rzati oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Kad su napadnuti, ržu poput konja, a u borbi muču ili riču.
Under attack, they neigh like a horse, and they bellow or roar when fighting.
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Stigosmo do staja i čusmo kako konji sve razdraženije ržu, uznemireni pobješnjelim elementima.
We reached the stables and heard the horses, more nervous than ever because of the fury of the elements.Literature Literature
Majmuni ne ržu.
Apes do not chomp at bits.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tek što su prošli nekoliko desetaka koraka, konji stanu ćuliti uši i rzati.
They had barely gone some yards when the horses pricked up their ears and snorted.Literature Literature
U dvorištu, konji su nestrpljivo rzali.
In the yard, a horse neighs with impatience.Literature Literature
Iza njih na putu začuo je konje koji su loptali i rzali, i povike mu�karaca.
Behind on the trail, he heard the horses stamping and snorting, and the shouts of the men.Literature Literature
Pa, ljupki Anto... rže od nervoze, ne bi li nas izbacio odavdje.
Well, lovable Anto... is chomping at the bit to get us out of here.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ako si netko može priuštiti da se za sebe smije, neka zapamti, ne mora ovdje rzati kao konj.
If someone can afford to smile in private, remember, you cannot guffaw like a horse hereOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mogli su čuti vjetar i mogli su čuti konje kako ržu
They could hear the wind and they could hear the sound of the horses cropping.Literature Literature
Uvijek smo mislili da čujemo konje kako ržu od straha i da čujemo prasak bezbolnog pištolja.
We used to think we heard the horses whinnying with fear and the explosion of the painless killer.Literature Literature
Krave su mukale, psi zavijali, ovce blejale, konji rzali, patke kvakale.
The cows lowed it, the dogs whined it, the sheep bleated it, the horses whinnied it, the ducks quacked it.Literature Literature
Konji su hranjeni iz ruke da ne bi rzali.
The horses were fed from the hand, so that they should not neigh.Literature Literature
Gurale su se i rzale kao nikad dotad.
Those creatures were bucking and rearing like nobody's business!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ržući i smijuljeći se, napokon uspijeva ponovno sjesti za upravljač i ponovno upaliti Mustangov motor.
Snorting and snickering, he is at last able to get back into the driver’s seat and restart the Mustang’s engine.Literature Literature
Čak i u snu, onda reži i rže, nesvjesna prisutnosti kamera.
Even in its sleep. it snarls and it growls. unaware of the presence of the cameras.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bili su to konji, nervozno ržući.
It was the horses, whinnying nervously.Literature Literature
Zbirci starih majstora koja sad rži grafičke listove europskih škola od 16 . do kraja 18 . stoljeća 2006 . godine pridružena je Zbirka grafičkih listova i crteža nastalih u 19 . st . čime je građa ovih dviju zbirki , koje sežu duboko u povijest grafike i crteža dosegla oko tri i pol tisuće listova .
In the year 2006 , the Collection of print sheets and drawings of 19th century was joined to the Old Collection , which includes the print sheets of the European schools from 16th to the end of 18th century ; thereby , the material covered by these two collections , reaching far back into the history of prints and drawings , had increased to approximately three and a half thousand sheets .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Kad su napadnuti, ržu poput konja, a u borbi muču ili riču.
Under attack, they neigh like a horse, and they bellow or roar when fighting.jw2019 jw2019
Agregat koji je rzao poput bolesne mazge zamijenjen je novim, koji pršti kao vruća tava.
A generator that brayed like a sick mule had been replaced with one that bubbled like a hot saucepan.Literature Literature
Čak i one kojima je starost oduzela tjelesnu snagu, još uvijek drhte, ržu i tresu se od ljubavi.
Even beasts which are denied physical powers by old age still quiver, whinny and tremble with love.Literature Literature
Da je konj, rzao bi i udarao kopitima.
If he was a horse, he would have snorted out smoke and stamped his hooves.Literature Literature
Ne žuri se tebi do kralja, nego bi rado rzao po selima kao konj po ledini.
It is not to the king you want to go, but you would like to snort through the villages like a horse through a meadow.Literature Literature
Ržući i smijuljeći se, napokon uspijeva ponovno sjesti za upravljač i ponovno upaliti Mustangov motor.
Snorting and snickering, he is at last able to get back into the driver's seat and restart the Mustang's engine.Literature Literature
Krave nisu mukale, konji nisu rzali - nije bilo ţivotinja ni poljoprivredne opreme.
No cows lowed, no horses whinnied—there were no animals, and no farm equipment.Literature Literature
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