samoodređenje oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Na osnovu prava na samoodređenje, ustav kojeg je donijela vlada potvrđuje se jednoglasno.
Under the principle of self determination, the constitution proposed by the government, has been ratified by unanimous vote.

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(4) Konvencija br. 169 odnosi se, između ostalog, na pravo na samoodređenje autohtonih zajednica i njihovu kontrolu, u mjeri u kojoj je to moguće, nad svojim gospodarskim, socijalnim i kulturnim razvojem.
(4) Convention No 169 refers, inter alia, to the right of self-identification of indigenous communities and their right to exercise control, to the extent possible, over their own economic, social and cultural development.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Aktivno je sudjelovao u organiziranju referenduma od 11. svibnja o samoodređenju „Narodne Republike Lugansk”.
Actively organised the referendum on 11 May on the self-determination of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
– Unija je obvezana pravom na samoodređenje
– The European Union is bound by the right to self-determinationeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Treba naglasiti da je Kraljevina Španjolska tijekom postupka donošenja savjetodavnog mišljenja pred Međunarodnim sudom u predmetu Zapadne Sahare priznala da je pravo na samoodređenje samo po sebi obvezujuće pravno pravilo međunarodnog prava(89), dok je Kraljevina Maroko priznala da načelo dekolonizacije, čiji je jedan od oblika samoodređenje, ima svojstvo obvezujućeg pravnog pravila(90).
(88) It should be emphasised that, during the advisory opinion proceedings before the International Court of Justice in the Western Sahara case, the Kingdom of Spain recognised that the right to self-determination constituted in itself a peremptory norm of international law, (89) whereas the Kingdom of Morocco recognised that the principle of decolonisation, of which self-determination is one form, is a peremptory norm. (90)eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Nigdje ne postoji niti tračak spremnosti na dodjeljivanje prava na samoodređenje starosjedilačkom stanovništvu.
Nowhere is there even a hint of a willingness to accord the right of self-determination to the indigenous population.Literature Literature
Aktivno je sudjelovao u organiziranju referenduma od 11. svibnja 2014. o samoodređenju „Narodne Republike Donjecka”.
Actively organised the referendum on 11 May 2014 on the self-determination of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
50 Slijedom toga, iako je cilj Direktive 2000/78 zaštita temeljnog prava radnika da ne budu diskriminirani na temelju svoje vjere ili uvjerenja, tom se direktivom ipak, u skladu s njezinim člankom 4. stavkom 2., nastoji povesti računa o samoodređenju crkava i drugih javnih ili privatnih organizacija čiji se sustav vrijednosti temelji na vjeri ili uvjerenjima, kako je priznat člankom 17. UFEU-a i člankom 10. Povelje, koji odgovara članku 9. Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, potpisane u Rimu 4. studenoga 1950.
50 While Directive 2000/78 thus aims to protect the fundamental right of workers not to be discriminated against on grounds of their religion or belief, the fact remains that, by means of Article 4(2), that directive also aims to take into account the right of autonomy of churches and other public or private organisations whose ethos is based on religion or belief, as recognised by Article 17 TFEU and Article 10 of the Charter, which corresponds to Article 9 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed at Rome on 4 November 1950.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Od tog razdoblja nije zabilježen nikakav napredak kojim bi se omogućilo narodu Zapadne Sahare da ostvari svoje pravo na samoodređenje.
Since that period no progress towards allowing the people of Western Sahara to exercise its right to self-determination has been recorded.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
1) Pravo na samoodređenje
(1) The right to self-determinationeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
CXII iz 2011. o samoodređenju u području informacija i slobodi pristupa informacijama (az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvény, u daljnjem tekstu: Zakon o informacijama), kojim je u mađarsko pravo prenesena Direktiva 95/46.
(‘Weltimmo’), a company which has its registered office in Slovakia, and the Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (the national authority for data protection and freedom of information; ‘the Hungarian data protection authority’) concerning a fine imposed by the latter for infringement of Law CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination as regards information and freedom of information (az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvény; ‘the Law on information’), which transposed Directive 95/46 into Hungarian law.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Posebice, skrećemo pozornost na odgovornost pojedincima i na potrebu očuvanja njihova dostojanstva i prava na privatnost i samoodređenje.
In particular, we draw the attention on the responsibility to individuals and to the need to preserve their dignity and their rights to privacy and self-determination.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Naime, to načelo podrazumijeva da unutarnje i organizacijsko funkcioniranje institucija mora biti u potpunosti neovisno o državama članicama(35), koje se moraju suzdržati od miješanja u samoodređenje organizacije, postupaka i funkcija institucija Unije, u granicama utvrđenima Ugovorima.
