telefonija oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


A telephone technology; voice, fax, or modem transmissions based on either the conversion of sound into electrical signals or wireless communication by means of radio waves.
Usluge glasovne telefonije i prijenosa elektroničke pošte obuhvaćene su ovom Direktivom.
Voice telephony and electronic mail conveyance services are covered by this Directive.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

govor i telefonija preko ATM mreže
voice and telephony over ATM
poboljšana usluga mobilne telefonije
advanced mobile phone service
IP telefonija
Voice over IP · voice over IP
pokretna telefonija
mobile telephony
primijenjena telefonija podržana računalom
applied computerised telephony · applied computerized telephony
telefonija podržana računalom
computer-supported telephony
bežična telefonija
wireless telephony
fiksna telefonija
landline · landline phone


Advanced filtering
Pitam Komisiju posjeduje li studije o negativnom utjecaju zračenja telefonskih stupova za mobilnu telefoniju na ljudsko zdravlje?
Does the Commission have studies about the negative impact of radiation from mobile telephony masts on human health?not-set not-set
Usluge elektroničke komunikacije, Odnosno, Elektronički prijenos podataka i poruka, Telefonske usluge i mobilna telefonija, Televizijski prijenos, I omogućavanje pristupa globalnoj računalnoj informativnoj mreži za više korisnika
Electronic communication services, namely, electronic transmission of data and messages, telephone communication services, radio and television broadcasting services, and providing multiple user access to a global computer information networktmClass tmClass
Regionalni blogeri pišu o festivalu EXIT, Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu # skupovima protiv vlade u Albaniji, iznuđivanju novca na plažama u Bugarskoj i mobilnoj telefoniji u ruralnim dijelovima Rumunjske
Regional bloggers discuss the EXIT festival, World Cup # lbania 's anti-government rallies, beach racketeering in Bulgaria and mobile phone service in rural RomaniaSetimes Setimes
Stoga bi države članice također trebale moći razdvojiti obveze univerzalnih usluga s obzirom na pružanje veze na javnu komunikacijsku mrežu na fiksnoj lokaciji, od pružanja usluge javno dostupne telefonije.
Therefore, Member States should be able to separate universal service obligations concerning the provision of a connection to the public communications network at a fixed location from the provision of a publicly available telephone service.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Elektronička upravljačka jedinica bez memorije, napona 12 V, za sustave razmjene informacija u vozilima (za priključivanje audio sustava, telefonije, navigacije, kamera i bežičnog interneta u vozilu) koja se sastoji od:
Electronic control unit without memory, for a voltage of 12 V, for information exchange systems in vehicles (for connection of audio, telephony, navigation, camera and wireless car service) containing:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nakon ponovljena natječaja za trećeg operatera mobilne telefonije, hrvatske telekomunikacijske vlasti dodijelile su kombiniranu koncesiju za drugu i treću generaciju mobilne telefonije ( # i UMTS) zajedničkom švedsko- hrvatskom konzorciju kojeg predvodi švedski Tele
Following a repeated tender for a third mobile operator, Croatia 's telecommunications authorities have awarded a combined concession for second and third generation mobile telephony ( # and UMTS) to a joint Swedish-Croatian consortium, led by Sweden 's TeleSetimes Setimes
Razvoj računalnog softvera koji se može preuzeti na mobilnu telefoniju i internet te druge elektroničke mreže, uključujući usluge povezane s dizajnom i razvojem te podrškom mrežnim stranicama, dizajnom i razvojem usluga igranja za mobilnu telefoniju, internet i druge elektroničke mreže, usluge koje obuhvaćaju razvoj i osnivanje i podršku za mrežne platforme
The development of computer software that can be downloaded to mobile telephony and the Internet and other electronic networks, including services relating to design and development of and support to web pages, design and development of gaming services for mobile telephony, Internet and other electronic networks, services regarding development and establishment of and support for online platformstmClass tmClass
(Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku - Članak 53. stavak 2. i članak 94. Poslovnika Suda - Usklađivanje zakonodavstava - Elektroničke komunikacijske mreže i usluge - Ograničenja postavljanja antena mobilne telefonije koja su nametnula lokalna tijela - Nepostojanje dostatnih pojašnjenja o razlozima koji opravdavaju potrebu odgovora na prethodno pitanje u svrhu rješavanja spora iz glavnog postupka - Očita nedopuštenost)
(Reference for a preliminary ruling - Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice - Approximation of laws - Electronic communications networks and services - Restrictions on the installation of mobile phone base transceiver stations established by local authorities - Insufficient details concerning the reasons why an answer to the question referred is necessary for the outcome of the dispute in the main proceedings - Manifest inadmissibility)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Kako bi se poboljšala transparentnost maloprodajnih cijena reguliranih odlaznih i dolaznih poziva u roamingu unutar Zajednice i kako bi se korisnicima u roamingu pomoglo pri donošenju odluke o korištenju mobilnih telefona u inozemstvu, davatelji usluga pokretne telefonije trebaju omogućiti svojim korisnicima u roamingu da na jednostavan način i besplatno dobiju informacije o naknadama za roaming koje se primjenjuju na njihove odlazne i dolazne pozive u posjećenoj državi članici.
