trznuti se oor Engels

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I jednom, nakon prilično dugog rada, trznula se na svoj odraz u ogledalu.
And once after a particularly long session, she jumped at the reflection in the mirror.Literature Literature
Trznuo si se!
You flinched!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nakon pola sata širom je otvorio oči, trznuo se, osvrnuo po sobi i zgrabio nešto ispod madraca.
Half an hour later he opened his eyes wide, gave a start, cast around and made a grab for something under the mattress.Literature Literature
Trznuh se u sebi čekajući na njegov odgovor. — Engleski?
I winced inside, waiting for his reply.Literature Literature
Stari gospodin trznuo se, a ja sam nastavila: «Horus Terekenidal je moj brat.
The old gentleman jerked to a stop and I went on, “The Horus Tarekenidal is my brother.Literature Literature
Mislim da zato ne možeš potvrditi datum vjenčanja. I trzneš se taman kad trebaš pobijediti.
And I think that it's the reason why you can't set a wedding date, the reason why you flinch right before you're about to win.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kada su joj se prsti, trznuvši se, razdvojili, oprezno je ustao i izašao iz sobe.
When her fingers finally trembled and released their grip, he cautiously got to his feet and walked out of the bedroom.Literature Literature
Chloina glava trznula se prema meni.
Chloe’s head snapped in my direction.Literature Literature
Kada je izletjela iz zgrade, trznula se kada joj je sunce udarilo u lice.
As she burst outside, she winced when the sun hit her face.Literature Literature
No tijelo mu je reagiralo, trznuvši se nagore i izbacivši ruku, da bi zgrabio zrak.
It was his body that reacted, shrugging upwards and throwing out an arm, to grip the air.Literature Literature
Trznuo se nakon svakog pogotka i pogled mu je skrenuo s mene na nešto iznad mog ramena.
He jerked as each bullet hit and his gaze moved from me to a place over my shoulder.Literature Literature
"„Heil"", trznu se Tommy, u očajničkom pokušaju da kupi odobravanje, ali nije stigao do „Hitler""."
“Heil, ” twitched Tommy, in a desperate attempt to buy some approval, but he did not make it to the “Hitler” part.Literature Literature
Trznuo se malo kad mu je desno koljeno dotaklo snijeg, udarivši nogu.
He winced when his right knee hit the snow, jarring his leg.Literature Literature
Trznuo se sumnjao je u čovjeka koji ga je uobličio.
Recoiling: doubting the man who formed him.Literature Literature
Trznuo se unatrag, ali i dalje se kretao.
He jerked back, but kept on moving.Literature Literature
- trznuo se čuvar parka. - Još nismo sto posto sigurni - nastavio je detektiv. - Signal je dosta deformiran.
“We are still not 100% certain,” continued the detective.Literature Literature
Trznuo se kao da ga je pogodio metak.
He lurched, as if hit by a bullet.Literature Literature
Ponudu je dao jer je bio prisiljen, ali trznuo se pri pomisli na još jedan odljev gotovine.
He made this offer because he was compelled to, but he flinched at the thought of another outlay of cash.Literature Literature
"Pogleda ustranu i trzne se, a onda tiho izusti, ""Ne znam kako bih ti to objasnio."""
I—’ He looks away, squinting, says under his breath, ‘I don’t know how to explain.’Literature Literature
Trznuo se. – OK, ali to ne znači da sam ubio Moiru.
'OK, but that doesn't mean I killed Moira.Literature Literature
Probudio se trznuvši se, ali njegovo lice je uskoro poprimilo izraz uživanja u vampirskim endorfinima.
He woke with a start, his face soon moving into the delight feeders took from vampire endorphins.Literature Literature
"""I ti si jedan od mojih napadača"",kazao sam trznuvši se od bola u boku."
"""You were among my attackers,"" I said, wincing at the pain in my flank."Literature Literature
Kad je Bacard čuo adresu, trznuo se prema njoj.
When Bacard heard the address, his head snapped toward her.Literature Literature
Isprva je uspio, trznuo se, napeo tijelo, pokušao se osloboditi.
He had done at first, jerked, tensed his body, tried to free himself.Literature Literature
Trznuo si u posljednjem momentu.
Picked your head up at the last minute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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