The principle means that the institutions must operate, from the internal, organisational point of view, entirely independently of the Member States, (35) which must refrain from interfering in the EU institutions’ ability to determine themselves how they are organised and their procedures and functions, within the limits laid down by the Treaties.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Prijedlog rezolucije o zaštiti prava europskih građana na samoodređenje (B7-0379/2014)
Motion for a resolution on protection of the right to self-determination of EU citizens (B7-0379/2014)not-set not-set
Sud stoga nije utvrdio postojanje pravnih veza koje bi izmijenile primjenu Rezolucije 1514 (XV) Opće skupštine UN-a o dekolonizaciji Zapadne Sahare te osobito primjenu načela samoodređenja zahvaljujući slobodnom i stvarnom izrazu volje stanovništava područja(112).
(111) The Court therefore did not find legal ties of such a nature as might affect the application of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) as regards the decolonisation of Western Sahara and, in particular, the application of the principle of self-determination through the free and genuine expression of the will of the peoples of the territory. (112)eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Međutim, 16. travnja 1996, Vrhovni sud Connecticuta jednoglasno je presudio da je nalog za davanje transfuzije “povrijedio običajno pravo [sestre] Vega na tjelesno samoodređenje”.
However, on April 16, 1996, the Connecticut Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the transfusion order “violated [Sister] Vega’s common-law right to bodily self-determination.”jw2019 jw2019
izrazito žali što je kirurška „normalizacija” interseksualne djece široko rasprostranjena, iako nije medicinski neophodna; u tom smislu pozdravlja malteški Zakon o rodnom identitetu, rodnom izražavanju i spolnim značajkama iz travnja 2015. kojim se zabranjuje takav kirurški zahvat na interseksualnoj djeci te se jača načelo za samoodređenje interseksualnih osoba i poziva druge države da prate malteški primjer;
Strongly regrets that genital ‘normalisation’ surgery of intersex infants is widespread, despite not being medically necessary; welcomes, in this regard, the Maltese Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act of April 2015, which bans such surgery on intersex infants and reinforces the principle of self-determination for intersex people, and calls on other states to follow the Maltese example;eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Aktivno je sudjelovao u organiziranju referenduma od 11. svibnja 2014. o samoodređenju „Narodne Republike Luganska”.
Actively organised the referendum on 11 May 2014 on the self-determination of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
− uključeni su u provedbu mehanizama i postupaka za dobrovoljan, prethodan i informiran pristanak (DPIP) uspostavljen radi poštovanja samoodređenja i autonomije u skladu s Konvencijom br. 169 MOR-a i Deklaracijom UN-a o pravima autohtonih naroda, i
− they are involved in the implementation of the mechanisms and procedures for Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) set up in order to respect the selfdetermination and autonomy, in accordance with ILO Convention 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; andEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
ponovno potvrđuje svoju potporu suverenosti, jedinstvu i teritorijalnoj cjelovitosti Srednjoafričke Republike; podsjeća na važnost prava naroda na samoodređenje bez vanjskog upletanja;
Reiterates its support for the independence, unity and territorial integrity of the CAR; recalls the importance of peoples’ right to self-determination without outside interference;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Šesti tužbeni razlog, koji se temelji na povredi prava na samoodređenje, s obzirom na to da se međunarodni sporazum, koji je sklopljen pobijanom odlukom, primjenjuje na Zapadnu Saharu čime se krši, s jedne strane, poseban i različit status tog područja i, s druge strane, pravo naroda Sahrawi na poštovanje teritorijalne cjelovitosti njegova područja.
Sixth plea in law, alleging infringement of the right to self-determination, in that the international agreement, entered into by means of the contested decision, applies to the territory of Western Sahara, in breach of, first, the separate and distinct status of that territory and, second, the Sahrawi people’s right to respect for the territorial integrity of their territory.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
A. O. Hume borio se protiv pobunjenika, ali onda se počeo zalagati za samoodređenje Indije.
AO Hume fought here against the rebels but then began to speak out for Indian self-determination.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
36 Oružani sukob između Fronta Polisario i Kraljevine Maroka nastavio se sve dok 30. kolovoza 1988. obje strane nisu u načelu pristale na prijedloge dogovora koje je, među ostalima, iznio glavni tajnik UN‐a i koji su predviđali prekid vatre i organiziranje referenduma o samoodređenju pod nadzorom UN‐a.
36 The conflict between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Front Polisario continued until, on 30 August 1988, the parties accepted, in principle, the proposals for settlement put forward, in particular, by the UN Secretary-General and providing, in particular, for the proclamation of a ceasefire and the organisation of a referendum on self-determination under UN supervision.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Istraživačkim aktivnostima u području robotike trebaju se poštovati temeljna prava te ih je u fazama njihova projektiranja, provođenja, širenja i korištenja potrebno provoditi u interesu dobrobiti i samoodređenja pojedinaca i općeg društva.
Robotics research activities should respect fundamental rights and be conducted in the interests of the well-being and self-determination of the individual and society at large in their design, implementation, dissemination and use.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Venecijanska je komisija 18. listopada 2012. usvojila Mišljenje o mađarskom Zakonu CXII iz 2011. o informacijskom samoodređenju i slobodi informiranja.
On 18 October 2012, the Venice Commission adopted its Opinion on Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information of Hungary.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
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