In order to improve the transparency of retail prices for making and receiving regulated roaming calls within the Community and to help roaming customers make decisions on the use of their mobile telephones while abroad, providers of mobile telephony services should enable their roaming customers easily to obtain information free of charge on the roaming charges applicable to them when making or receiving voice calls in a visited Member State.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Usluge fiksne telefonije
Wired telephone servicesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unatoč najavama srbijanske vlade kako će se nekoliko najvećih svjetskih operatera mobilne telefonije nadmetati za Telekom Srbija te će državni proračun dobiti najmanje # milijarde eura, natječaj za najprofitabilniju srbijansku tvrtku na ivici je propasti
Despite the Serbian government 's announcements that several of the world 's biggest mobile phone operators would be vying for Telekom Srbija and that the state budget would gain at least # billion euros, the tender for the most profitable Serbian company is on the verge of failureSetimes Setimes
Ihab Makhlouf potpredsjednik je i dioničar Syriatela, vodećeg operatera mobilne telefonije u Siriji.
Ihab Makhlouf is Vice President of, and shareholder in Syriatel, the leading mobile telephone operator in Syria.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Liberty Global plc („Liberty Global”) pruža usluge televizije, interneta i telefonije s pomoću svojih kabelskih mreža u više zemalja u Europi.
Liberty Global plc (‘Liberty Global’) provides TV, internet and telephony services via its cable networks in several countries in Europe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Komisija stoga smatra da transakcija ne bi bitno ograničila učinkovito tržišno natjecanje zbog mogućih nekoordiniranih učinaka koji se javljaju na tržištima maloprodaje usluga pretplatničke televizije, usluga fiksnog pristupa internetu, usluga fiksne telefonije i višestrukih vezanih usluga u Nizozemskoj.
The Commission therefore considers that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition as a result of any possible non-coordinated effects occurring in the retail markets for the provision of Pay TV services, fixed internet access services, fixed telephony and multiple play services in the Netherlands.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Telekomunikacijske regulatorne vlasti izdale su dozvolu na deset godina za dva operatera koji će koristiti mreže postojećih operatera mobilne telefonije, VALA i IPKO
The telecommunication regulatory authority has granted an authorisation for ten years to two operators that will use the networks of current mobile operators, VALA and IPKOSetimes Setimes
U istom smislu, Sud je u presudi Vodafone Malta i Mobisle Communications(19) presudio da se članak 12. Direktive o ovlaštenju ne protivi nacionalnom propisu koji nameće tzv. trošarinu, čiji su dužnici operatori koji pružaju usluge mobilne telefonije i čiji iznos odgovara postotku plaćanja koje dobivaju od korisnika svojih usluga, pod uvjetom da njezin nastanak nije povezan s postupkom izdavanja općeg ovlaštenja za pristup tržištu usluga elektroničkih komunikacija, nego s korištenjem usluga mobilne telefonije koje isporučuju operatori, i da je u konačnici plaća korisnik njihovih usluga.
Similarly, in Vodafone Malta and Mobisle Communications (19) the Court ruled that Article 12 of the Authorisation Directive did not preclude national legislation imposing a charge referred to as an ‘excise duty’ which was payable by operators providing mobile telephony services and which was calculated as a percentage of the charges paid to them by the users of those services, provided the trigger for that duty was linked, not to the general authorisation procedure for access to the electronic communications services market, but to the use of mobile telephony services provided by the operators and the duty was ultimately borne by the user of those services.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Talibani pod vodstvom Qarija Saifullaha Tokhija upozorili su lokalne mreže mobilne telefonije da 20. travnja 2011. prekinu pružanje svojih usluga u pokrajini Zabul.
