procijep oor Engels


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Onaj uređaj koji ti je u spremištu, isti onaj koji je zatvorio procijep, zove se gama top.
That device you have in your lockup, the one that shut down that rift, it's called a gamma cannon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bravo – Darrow zna trenutke i lokacije svih procijepa.
Good—Darrow knows the times and locations of all the gaps.Literature Literature
Sve je teoretski sa znanstvanog stajališta, stvaranje procijepa u prostoru-vremenu je moguće.
It's all theoretical, but from a scientific standpoint, the creation of a rip in space-time is possible.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Otvorena, kao da imaju procijep - otvorena poput školjke u ribarnici.
Open, like it was hinged—open like a clam in a fish market.Literature Literature
Mi koristimo zašiljenu pincetu kako bismo otvorili procijep u mošnjama.
We use forceps to create the incision in the scrotum.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Koliko nam još treba do procijepa?
How long until we reach the Rift?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Moramo zatvoriti procijep.
We need to close the rift.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne misliš li da je ipak malo pretjerano onako pokazivati guzni procijep?
Didn't you think it was a trifle unnecessary to see the crack in the Indian's bottom?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sad ima Motorolu, tako sićušnu da je može držati u procijepu između dojki.
Now she owns a Motorola so tiny she is able to keep it in her cleavage.Literature Literature
Ne mogu objasniti kako se sve zbilo, no u trenutku kad sam ga spazio kroz taj procijep, oči su mu se otvorile.
I can’t explain how it happened, but the moment I spotted him through that narrow crack, his eyes opened.Literature Literature
I got knocked into a niche in a wall.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Procijep između njezinih nogu bio je stješnjeniji, požurljiviji.
The cleft between her legs was closer, more urgent.Literature Literature
To objašnjava procijep u dimenzijama i da naša stvarnost nije stvarna.
That explains why the dimension cutter said our reality wasn't valid.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pozvao je taksi obuzet čudnom pomisli za koju je znao da je u dubokom procijepu njegove mašte.
He hailed a cab, struck by an odd thought, one he knew was in the deep recesses of his imagination.Literature Literature
Ovdje pak procijepi između strukova nisu bili širi od deset metara, a i ti su bili zapunjeni luparima.
Here the gaps between strands were no more than ten meters wide and partially clogged with barnacles.Literature Literature
Vjetar je hučao kroz procijepe u zidovima.
The wind whistled through the gaps in the walls.Literature Literature
Je li se procijep mogao iskrasti?
Could this Thing have vanished down the shaft?Literature Literature
Gospodo, idem sada otkriti točnu dužinu, širinu i dubinu procijepa.
Gentlemen, I go now to discover the exact length... width and depth of the shaft.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Otvaraju nekakav prostorni procijep.
They're opening some sort of spatial rift off their port bow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Prošli smo kraj blagajne najbliže kruhu, i stali kraj jednog procijepa.
We went through the checkout lane nearest the bread racks and stood at one of the loopholes.Literature Literature
Blijedožuto svjetlo kasnog poslijepodneva svjetlucalo je kroz procijep između djelomično zatvorenih drvenih kapaka.
The amber light of late afternoon glowed through the crack between the partially closed wooden shutters.Literature Literature
Ne, već znamo da bi to zatvorilo procijep.
No, we already know it'll close the rift.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dvojica su upali u procijepe u ledu, a Eric je još uvijek u snu mogao čuti njihove vriske.
Two had slipped into crevasses in the ice, their screams still coming to Eric as he slept.Literature Literature
Sjedio sam na podu, u zaključanoj sobi, tijelo mi je bilo stisnuto u procijepu između kreveta i zida.
I sat on the floor of my room, the door locked tight, my body squeezed into the gap between my bed and the wall.Literature Literature
Udaljenost je svela procijep na blistavu točku na obzoru.
Far off in the distance the hole had been reduced to a bright dot on the horizon.Literature Literature
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