srednjoškolac oor Engels


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Razgovarali smo poput dvoje srednjoškolaca, a ne poput bivših ljubavnika.
The dialogue of middle-schoolers, not former lovers.Literature Literature
Time je Karlovac postao sinonim za filmsko stvaranje srednjoškolaca , odnosno prava srednjoškolska filma meka !
This makes Karlovac a synonym for high school filmmaking and a top destination for high school film !hrenWaC hrenWaC
Skoro 20 posto svih srednjoškolaca nosi sa sobom nekakvo oružje.
Nearly 20 percent of all high school students carry a weapon of some sort.jw2019 jw2019
Zadnju glavnu ulogu igrao je u filmu Ponovno 17, kada je glumio srednjoškolca Mikea O'Donnella.
In 2009, he starred in the film 17 Again playing the older Mike O'Donnell.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ali to je zato što su srednjoškolci budale.
But that's because kids in high school are idiots.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U Njemačkoj je 2009. zaklada Bertelsmann Stiftung provela anketu o tome što najviše brine srednjoškolce.
A 2009 survey conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation in Germany revealed the greatest concerns of some 500 young people between the ages of 14 and 18.jw2019 jw2019
Učestalost pušenja srednjoškolaca u drugim područjimaHrvatske je vrlo raznolika .
In other parts of Croatiaprevalence of smokers is very heterogenous .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Znanstvenici su istraživali navike spavanja otprilike 2 200 srednjoškolaca i ustanovili da oko 47 posto njih noću spava manje od preporučenih osam sati.
Scientists studied the sleep habits of some 2,200 high school students and found that about 47 percent were getting less than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night.jw2019 jw2019
NIko ne zna ni jednog srednjoškolca dok jednog dana ne uradi nešto ludo.
Nobody knows any high school teenager, Miss Porter, till he does something crazy one day.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neću dopustiti nekom srednjoškolcu da mi kaže da je moj rad ofucan!
I am not going let some high school smartass tell me that my work is trite!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sredimo se kao drolje i hajdemo na igre tražiti srednjoškolce.
Come on, let's get slutty and head over to the arcade, troll for high school boys.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Petnaestogodišnji srednjoškolac Philip dobio je na satu geografije zadatak da istraži rad neke sportske grupe, političke stranke, kulturno-umjetničkog društva ili vjerske zajednice koja djeluje u Sydneyu, gradu u Australiji u kojem živi, i iznese referat o tome.
As part of his high-school geography course, 15-year-old Philip was assigned to investigate and report on one of the sporting, political, cultural, or religious communities in Sydney, Australia, his home city.jw2019 jw2019
Približno deset tisuća vojnika svakog dana na cesti , uz hrvatske srednjoškolce , najveći su dnevni migranti koji do svog radnog mjesta putuju i po dva sata .
Close to 10,000 solders daily , alongside school children , make up the greatest daily migrants who travel up to two hours to their jobs .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Novine The Courier-Mail iz Brisbanea (Australija), izvještavaju da je jednom nedavnom anketom ustanovljeno da tinejdžerski srednjoškolci rijetko kad vode ozbiljne razgovore sa svojim očevima, ako to uopće čine.
The Courier-Mail newspaper of Brisbane, Australia, reports that a recent survey found that teenage high-school students rarely, if ever, had serious conversations with their fathers.jw2019 jw2019
Predsjednik se osvrnuo na pad zrakoplova u francuskim Alpama koji se dogodio 24. ožujka 2015. i u kojemu je stradalo 150 osoba, među kojima i skupina srednjoškolaca iz grada Haltern am See u Njemačkoj.
The President made a statement on the air crash in the French Alps on 24 March 2015, in which 150 people had died, including a group of secondary school pupils from Haltern-am-See in Germany.not-set not-set
Ti si mene upoznala sa poznatim glazbenicima, a ja ću tebe upoznati sa srednjoškolcima.
Um... You introduce me to cool musicians, and I will introduce you to high school students.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Njegovo je mišljenje o ukrašavanju vrata bilo: što smo mi, srednjoškolci?
His feeling about decorating doors was: What are we, highschool kids?Literature Literature
Taj tip ne bi rizikovao svoju licencu ispisujuci ilegalne recepte srednjoškolcima.
This guy's just had his license pulled for writing illegal prescriptions to high school kids.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Institut za etiku Josephson anketirao je više od 20 000 osnovnoškolaca i srednjoškolaca te se ustanovilo sljedeće: “Poštenje i moral pali su na niske grane, a situacija postaje sve gora.”
After conducting a survey of more than 20,000 middle and high school students, the Josephson Institute of Ethics concluded: “In terms of honesty and integrity, things are going from very bad to worse.”jw2019 jw2019
Prema Shaneu Westhoelteru, predsjedniku Nacionalne informacijske mreže, 30 do 40 posto srednjoškolaca bavi se nekim oblikom okultizma.
According to Shane Westhoelter, president of the National Information Network, from 30 to 40 percent of high school students are involved in some form of the occult.jw2019 jw2019
U časopisu Newsweek je rečeno: “U 80-tim godinama je [u SAD] tri četvrtine srednjoškolaca radilo tjedno 18 sati i često su mjesečno donijeli kući preko 200 dolara” — što je vjerojatno više džeparca nego što su imali njihovi roditelji.
Newsweek magazine observed: “By the ’80s, three out of four [U.S.] high-school seniors were working an average of 18 hours a week and often taking home more than $200 a month” —probably more pocket money than their parents had!jw2019 jw2019
Na diplomskom studiju ja i moj laboratorijski partner Tim Marzullo, odlučili smo da tu složenu opremu za proučavanje mozga pojednostavimo i učinimo dovoljno povoljnom tako da svatko, laik ili srednjoškolac, može učiti i zaista sudjelovati u otkriću neuroznanosti.
When I was a graduate student, my lab mate Tim Marzullo and myself, decided that what if we took this complex equipment that we have for studying the brain and made it simple enough and affordable enough that anyone that you know, an amateur or a high school student, could learn and actually participate in the discovery of neuroscience.ted2019 ted2019
Branimir se počeo interesirati za znanost nakon što je , još kao srednjoškolac u Požegi , pročitao “ Kozmos ” Carla Sagana .
Branimir got interested in science after reading Carl Sagan ' s " Cosmos " while still attending high-school in Pozega ( Croatia ) .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Bijeli srednjoškolci gaĊali su obojene ljude zraĉnim puškama i bacali na njih petarde na autobusnim postajama.
White high school kids shot people of color with BB guns and threw firecrackers at them at bus stops.Literature Literature
sam glasine o asistent naše učiteljice koja ima aferu sa srednjoškolac.
I got a rumor of our teacher's assistant having an affair with a high school student.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.