The Taliban, under the leadership of Qari Saifullah Tokhi, warned local mobile phone networks on 20 April 2011 to shut down their services in Zabul Province.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Društva KPN i Mobistar predlažu da se na pitanje odgovori na način da je Direktiva o univerzalnoj usluzi, i osobito njezini članci 9., 13. i 32., u skladu s člankom 20. Povelje, tvrdeći da do nejednakog postupanja u pružanju usluga nepokretnih mreža i usluga pokretnih mreža dolazi zato što se nepoštena opterećenja koja mogu nastati iz obveznog pružanja telefonskih usluga mogu nadoknaditi općim porezima ili mehanizmom sektorskog financiranja, a davanja za usluge pokretne telefonije i/ili usluge internetske pretplate mogu se nadoknaditi samo iz javnih fondova.
KPN and Mobistar propose that the answer to the question should be that the Universal Service Directive, and Articles 9, 13 and 32 in particular, are compatible with Article 20 of the Charter, arguing that the difference in the treatment of fixed and mobile telephony services lies in the fact that compensation for any unfair burden that may arise as a result of the mandatory provision of telephone services may either be provided from general taxation or by means of a sectoral financing mechanism, whereas in the case of mobile telephony services and/or Internet subscription services, compensation for the burden can be provided only from public funds.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Iako je Europa 1990-ih bila svjetski predvodnik u GSM mobilnoj telefoniji, trenutno zaostaje za ranije spomenutim zemljama kada je riječ o uvođenju najnovijih tehnologija mobilne transmisije.
Although in the 1990s Europe was the world leader in GSM mobile telephony, it currently lags behind the countries referred to above in implementing the latest mobile transmission technologies.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tako je Bell zaposlio inžinjera koji je proučavao tu buku, i pokušao otkriti od kuda ona dolazi, s pogledom prema zgradi savršenom kodek uređaju koji će ih se riješiti, kako bi oni mogli misliti o upotrebi radija za svrhe telefonije.
So Bell employed an engineer to study those noises, to try and find out where they came from, with a view towards building the perfect hardware codec, which would get rid of them so they could think about using radio for the purposes of telephony.QED QED
Komunikacijske usluge, odnosno emitiranje prijenosa zvučnih i audio-vizualnih zapisa putem uređaja mobile telefonije
Communications services, namely, transmitting streamed sound and audiovisual recordings via mobile telephone devicestmClass tmClass
Usluge nabave za treće, i to kupnja bonova za tzv. prepaid kartice putem mobilnog telefona preko mobilnih mreža za druga poduzeća odnosno posredovanje ugovora o korištenju bonova za tzv. prepaid kartice putem mobilne telefonije preko mobilnih mreža
Procurement services for others, namely purchasing of telephone credit for prepaid cards for mobile telephones via mobile phone networks for other companies and negotiations of contracts regarding the use of telephone credit for prepaid cards for mobile telephones via mobile telephone networkstmClass tmClass
Druge mogućnosti koje stoje na raspolaganju vladi su prodaja Telekoma Srbije i ulazak trećeg operatera mobilne telefonije na srbijansko tržište
Other options for the government include the sale of Telekom Srbija or the entrance of a third mobile operator into the Serbian marketSetimes Setimes
8 Uredba o porezima navodi u članku 1. da se taj porez primjenjuje na „antene za mobilnu telefoniju koje su instalirane na području commune d’Etterbeek“ i da se pojam „antena za mobilnu telefoniju“ odnosi na „svaku odašiljačku antenu ili releje elektromagnetskih valova, koji omogućuju mobilnu telefoniju, neovisno o tome jesu li povezani sa zasebnom stanicom i jesu li pričvršćeni za jarbol ili stup“.
8 The tax regulation states, in its Article 1, that that charge is applicable to ‘mobile telephony antennae installed in the territory of the municipality of Etterbeek’ and that ‘mobile telephony antenna’ means ‘all antennae emitting or relaying electromagnetic waves enabling mobile telephony, irrespective of whether they are linked to a separate station or fixed to a mast or to a pylon’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Makedonska vlada dodijelila je dozvolu za trećeg operatera mobilne telefonije u zemlji austrijskom Mobilkomu, koji je bio jedini ponuđač na međunarodnom natječaju
The Macedonian government awarded the country 's third mobile license to Austria 's Mobilkom, the only bidder in the international tenderSetimes Setimes
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