učenika oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Da, osim što ja nisam baš bio profesorov učenik zvijezda.
Yeah, except that I wasn't the professor's star pupil.


Ovdje smo poprilično izolirani pa zato nastojimo učenicima pružati mnogo uzbuđenja.
We're rather isolated here so we try and supply the students with plenty of stimulation.

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TOM je bio normalan četrnaestogodišnjak — odličan učenik koji je rado pomagao svojim susjedima.
TOM was a normal 14-year-old —a top-notch student who liked to do favors for his neighbors.jw2019 jw2019
Imam učenike #. razreda koji mogu zaštititi tipa na električnoj stolici
I have sixth- graders who could put that guy in the electric chairopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
U vrijeme Isusa i njegovih učenika donijela je utjehu Židovima kojima se srce slamalo zbog zla što se činilo u Izraelu i koji su klonula duha robovali lažnim vjerskim običajima judaizma u prvom stoljeću (Matej 15:3-6).
In the days of Jesus and his disciples, it brought relief to Jews who were brokenhearted because of the wickedness in Israel and were languishing in captivity to the false religious traditions of first-century Judaism.jw2019 jw2019
Dušan Prašelj ( 1931 . ) , dirigent i skladatelj rođen na Sušaku . Učenik je i sljedbenik Ivana Matetića Ronjgova .
Duš an Praš elj ( 1931 ) was a conductor and composer born in Suš ak , and a student of Ivan Matetić Ronjgov .hrenWaC hrenWaC
20 Isusove riječi iz Mateja 28:19, 20 daju spoznati da treba krstiti osobe koje postaju njegovim učenicima.
20 Jesus’ words at Matthew 28:19, 20 show that it is those who have been made his disciples that should be baptized.jw2019 jw2019
(3) Zašto je toliko važno usmjeravati učenike prema organizaciji?
(3) Why is it important to direct the students to the organization?jw2019 jw2019
Dok je bio na Zemlji, propovijedao je govoreći: “Približilo [se] nebesko kraljevstvo” i poslao je svoje učenike da čine isto (Otkrivenje 3:14; Matej 4:17; 10:7).
When on earth he preached, saying: “The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near,” and he sent out his disciples to do the same.jw2019 jw2019
Zbog toga je, nakon što je ispričao ovu parabolu i još jednu koja je povezana s tim, izveo zaključak: “Tako dakle svaki od vas koji se ne odreče svega što ima ne može biti moj učenik” (Luka 14:33).
This is why after giving the parable and a related one, he concluded: “Thus, you may be sure, none of you that does not say good-bye to all his belongings can be my disciple.”jw2019 jw2019
U kom se smislu promijenio odnos Jehove i novih učenika nakon Pedesetnice 33. godine?
After Pentecost 33 C.E., the new disciples came into what relationship with the Father?jw2019 jw2019
No, kad su vjerni Isusovi učenici javno objavljivali tu dobru vijest, nastupilo je snažno progonstvo.
But when Jesus’ faithful disciples publicly proclaimed this good news, fierce opposition broke out.jw2019 jw2019
odgovarajućim otvorenim i transparentnim mehanizmima osiguravanja kvalitete i postupcima planiranja i poboljšanja škola, uspostavljenih i provedenih uz aktivno sudjelovanje cijele školske zajednice (ravnatelji škola, nastavno i nenastavno osoblje, učenici, roditelji i obitelji);
adequate open and transparent quality assurance mechanisms and school planning and improvement processes, established and implemented with the active involvement of the entire school community (school leaders, teaching and non-teaching staff, learners, parents and families);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Štovanje u svetim hramovima priprema nas da postanemo boljim učenicima Isusa Krista, a »svete uredbe i savezi dostupni [ondje] omogućavaju pojedincima da se vrate u nazočnost Boga« (»Obitelj: Proglas svijetu«, Ensign ili Liahona, studeni 2010., 129).
Worshipping in holy temples prepares us to become better disciples of Jesus Christ, and the “sacred ordinances and covenants available [there] make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129).LDS LDS
Dok proučavate ovu poslanicu, naučit ćete kako razlučiti one koji nastoje zavesti učenike Isusa Krista od vjere.
As you study this epistle, you can learn how to discern those who seek to turn disciples of Jesus Christ away from the faith.LDS LDS
Ovdje smo poprilično izolirani pa zato nastojimo učenicima pružati mnogo uzbuđenja.
We're rather isolated here so we try and supply the students with plenty of stimulation.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isus je više od bilo kojeg svog učenika bio svjestan Đavlove zlobe i njegovog neprijateljskog stava.
More than any of his disciples, Jesus was well aware of the vicious animosity of the Devil.jw2019 jw2019
Međutim, kad je riječ o dividendama Komisija napominje da je Njemačka dokazala da se ukupan iznos dividendi koji je EEB ostvario od prenesenih dionica, do 2005. upotrebljavao za financiranje prijevoza učenika, a od 2006. vraćao javnoj upravi regije Emsland (vidjeti i prethodnu uvodnu izjavu 29. i sljed.).
Regarding the dividends, however, the Commission notes that Germany has shown that the entire amount of dividends, which EEB received from the transferred shares, has been used to finance school transport until 2005 and has been paid back to the Landkreis Emsland as of 2006 (see also recitals 29 f.).eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Nisi učenik-odlikaš koji može priuštiti da potroši večer uz gramofon.
You're not the straight-A student who can afford to spend an evening by the record player.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pola učenika danas nije ovdje.
Half the school's not here today.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No učenici su za to vrijeme uspjeli prijeći tek nekoliko kilometara.
Yet, they had managed to travel only a few miles.jw2019 jw2019
Petar je pobjegao u Egipat, ali se vratio u Palestinu desetljeće kasnije, stekavši brojne sljedbenike i učenike.
Peter escaped to Egypt but returned to Palestine a decade later.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nemoj se pretvarati da ti je tvoja muška kurva učenik.
And don't act like your fucking rent boy here is your disciple.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uostalom, zahvalnost za duboku ljubav koju su nam Bog i Krist pokazali potakla nas je da predamo svoj život Bogu i postanemo Kristovi učenici (Ivan 3:16; 1. Ivanova 4:10, 11).
After all, gratitude for the depth of the love that God and Christ have shown us compelled us to dedicate our lives to God and become disciples of Christ. —John 3:16; 1 John 4:10, 11.jw2019 jw2019
Moraš priznati da sam izvrstan učenik.
You must admit I am an excellent student.”Literature Literature
Isusovi su učenici odrasli u takvom podneblju; zato su se, nakon što su se vratili, ‘čudili što on govori sa ženom’ (Ivan 4:27).
Jesus’ disciples had grown up in such a climate; so when they returned, they “began to wonder because he was speaking with a woman.”jw2019 jw2019
Te je večeri Isus hodao po moru do svojih učenika koji su se mučili na Galilejskom moru protiv snažne oluje.
That night, Jesus walked on the sea to His disciples who were struggling on the Sea of Galilee against a powerful storm.LDS LDS
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