stanar oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Nije baš vrsta stanara kojeg sam imala na umu.
Not exactly the tenant I had in mind.


Na njih gledam kao na stanare iste septičke jame u kojoj se i ja nalazim.
I view those other commuters as fellow occupants of the same abyssal pit in which I find myself.


Nadam se da vam ne smeta, ali dobili smo stanara.
Hope you don't mind, but we've got a lodger.


Ti si prijatelj stanara sa četvrtog kata, zar ne?
You're a friend of that renter up on four, aren't you?

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Pametna brojila i aplikacije na internetu povećavaju energetsku učinkovitost i osnažuju potrošače, no potrebne su regulatorne zaštitne mjere kako bi se zaštitila prava stanara i potrošača.
Smart meters and online applications increase energy efficiency and empower consumers, but regulatory safeguards are needed to protect housing and consumer rights.not-set not-set
Zapitaj stanara što on misli o tome što si pročitao.
Ask the householder for his reaction to what you are reading.jw2019 jw2019
5 Često mogu mala djeca uručiti stanaru pozivnicu ili časopis.
5 Often even very young ones can give householders a handbill or a tract.jw2019 jw2019
7 Važno je voditi jednostavnu diskusiju i pohvaliti stanara kad god je moguće.
7 It is important to keep the discussion simple and commend the householder whenever possible.jw2019 jw2019
Što su te novozainteresirane osobe rekle stanarima, nikada nismo saznali.”
What these newly interested people told the householders, we never did learn.”jw2019 jw2019
Objavitelj, kojeg će se iza toga zamoliti da radi na tom području, tog stanara neće posjetiti, kako bi izbjegao izazovu. (Vidi Naša služba za Božje Kraljevstvo srpanj 1974, str. 2, podnaslov: “Gdje nismo imali uspjeha u razgovoru”.)
Thereafter, each publisher who is asked to work this territory should be especially careful to avoid irritating the householder and not call at his home.—Review Kingdom Ministry of June 1974, Question Box.jw2019 jw2019 Garažne najamnine i ostale najamnine koje plaćaju stanari Garage rentals and other rentals paid by tenantsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Prosječne vrijednosti potrošnje tople vodesu tabelarno date za dane u tjednu po stanu odnosno po stanaru. Na slikama je prikazana satna potrošnja tople vode za radne ineradne dane u komparaciji sa podacima za U. S. A . Dobivenevrijednosti potrošnje tople vode u domaćinstvu čine bazu podatakaza analizu toplinske valjanosti centralnog sustava pripreme toplevode .
Measured values are statistically recalculated and used for thebase data for the evaluation of thermal efficiency of thecentralised warm water system .hrenWaC hrenWaC
U Detroitu primjerice stanari koji nisu u mogućnosti obnoviti vlastite stambene prostore metodama koje im zakon propisuje podmeću požare kako bi se riješili nekretnine skupe za održavanje , a ipak zadržali zemljište na kojoj se ona nalazi .
In Detroit , for example , the tenants who can’ t renovate their living spaces through methods prescribed by law set fires to them to get rid of the real estate which is expensive to maintain , but still keep the land where it was built .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Svojim pitanjima, koja prema mom mišljenju treba razmotriti zajedno, sud koji je uputio zahtjev u biti pita Sud treba li se članak 13. slovo A stavak 1. točku (g) Šeste direktive tumačiti na način da pansion za starije osobe, poput onoga u glavnom postupku, koji nudi osobama starima najmanje 60 godina smještaj koji im omogućava samostalan život kao i s njime povezane usluge uz naplatu, koje su jednako dostupne i osobama koje nisu stanari, te koji ne prima nikakvu novčanu državnu potporu smatrati „tijelom posvećenim socijalnoj dobrobiti“ te smatrati da pruža usluge „usko povezane sa socijalnom skrbi i socijalnom zaštitom“, u smislu te odredbe.
By its questions, which should, in my view, be considered together, the referring court essentially asks the Court whether Article 13A(1)(g) of the Sixth Directive should be interpreted as meaning that a serviced residence, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, which offers persons of at least 60 years of age accommodation enabling them to live independently, together with chargeable related services, also available to non-residents, and which does not have the benefit of any financial assistance from the State, can be characterised as an ‘organisation recognised as charitable’ and regarded as supplying services ‘closely linked to welfare’, within the meaning of that provision.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ako je nakon predočenja konkretnih ponuda za prodaju znatno manje od trećine stanara bilo zainteresirano za kupnju, komercijalni kupac mogao je izuzeti 60 % stanova iz obveze privatizacije i tu obvezu ograničiti na privatizaciju trećine preostalih 40 % stanova (11).
Where, after firm offers of sale had been made, significantly less than one third of the tenants were interested in buying, the commercial buyer could exempt 60 % of the apartments from the privatisation obligation, thereby limiting its obligations to the privatisation of one third of the remaining 40 % of the apartments (11).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Razgovor sa stanarem
Reason with householderjw2019 jw2019
Trebali ste prvo pitati stanare.
You should have checked with the tenants first.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stanari cijene intimu.
Residents like their privacy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Možemo dokazati samo maltretiranje stanara.
At the moment, we can only prove...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
60 – manje od 80 m2 po stanaru
60 — less than 80 square metres per occupanteurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Stanar mora napustiti prostorije zbog neplaćanja stanarine.
" Tenant must vacate the premises due to non-payment of rent. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nakon ponude traktata, objavitelj kod stanara vidi malo interesa i zato odlučuje ponuditi mu dva časopisa umjesto knjige.
After introducing tract, publisher discerns little interest on part of householder and so decides to offer two magazines instead of book.jw2019 jw2019
Štiti interese stanara u pitanjima stanovanja, iznajmljivanja i vlasništva nad nekretninama u gradu Karlsruhe davanjem informacija i savjeta; ovlašteno podnositi zajedničke tužbe u interesu stanara (vidi članak 2. Statuta).
Protects tenants' interests in tenancy, leasing and property matters in Karlsruhe city and district by providing information and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Samo neke države članice imaju godišnje podatke koji su potrebni za godišnji izračun proizvodnje stambenih usluga za stanove u vlasništvu stanara.
Only few Member States have the annual information needed to carry out a full recalculation of the output of owner-occupied dwellings each year afresh.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
5 Kako možemo ukloniti prepreke tome da stanar sasluša našu vijest?
5 How can we clear out obstacles to the householder’s willingness to consider our message?jw2019 jw2019
Trebao sam to bolje razjasniti nekim trenutnim stanarima.
I should have made that more clear to some of the current residents.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Štiti interese stanara u regiji Bremen davanjem informacija i savjeta; ovlašteno podnositi zajedničke tužbe u interesu stanara (vidi članak 2. Statuta).
Protects tenants’ interests in the Bremen region by providing information and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A drugi se stanari Eve jedva sjećaju.
And the other tenants barely remember Eve.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Štiti interese stanara u regiji Schwerin davanjem informacija i savjeta; ovlašteno je podnositi zajedničke tužbe u interesu stanara (vidi članak 2. Statuta).
Protects tenants' interests in the Schwerin region by providing information and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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