prepucavanje oor Engels


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Ovo beskrajno prepucavanje između vas dvojice... mora prestati.
This constant quibbling between the two of you... has got to come to an end.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne mogu sad podnijeti prepucavanje s Chrisann.
I'm not having a session with Chrisann right now.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Novac ih je umirivao i uklanjao želju za prepucavanjem.
The money soothed them and took away any desire to squabble.Literature Literature
Dvojica su poginula a jedan je izgubio lijevu ruku kad je neprijateljska granata eksplodirala u prepucavanju iznad brda.
Two were killed and one lost his left arm when an enemy grenade exploded in a skirmish over a small hill.Literature Literature
Je l'bilo prepucavanja?
So, any fireworks?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A opet, dok je sjedila preko puta mene u vlaku, očito je uživala u našem bezazlenom prepucavanju.
Still, sitting across from me in the train, she seemed to enjoy our harmless banter.Literature Literature
Bijesa i na Korsaka i na Crowa zbog njihovog glupog prepucavanja.
Rage against both Korsak and Crowe for their stupid head butting.Literature Literature
Pretjerano prepucavanje, vaša međusobna netrpeljivost.
The overly competitive sparring, the mutual dislike.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Opisani incident i naknadna prepucavanja posve su narušila ionako loše odnose dviju stranaka , iako u dijelu HSS- a tvrde da bi negativne emocije možda ipak mogle splasnuti .
This incident and the subsequent bickering have completely eroded the already poor relations between the two parties , even though part of HSS claims that these negative emotions could die down .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Nakon četverodnevnog političkog prepucavanja koje je prijetilo ugroziti međunarodne pakete spasa i budućnost zemlje u eurozoni i EU, suprotstavljeni grčki čelnici dogovorili su se da bivši potpredsjednik Europske središnje banke (ECB) Lucas Papademos dođe na čelo koalicijske vlade i radi na daljnjem dobivanju pomoći, kao i na pratećim teškim mjerama štednje
After four days of political wrangling that threatened to jeopardize international rescue loans and the country 's future in the Eurozone and the EU, rival Greek leaders have agreed that former European Central Bank (ECB) Vice-President Lucas Papademos will head a coalition government and deal with keeping the aid coming, and the harsh austerity measures that come with themSetimes Setimes
Teško da je bilo vrijeme ili mjesto za ovakvo nevažno prepucavanje s bratom.
Now was hardly the time or place to get into an argument with her brother over some minor irrelevancy.Literature Literature
"""Eto, uzrujali ste je svojim prepucavanjem."""
“There, you’ve upset her with your bickering.”Literature Literature
Odmah požalim što sam to spomenula jer mi je jasno da sam dopustila da naše malo prepucavanje izmakne nadzoru.
I immediately regret bringing this up, conscious that I’ve allowed our spiky banter to get out of hand.Literature Literature
Ne treba isključiti ni prepucavanje desnice.
We shouldn't rule out tit for tat by the far right.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uvijek si spremna za prepucavanje?
Always ready with the wisecracks, aren't you?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Možemo li ostaviti prepucavanje za neki drugi dan?
Can we save the pissing contest for another day?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Znaš, ovo prepucavanje među nama mora prestati.
This rivalry between us has got to end.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Taj naš dvoboj u prepucavanju nije bio u rangu Ciceronovih i Hortalovih sudskih rasprava, ali tek smo se zagrijavali.
As a slanging match, this was not up with Cicero and Hortalus in the courts, but we were just getting started.Literature Literature
On i Alberta završili su svoje duhovito prepucavanje i onda smo se razišli.
He and Alberta finished up their joking remarks, and we all went our separate ways.Literature Literature
Po strani od njihova prepucavanja, Sethova spora disanja i Leina živčanog dahtanja, bilo je vrlo tiho.
Other than their squabbling, Seth's slow breathing, and Leah's annoyed panting, it was very quiet.Literature Literature
Ono prepucavanje između tebe i šefa, je li zbog njega ili mene?
So, that pissing match back there between you and the boss, that about him or me?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Slijedi prepucavanje preko e - maila, poricanje i optužbe.
And then the e-mails go back and forth - deny and accuse, deny, accuse...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne plašite se valjda malo ženskog prepucavanja, zar ne?
You guys aren't afraid of a little female towel-snapping, are you?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I gotovo sigurno ne želim prepucavanja oko toga tko je nadležan sa tom ženom dolje.
And I most certainly don't want a territorial spat... with that woman downstairs.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ali ovo prepucavanje ne mogu više podnijeti, zato idem van po nešto svježeg zraka
But this bickering is pretty much more than I can take, so I' m gonna go outside and get some fresh airopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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