tvrdi oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels

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Soortgelyke frases

tvrdo se držeći nečega
tvrđa guma
tvrdo lemiti
tvrdi sir
hard cheese
tvrda srca
hard hearted · hard-hearted
hibridni tvrdi disk
hybrid hard disk
učiniti tvrdim
harden · temper
lijevani tvrdi metal
cast hard metal


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Nekoliko izvoznika i kineska vlada tvrde da sporazumi između izvoznika i određenih banaka u državnom vlasništvu (nadalje u ovom odjeljku „Sporazumi”) nisu istovjetni kreditnim linijama i da nisu financijski doprinosi jer ne obvezuju banku na davanje daljnjih sredstava pod određenim uvjetima.
Several exporters and the GOC claim that the Agreements between exporters and certain state-owned banks (referred to as ‘the Agreements’ in this section) are not equivalent to credit lines and do not amount to a financial contribution because they do not contain an obligation or commitment for the bank to provide future funding under particular terms and conditions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
61 U preostalom dijelu, u mjeri u kojoj se argumenti izneseni u točkama 50. do 52. ove presude temelje na pogrešci koja se tiče prava u pogledu ocjene pitanja predstavlja li MasterCard udruženje poduzetnika, treba istaknuti da – suprotno onomu što tvrdi Komisija – ne stoji tvrdnja da žalitelji u osnovi samo dovode u pitanje ocjenu činjenica iz prvostupanjskog postupka, već oni u bitnom navode pravna pitanja koja su u žalbenom postupku dopuštena.
61 As to the remainder, in so far as the arguments set out in paragraphs 50 to 52 of the present judgment allege an error of law with regard to the assessment of the question whether MasterCard is an association of undertakings, it should be noted that, contrary to the Commission’s contention, the appellants are not, in essence, merely challenging the assessment of the facts made at first instance, but are relying, for the main part, on questions of law which are admissible at the appeal stage.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tvrdila je da se opći trend smanjenja cijena nakon uvođenja mjera ne može nastaviti.
It claimed that the downward price trend cannot be maintained after the imposition of the measures.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U tom pogledu tužitelj osobito tvrdi da razlog koji se odnosi na prekomjerno i neproporcionalno radno opterećenje, spomenut u pobijanoj odluci, nije ničime potkrijepljen.
In that regard, the applicant is also of the view that the argument relating to an excessive and disproportionate workload, referred to in the contested decision, is completely unsubstantiated.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
U tom dopisu također se tvrdi da je Komisija zatražila samo tri dokumenta određenog naziva koje je kineska vlada dostavila.
This letter also claims that the Commission only asked for three specifically named documents that were submitted by the GOC.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tvrdio je da su djela poput onih Roberta Morrisa preobrazila čin posmatranja u jednu vrstu spektakla, u kojem su se vještina čina posmatranja i sudjelovanje gledatelja u djelu razotkrivali.
He argued that work like Robert Morris's transformed the act of viewing into a type of spectacle, in which the artifice of the act observation and the viewer's participation in the work were unveiled.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Međutim, pokazuje se da tužitelji uvjerljivo dokazuju da, suprotno onome što je tvrdilo društvo Nedri bez dokaza kojim bi se mogla poduprijeti ta tvrdnja, predstavnik društva Austria Draht nije mogao biti u Düsseldorfu kako bi prisustvovao tom sastanku s obzirom na to da je taj dan bio u Salzburgu (Austrija) (Prilog A.7 tužbi, str. 46. i str. 815. i 816.).
However, the applicants establish convincingly that, contrary to Nedri’s unsubstantiated assertion, Austria Draht’s representative cannot have been present in Düsseldorf in order to attend that meeting, since he was in Salzburg (Austria) on that date (Annex A.7 to the application, p. 46 and pp. 815 and 816).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ne tvrdimo da crkva pripada bilo kojoj religioznoj sekti.
We are not contending that the church subscribes to any particular religious sect.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jedan proizvođač izvoznik, Venus group, tvrdio je da su određene transakcije greškom brojane dvaput.
One exporting producer, namely the Venus group submitted that certain transactions were mistakenly double counted.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Naime, valja istaknuti, poput Komisije, da pristup koji se temelji na donošenju popisa dopuštenih tvrdnji u nekoliko stadija ne dovodi do donošenja različitih popisa, kao što to tvrde tužitelji, nego na donošenje jednog popisa koji je postupno dopunjavan.
As the Commission has pointed out, the approach based on the adoption of the list of authorised health claims in several stages does not result in the adoption of several lists, as claimed by the applicants, but rather in the adoption of a single list which is added to gradually.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U svom odgovoru na pisano pitanje Prvostupanjskog suda naglašava da dokument F-15-9 potječe iz veljače 1991. a ne, kako to tvrdi Komisija, iz veljače 1990.
In its reply to a written question put by this Court it states that document F-15-9 dates from February 1991 and not, as the Commission claimed, February 1990.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Topništvo kaže da aparati nisu predviđeni za kanadske pješake. Tvrde da ih valja nabaviti od civilne tvrtke i u skladu s tim naplatiti.
Ordnance said there's no provision for them for Canadian units passing through an Infantry Base Depot, and that the proper course would be to obtain them from a civilian firm and charge them against barrack damages.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U tom slučaju, ako je traka u sredini svjetlija od gornje trake, kao sirovina se koristilo brašno od tvrde pšenice.
