silueta oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Ali ako promjenimo smjer kretanja siluete, oblik poprimi izgled sokola.
But if we invert the direction of the silhouette, it conjures the shape of a falcon.


Dajte svakom djetetu jednostavnu siluetu osobe izrezane iz papira.
Give each child a simple outline of a person cut out of paper.

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Bilo je prepuno malenih silueta, iako je u zaljevu bilo svega pet brodova.
It teemed with tiny figures despite the fact there were only five other ships in the bay.Literature Literature
Naglo se pojavila silueta Alice Mae, glava i ramena okruženi gomilom neurednih kovrča.
Alice Mae's silhouette of a head and shoulders surrounded by a mass of wild curls popped up.Literature Literature
Blijedu siluetu što se utvarno kreće tamom... ili možda sjenovitu naznaku ogromnog vuka...
A pale silhouette, moving like a ghost through the black . . . or maybe the shadowy outline of an enormous wolf. . . .Literature Literature
Tvorila je siluetu na bijelom krugu, za koji sam pretpostavila da prikazuje mjesec.
The head was silhouetted against a white circle, which I decided was supposed to be the moon.Literature Literature
Poklapaju se sa siluetom.
It matches the silhouette.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vaša silueta je vidljivo i generalno izmijenjena, preoblikovana i dotjerana već nakon 28 dana.” odgovara zdravstvenoj tvrdnji kako je navedena u članku 13. stavku 1. točki (c) Uredbe (EZ) br. 1924/2006 i stoga podliježe prijelaznoj mjeri iz članka 28. stavka 6. te Uredbe.
Your silhouette is apparently and globally redrawn, resculpted and refined at 28 days’ is a health claim as referred to Article 13(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 and therefore subject to the transition measure laid down in Article 28(6) of that Regulation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Samo sam vidio siluetu.
I only saw her silhouette.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nadalje, ti oblici označavaju siluetu Zagija (iznimno popularna maskota Univerzijade u Zagrebu 1987.), te u kombinaciji s crvenom bojom srca prikazuje plamen kao simbol sportskog i olimpijskog duha.
Furthermore, these shapes denote the silhouette of “Zagi” (the exceptionally popular mascot of the Zagreb Universiade from 1987), and in the combination with the red colour of the heart portrays a flame as the symbol of the sporting and Olympic spirit."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stoka i konji pasli su pod stablima čije su se tamne siluete izdvajale od zlaćano baršunastih planina.
Cattle and horses grazed under trees whose black silhouettes stood stark against the gold-velvet mountains.Literature Literature
Zaista, silueta jabirua u letu, s njegovim dugim krilima, vratom i nogama, na pozadini velike crvene lopte zalazećeg ekvatorijalnog sunca, cijenjen je simbol močvara australskog sjevera.
Indeed, the airborne jabiru, with its long wings, neck, and legs silhouetted against the huge red ball of the setting equatorial sun, is a cherished symbol of the wetlands of Australia’s north.jw2019 jw2019
Njihove su se siluete stopile jedna u drugu, a onda su se razdvojile.
Their shapes blurred into one another, separated.Literature Literature
Zbog niske siluete bilo ju je teško zapaziti, osobito noću.
With its low silhouette it could not be seen easily, especially at night.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Balansiralo je visoko gore iznad sive siluete Bangkoka kao nekakav novi planet koji se iznenada pojavio na nebu.
It hung above Bangkok’s grey skyline, like a new planet that had appeared in the firmament unannounced.Literature Literature
Početkom 1960-ih došlo je do pojavljivanja brojnih sastava, a mnoge su inspirirali tada popularni Cliff Richard i The Shadows: Uragani iz Rijeke oformljeni 1960, Bijele strijele i Siluete, oformljeni 1961. godine; Crveni koralji, sa sjedištem u Zagrebu te beogradski Zlatni dečaci 1962. godine; 1963. osnovana su još dva važna beogradske sastava: Samonikli i Crni biseri, a član posljednjih bio je Vlada Janković-Džet, istaknuti jugoslavenski glazbenik, koji je svoj nadimak dobio po Jetu Harrisu.
The beginning of the 1960s saw the emergence of numerous bands, many of them initially inspired by the then-popular Cliff Richard and The Shadows: Bijele Strijele and Siluete, formed in 1961; the Zagreb-based Crveni Koralji and Belgrade's Zlatni Dečaci in 1962; in 1963 two other important Belgrade bands were formed, Samonikli and Crni Biseri, the latter featuring Vlada Janković-Džet, a prominent Yugoslav musician, who got his nickname after Jet Harris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kad je Nakata ušao u prostoriju ta se silueta lagano okrenula.
As Nakata entered the room the silhouette slowly turned.Literature Literature
Još se sjećam crne siluete na pragu vanjskih vrata i bijelog zamotka.
I also remember the black silhouette in the outside doorway and the white package.Literature Literature
Vaša silueta je vidljivo i generalno izmijenjena, preoblikovana i dotjerana već nakon 28 dana.”
Your silhouette is apparently and globally redrawn, resculpted and refined at 28 days’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pojavio se, tek silueta na ulazu s telefonom prislonjenim uz uho.
He appeared, silhouetted in the entrance with the phone held to his ear.Literature Literature
Opet sam pokušao zamisliti onu nejasnu sjenu, siluetu u svjetlosti baterije.
I tried to conjure up the shadowy image again, the silhouette made by the flashlight.Literature Literature
Tada je ušao u vodu i hodao neko vrijeme po vodi dok nije ugledao u daljini siluete dvaju konja i čovjeka kraj njih.
He entered the water and waded for a time, until he saw in the distance the silhouettes of two horses and a man.Literature Literature
Iznad bespomoćnog lika inženjera nalazila se nejasna silueta, nešto čovječjeg oblika, ali definitivno nije bilo čovjek.
Above the helpless figure of the engineer was a faint outline, something man-shaped but definitely not a man.Literature Literature
Vaša silueta je vidljivo i generalno izmijenjena, preoblikovana i dotjerana već nakon 28 dana
Your silhouette is apparently and globally redrawn, resculpted and refined at 28 daysEurLex-2 EurLex-2
To nije silueta one mlade djevojke.
The silhouette isn’t that of the young girl.Literature Literature
Tada se tamna silueta primakne i Fandorin napokon razabere protivnikove crte lica.
At this point the dark silhouette moved closer and Fandorin finally had a clear view of his opponent’s face.Literature Literature
Ali ako promjenimo smjer kretanja siluete, oblik poprimi izgled sokola.
But if we invert the direction of the silhouette, it conjures the shape of a falcon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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