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Prije nego što smo ja i Nub daleko odmakli smračilo se i vjetar se pojačao.
Before me and Nub had gone very far it turned dark and the wind picked up.Literature Literature
Nije mnogo vremena prošlo i smračilo se -oblaci su se počeli vradati, plovedi sa zapada.
It wouldn’t be long until it was dark—the clouds were beginning to return, drifting in from the west.Literature Literature
« Smračilo se i broj se automobila na autocesti povećao.
It had grown dark, and the number of cars on the highway had increased.Literature Literature
Postali su umorni, smračilo se i kiša je pala; bili su iscrpljeni i umorni.
So they get tired, has come dark and rain; they get weary and tired.QED QED
Nije mnogo vremena prošlo i smračilo se -oblaci su se počeli vradati, plovedi sa zapada.
It wouldn't be long until it was dark--the clouds were beginning to return, drifting in from the west.Literature Literature
I, naravno, smračilo se prije nego smo stigli tamo kamo smo išli.
And, of course, it got dark before we got to where we were going.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Smračilo se pa sam pomislio da sam se izgubio, a onda sam prepoznao rijeku Jewfish, marinu Gilbert."
It got dark and I thought I was lost, then I found Jewfish Creek, Gilbert’s Marina.Literature Literature
Smračilo se, a još se nije vratio.
By nightfall, he still hadn't come back.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rekao sam vam, smračilo se i ja...
I told you, it got dark and I just...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smračilo se, a onda naleti vjetar.
It turned dark and the wind got up.Literature Literature
Ser Gerris Drinkwater smrači se na njegove riječi.
Ser Gerris Drinkwater darkened at his words.Literature Literature
Smračilo se.
It's dark.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smračilo se.
The light came on.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smračilo se, bilo je skoro osam sati.
It was dark, almost eight o’clock.Literature Literature
Kiša je sad jače padala, smračilo se i većina je prodavaonica bila zatvorena.
It was raining harder now, the light was beginning to go and most of the shops were closed.Literature Literature
Nebo iznad njih smračilo se od olujnih oblaka, a miris kiše ponovno se osjećao u zraku.
The sky overhead had darkened with thunderheads, and the smell of rain was in the air again.Literature Literature
Njezino široko, čisto lice smračilo se od zabrinutosti
Her broad clear face now clouded with concern.Literature Literature
Smračilo se i kiši.
It's getting dark and it's raining.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ne smrači se do 21.
Doesn't get dark till 9:00.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smračilo se.
It's almost night.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smračilo se kad je vozač napokon skrenuo u mirnu rezi-dencijalnu ulicu u Georgetownu.
It was dark when the driver finally turned into a quiet residential street in Georgetown.Literature Literature
Smračilo se i bilo je zahladnjelo, pa je zato odlučio poći vaporettom, a ne pješice.
The day had grown darker and colder, so he decided to take the vaporetto rather than walk.Literature Literature
Smračilo se, ali povjetarac je zamro pa je zrak bio vreliji nego prije.
It was dark now, but the breeze had died and somehow the air seemed hotter than it had al day.Literature Literature
Vani, pred ulazom u garažu, smračilo se prije nego što sam očekivala, a onda smo začuli kako nas Billy zove.
It got dark outside the mouth of the garage before I was expecting it, and then we heard Billy calling for us.Literature Literature
547 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.