stravičan oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


adjective noun
Priča je još stravičnija zato što se stvarno dogodila.
See, what makes this story so scary is that it's true.


Bilo je nevjerojatno stravično, skoro srednjovjekovno prvi strahovi izašli su iz šume Hilrtgen.
It was incredibly eerie, almost sort of medieval primal fears came out of the Hilrtgen Forest.


Bilo je nevjerojatno stravično, skoro srednjovjekovno prvi strahovi izašli su iz šume Hilrtgen.
It was incredibly eerie, almost sort of medieval primal fears came out of the Hilrtgen Forest.


Pretražili smo sve sobe i pronašli podjednako stravične stvari.
We searched every room and equally gruesome finds were made.

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Prije dva mjeseca, u najgorem napadu na zemlju od 11. 9, zaposlenici CIA-e pretrpjeli su stravičan udarac.
Exactly two months ago, in the worst attack on this nation since 9 / 11, the men and women of the CIA suffered a terrible blow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To je bila noćna mora, stravičan san iz kojeg se nije mogao probuditi.
This was a nightmare, a terrible dream from which he could not awaken.Literature Literature
Onaj stravični lifestyle bilten ispunjen veganskim receptima i glupostima?
That horrifying lifestyle newsletter filled with vegan recipes and pointless tchotchkes?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Čim se našla na slobodi, stoljeća i stoljeća stravičnog zla nasrnula su na svijet.
Once she was released, centuries of horrific evil had been unleashed upon the world.Literature Literature
Na njihovim ukočenim licima ostao je zamrznut stravičan trenutak njihove smrti.
They were on gurneys, their faces frozen in the horrifying moment of their deaths.Literature Literature
Ta - uh -stravična sumnja još se nije ni pojavila.
That-er-terrible suspicion had not yet arisen.Literature Literature
Stravičan je, zar ne?
Gruesome, isn' t he?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ne izgleda baš stravično
That doesn' t look very scaryopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Ali problem je bio u tome što kad biste pogledali te stavke, bilo je jasno da su napravljeni da ubede čitaoca da Irak i Sadam Husein naročito činili veliku, ozbiljnu, stravičnu, zlu pretnju ne samo za njihove susede, nego i za SAD.
But the problem was when you look at what was in these talking points, you could tell it was designed to convince the reader that Iraq and Saddam Hussein specifically constituted a major serious terrible evil threat to not just his neighbours, but to the United States.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Prvi je korak bio zasad zaboraviti na stravičan san o Carolyn i razmisliti o tome što se zapravo dogodilo.
Step one was to push his dreadful dream of Carolyn to one side for the time being and decide what had actually happened.Literature Literature
Pokazuju, uz stravične potankosti, visoki postotak nasilnih smrti uzrokovanih bandama i kriminalom u vašoj i okolnim četvrtima.
What they show in frightening detail is the high rate of violent death caused by gangs and crime in your neighborhood.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hercules će se vratiti stravičnog.
Hercules the Horrid will return.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Je li Seward u dnevniku uistinu opisao njihova stravična iskustva?
Had Seward truly described their horrid experiences in his diaries?Literature Literature
Koliko god mislila da je doživjela nepravdu, ovo je bila stravična osveta.
Whatever injustice his wife felt she'd suffered, this was a horrifying retaliation.Literature Literature
Mišić se oko Ilionescuova lijevog oka trgnuo je pri sjećanju na stravične fotografije koje je vidio.
A muscle around Ilionescu’s left eye twitched at the memory of the gruesome photographs he had been shown.Literature Literature
Glava mu podrhtava, ustvari, doslovno se trese gledajući stravične slike.
His head vibrated, his head actually trembled to terrible imaginings.Literature Literature
Stravičan komad.
Whoa, scary play.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To je stravično mjesto puno potištenih ljudi koji čekaju da umru.
It’s a horrible place filled with depressing people waiting to die.Literature Literature
Onda se odjednom vidjela erupcija vode i nogu i Mack je u hipu znao da je nešto stravično krenulo po zlu.
Then suddenly, an eruption of water and legs, and Mack knew instantly that something was terribly wrong.Literature Literature
Gargamel je smislio stravičan plan.
Gargamel is hatching a terrible, terrible plan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Nedužan čovjek spreman umrijeti stravičnom smrću za zločin koji nije počinio?"""
‘An innocent man prepared to die horribly for a crime he did not commit?’Literature Literature
No sve veća moralna iskvarenost i porast stravičnih nasilnih djela pokazuju da se njihovoj strahovladi bliži kraj.
However, the increase in depravity and shocking violence confirm that the end of their reign of terror is near.jw2019 jw2019
Radnja filma govorio o stravičnom "Maestru" s nadnaravnim moćima, kojeg iz iz njegovog dvorca u malom gradu želi protjerati gradonačelnik.
The film tells the story of a Maestro with supernatural powers, who is being forced out of a small town by its mayor all the way to New York.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Strigoji su pojurili jedno na drugoga, a ja sam se sledila šokirana stravičnom ljepotom njihove borbe.
The Strigoi raced toward each other, and I froze, stunned at the terrible beauty of their fight.Literature Literature
U tom stravičnom času ratnik će izvući iz ognja plamteći mač.
In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword.Literature Literature
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