svakodnevica oor Engels


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everyday life

Trebaš radno mjesto na kojem te svakodnevica veže za stvarnost.
I think you need a workplace where the burdens of everyday life keep you tethered to reality.

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On glumi Solomona koristeći moćnu unutarnju snagu, ali sam film nikad ne umanjuje tihu noćnu moru koja okružuje Solomonovu svakodnevicu."
He plays Solomon with a powerful inner strength, yet he never soft-pedals the silent nightmare that is Solomon's daily existence."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Volio je taj mučenički način koji je bila izabrala i koji je njihovu svakodnevicu uzdizao na razinu tragedije.
He loved the martyr's life she had chosen and that raised their daily existence to the level of a tragedy.Literature Literature
Gotovo da te hvalim, jer samo pomisli što vrijedi čovjek na tržnici svakodnevice?...
It is almost a compliment, believe me, for what is man in the daily traffic of the world? . . .Literature Literature
Želja im je svoja iskustva i osjećaje pretočiti u zajedničku struju misli , a u stalnoj potrazi za novim savršenim groove- om odvest će slušatelje daleko od užurbane svakodnevice .
Their goal is putting their experiences and feelings into a common current of thought , and their for a new perfect groove will take listeners away from the hectic everyday life .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Cook, »Vječna svakodnevica«
Cook, “The Eternal EverydayLDS LDS
STANOVNICIMA Tuvalua, koji se sastoji od skupine otoka što se izdižu tek četiri metra iznad morske razine, globalno zatopljenje nije samo nešto o čemu govore znanstvenici, nego surova svakodnevica, piše Herald.
FOR the people of Tuvalu, a group of islands no more than 13 feet [4 m] above sea level, global warming is, not abstract science, but “a daily reality,” says the Herald.jw2019 jw2019
Od razdražujuće neprestanog psećeg laveža do treštećeg susjedovog stereouređaja ili upornog zavijanja automobilskog alarma ili radija buka je postala svakodnevica.
From the irritatingly persistent bark of a dog to the blasting of a neighbor’s stereo or the insistent blare of a car burglar-alarm or radio, noise has become the norm.jw2019 jw2019
U njezinu umu, nitko tko nije bio lišen svakodnevice, ne može u potpunosti razumjeti koliko je ona dragocjena.
To her mind, no one who hadn’t done without everyday could fully appreciate how precious it was.Literature Literature
24, 25. (a) Zašto Estera još nije mogla odahnuti i vratiti se svakodnevici?
24, 25. (a) Why could Esther not relax after Haman’s plot was exposed?jw2019 jw2019
Sveopće prihvaćen Meha osnova za stotine robota koji služe ljudima u raznovrsnoj svakodnevici.
The universally adapted Mecha the basis for hundreds of models serving humans in all the multiplicity of daily life.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Šezdeset posto vremena vjerojatno sam na cesti, ali ne volim osjećaj odsječenosti od svakodnevice.
Sixty percent of the time I’m probably on the road, but I don’t like feeling cut off from my reference points.Literature Literature
Neobrađena i zapuštena zemljišta postaju svakodnevica - postaju inverzna lica grada .
Uncultivated and abandoned sites become part of the everyday - they become the inverse faces of the city .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Upotrijebite »sirenu stida« Manja odbacivanja dio su »užasa životne svakodnevice«.
MAKING A “SHAME SIREN” Lesser rejections are part of the “terrible dailiness” of life.Literature Literature
Savjetovanja i poticaji su, između ostalog, od velikog značaja prilikom traženja stana, u slučaju konflikata u mjestu stanovanja, kod opće organizacije svakodnevice, financijskih i poreznih pitanja, željene daljnje izobrazbe, izbora društvenih, kulturnih, vjerskih i sportskih aktivnosti, drugih načina organizacije slobodnog vremena kao i ostvarivanja građanskih prava i političkog angažmana.
Advice and support measures are, among other things, crucial when looking for accommodation, in the event of disputes over housing, in generally organising everyday life, dealing with finance and tax matters, in making efforts to continue one's education, choosing between options for social, cultural, religious, sporting or other leisure activities, as well as in exercising citizens' rights and political participation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U glavnom gradu hladnokrvno ubijanje — čak spaljivanje ljudi na ulici — postalo je dio svakodnevice.
In the capital, cold-blooded killings—even burning people in the street—became the order of the day.jw2019 jw2019
Iskazan ovako, u krajnjim pojmovima, problem se može učiniti dalekim od svakodnevice normalnih ljudskih bića.
Thus phrased, in extremest terms, the problem may sound remote from the affairs of normal human creatures.Literature Literature
Sve su se htjele osloboditi od svakodnevice.
She wanted to be free from the burden of daily life.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nalazi li molitva prostora u mojoj svakodnevici?
Do I give space to prayer during my day?
Takvi su običaji dio svakodnevice i činilo se da su prilično učinkoviti.
Practices like this are common and seemed to be quite effective.jw2019 jw2019
I mi se žalimo na jednoličnu svakodnevicu i na stalnu trku za uspjehom.
And we complain about the daily grind, about the rat race.jw2019 jw2019
Pušenje, drogiranje i opijanje može lako postati dio ovakve svakodnevice.”
Smoking, drug use, and drinking can easily become a part of this picture.”jw2019 jw2019
On je prirodan fabulist i čovjek koji voli priče i intezivno živi u vlastitoj mašti, i do neke granice taj svijet mašte kojeg on stvara postaje stvarniji od onoga koji je za sve ostale dosadna svakodnevica.
He's a natural fabulist and storyteller and lives intensely in his imagination, and to some extent that imaginary world that he inhabits becomes more real than the, as it were, often mundane reality that we all live in.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U turobnoj atmosferi koja vlada Europom, u kojoj su privođenja i denuncijacije svakodnevica, neke hrabre obitelji ipak spašavaju djecu.
Amidst the increasingly sinister atmosphere of roundups and denunciations all over Europe, children are saved by courageous families.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
pozdravlja stoga prioritet koji je estonsko predsjedništvo Vijeća dalo uspostavi digitalne Europe i slobodnom kretanju podataka, kao i cilj postupne uspostave prekograničnih digitalnih javnih usluga namijenjenih olakšavanju svakodnevice;
consequently welcomes the priority that the Estonian presidency of the Council attaches to building up a digital Europe and the free movement of data, as well as the goal of gradually putting cross-border digital public services in place, designed to make everyday life easier;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I mislim da je, na neki čudan način, punk bio folk glazba te generacije, jer ga je lako svirati i pjevalo se o svakodnevici.
And I think in a strange way punk rock music was that generation's folk music because it was so easy to play and they were sort of talking about what was going on around them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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