necessary due to the organisation of its internal judicial system, make its central authority(ies) responsible for the administrative transmission and receipt of EIOs, as well as for other official correspondence relating to EIOs.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Osim toga, tvrdi da se u konkretnom slučaju prepiska između Komisije i nizozemskih tijela nastavno na dopis iz članka 17. nije ticala pitanja je li postojeći program potpora spojiv s unutarnjim tržištem nego načina na koji taj program treba prilagoditi.
Furthermore, in the present case, the exchanges that took place between the Commission and the Netherlands authorities following the Article 17 letter did not concern whether the existing aid scheme was compatible with the internal market, but rather the manner in which that scheme should be adapted.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Ured otvara novi spis za novu registraciju koji se sastoji od cjelokupne preslike spisa izvorne registracije, uključujući zahtjev za upis djelomičnog prijenosa i povezanu prepisku.
The Office shall establish a separate file for the new registration, which shall consist of a complete copy of the file of the original registration, including the application for registration of the partial transfer and the correspondence relating thereto.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
U tu svrhu i kako se prepiska elektroničkom poštom ne bi izgubila, zamijenjeni davatelj usluge pristupa internetu trebao bi krajnjim korisnicima omogućiti da besplatno odaberu mogućnost prosljeđivanja elektroničke pošte u slučajevima kada se krajnji korisnik služi adresom elektroničke pošte kod zamijenjenog davatelja usluga.
To this end, and to ensure that email communications are not lost, end-users should be given the opportunity to opt, free of charge, for an email forwarding facility offered by the transferring internet access service provider in cases where the end-user has an email address provided by the transferring provider.not-set not-set
84 Što se tiče ranije dodijeljenih potpora, iz tog dopisa iz 2014. i iz Komisijina dopisa od 2. listopada 2003. koji je naveo sud koji je uputio zahtjev proizlazi da su oni poslani nakon prepiske i zahtjeva za informacije španjolskim tijelima o oporezivanju IGEC-om.
84 As far as concerns the aid awarded before that period, it is apparent from both the 2014 letter and from the Commission’s letter of 2 October 2003 mentioned by the referring court that those letters were sent following exchanges of and requests for information to the Spanish authorities on the IGEC regime.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
8 Odlukom 2013/665/EU od 17. srpnja 2013. o sustavu državnih potpora SA.33726 (11/C) (ex SA.33726 (11/NN)) koje je Italija odobrila (odgoda plaćanja pristojbi na mlijeko) (SL L 309, str. 40., u daljnjem tekstu: pobijana odluka), a na temelju prepiske s talijanskim tijelima tijekom upravnog postupka, Komisija je utvrdila da svaka od tih dviju predmetnih mjera, i to odgoda plaćanja i sustav postupnih plaćanja, predstavlja novu potporu, koja je nezakonita i nespojiva s unutarnjim tržištem (članak 1. pobijane odluke).
8 By Decision 2013/665/EU of 17 July 2013 on State aid SA.33726 (11/C) [ex SA.33726 (11/NN)] granted by Italy (deferral of payment of the milk levy in Italy) (OJ 2013 L 309, p. 40, ‘the contested decision’), the Commission considered, following the exchange with the Italian authorities during the administrative procedure, that each of the two measures at issue, namely, the deferral of payment, on the one hand, and the system of staggered payments, on the other hand, constituted new and unlawful aid which was incompatible with the internal market (Article 1 of the contested decision).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 Kada je riječ o točki 3. zahtjeva za pristup (službena prepiska između Komisije i Ukrajine), Komisija je tvrdila da ne postoji nijedna druga relevantna prepiska te kategorije osim dva dopisa GU-a za okoliš koji su već proslijeđeni poštom 21. prosinca 2015.
12 With regard to point 3 of the request for access (official communications between the Commission and Ukraine), the Commission maintained that there were no communications falling under that category other than the two letters from DG ‘Environment’ already disclosed by letter of 21 December 2015.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Svi podnesci, uključujući podatke koji se traže u ovoj obavijesti, ispunjeni upitnici i prepiska zainteresiranih strana za koje se zahtijeva povjerljivo postupanje nose oznaku „Ograničeno” (7).
All written submissions, including the information requested in this Notice, completed questionnaires and correspondence provided by interested parties for which confidential treatment is requested shall be labelled ‘Limited’ (7).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dokumenti, prepiska i imovina članova tima nepovredivi su, osim u slučaju mjera izvršenja.
Papers, correspondence and property of members of the team shall be inviolable, except in case of measures of execution.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Što se tiče ESA-e, takva prepiska odvija se putem Ureda za sigurnost.
As far as ESA is concerned, such correspondence shall be transmitted through the ESA Security Office.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nakon dugotrajne prepiske, dijalog je nastavljen
After a long exchange of letters, the dialogue was resumedSetimes Setimes
202 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.