In this case, the raw material used is durum wheat if the middle band is brighter than the upper band.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Znaš, možda sam umoran ali mi je sada baš tvrd.
Look, I may be tired, but I'm also incredibly hard right now.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U svakom slučaju, u činjenicama u glavnom postupku, prigovor u vezi s imunitetom od jurisdikcije temelji se, kao što to navodi sud koji je uputio zahtjev i kao što to tvrde tuženici, na međunarodnom običajnom pravu.
In any event, in the factual situation of the case in the main proceedings, the source of the plea of immunity from jurisdiction is, as the referring court indicates and the defendants maintain, to be found in customary international law.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Mjerama koje Poljska poduzima trebalo bi se do isteka odstupanja spriječiti daljnje širenje prijevara u vezi s PDV-om u sektoru tvrdih diskova te stoga Poljskoj više nećebiti potrebno odstupanje od članka 193. Direktive 2006/112/EZ u odnosu na te isporuke.
Until the expiry of the derogation the measures undertaken by Poland are expected to prevent further spreading of the VAT fraud in the sector of hard drives and thus Poland will not need to derogate any more from Article 193 of Directive 2006/112/EC with regards to these supplies.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
b) pogrešnom primjenom normi iz članka 5. ove direktive u mjeri u kojoj se tvrdi da su te norme primijenjene;
(b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5, in so far as it is claimed that the standards have been applied;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Konačno, zainteresirane su stranke tvrdile da se izvoz u određene treće zemlje poput Južne Koreje ne može uspoređivati zbog mogućih razlika u pogledu asortimana proizvoda (npr. veličina konzerve) i uvjeta prodaje (npr. uvjeti otpreme).
Finally, interested parties claimed that exports to some third countries such as South Korea cannot be compared, as the product mix (e.g. size of cans) and sales conditions (e.g. shipping terms) may be different.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kako bi se osigurala primjerena usporedba uobičajene vrijednosti i izvozne cijene, u obzir su uzete razlike u čimbenicima za koje se tvrdilo i pokazalo da utječu na cijene i usporedivost cijena, u skladu s člankom 2. stavkom 10. Osnovne uredbe.
In order to ensure a fair comparison between normal value and export price, account was taken, in accordance with Article 2(10) of the basic Regulation, of differences in factors which were claimed and demonstrated to affect prices and price comparability.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Zbog svojih obilježja, to jest sposobnosti primanja, snimanja i reprodukcije video signala iz različitih izvora te zbog veličine tvrdog diska, aparat se smatra aparatom za snimanje ili reprodukciju slike iz tarifnog broja 8521.
Given its characteristics, namely the capacity to receive, record and reproduce video signals from various sources and the size of the hard disk, the apparatus is considered to be a video recording or reproducing apparatus of heading 8521.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
52 U okviru drugog dijela, tužitelj tvrdi da bi ispitivanje postojanja državne potpore na razini društva SOGAER omogućilo Komisiji da zaključi da je sporno plaćanje obuhvaćeno primjenom načela privatnog subjekta u tržišnom gospodarstvu (u daljnjem tekstu: načelo privatnog subjekta).
52 By the second part, the applicant submits that an examination of the existence of State aid at the level of SOGAER would have enabled the Commission to conclude that the contested payment fell within the scope of an application of the principle of the private operator in a market economy (‘the private operator principle’).EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
49 Šestim žalbenim razlogom Feralpi tvrdi da je Opći sud povrijedio njegovo pravo na to da njegov slučaj bude ispitan u razumnom roku, kako je zajamčeno člankom 47. Povelje, s obzirom na to da je postupak pred Općim sudom trajao četiri godine i deset mjeseci, od čega su tri godine i četiri mjeseca prošle između završetka pisanog dijela postupka i održavanja rasprave.
49 By its sixth ground of appeal, Feralpi claims that the General Court infringed its right to be heard within a reasonable time, as enshrined in Article 47 of the Charter, in so far as the duration of the proceedings was four years and 10 months, including three years and four months between the end of the written procedure and the hearing being held.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Nadalje, tvrdi da se tražene informacije ne odnose na emisije u okoliš jer se informacije sadržane u spornom dokumentu na detaljan način odnose na načine proizvodnje glifosata koje su pružili različiti podnositelji zahtjeva za upis i koji su zaštićeni pravima intelektualnog vlasništva, pri čemu se kategorije informacija koje zanimaju tužitelje ne mogu razlikovati i izolirati od informacija o metodama proizvodnje aktivne tvari, koje su sam predmet spornog dokumenta.
It states that the information requested does not relate to emissions into the environment, since the information in the document at issue concerns the detailed specifications of the glyphosate manufacturing processes provided by the various operators which had sought its inclusion and protected by intellectual property rights, it being impossible to distinguish and isolate the information of interest to the applicants from the information on the manufacturing processes of the active substance, which are the very subject of the document at issue.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
kapsula s produljenim oslobađanjem, tvrda
Prolonged-release capsule, hardEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dostojevski tu tvrdi da je otkrio dvojbu koja zadire u srž odnosa kršćanstva i modernog svijeta.
The dilemma that Dostoyevsky... claims here to have discovered... goes to the very core of Christianity's relationship... to the modern world.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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