uljudno oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Previše je uljudna da ode, osim ako joj mi to kažemo.
Like she's too polite to run unless we tell her to go.

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Tobias ponovno kimne, uljudno, pa krene prema vratima.
Tobias nodded again, politely, and walked to the door.Literature Literature
Otklanjajući galicizam uljudnog priklona do njene ruke, Nicole mu se licem priljubila uz lice.
Brushing aside the Gallicism of his formal dip at her hand, Nicole pressed her face against his.Literature Literature
Osmjehnu nam se i uljudno nas pozdravi.
He smiled and greeted us cordially.Literature Literature
Pravio bi vam društvo i uljudno bi se ponašao prema susjedima.
He'd keep you company and " he'd " treat the neighbors decently.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
U najmanju je ruku malac bio uljudan izjavivši da radi s Betsy.
At least the younger one was polite about it, saying that he worked with Betsy.Literature Literature
"Podigne slušalicu pa tiho i uljudno reče: ""Halo."""
Then he picked up the phone and said with quiet courtesy, “Hello.”Literature Literature
Što se tiče čovječuljka, molim vas, ako opet dođe, uljudno ga uputite na moja vrata, njega i sve njegove žute knjige.
As for the homunculus, if he comes back again, do not allow either himself or any of his yellow books to come in here.”Literature Literature
"""On nije u bandi"", ponovila sam uz osjećaj da je to milijunti put, trudeći se održati uljudan ton."
“He’s not in a gang,” I repeated for what felt like the millionth time, straining to hang on to a courteous tone.Literature Literature
▪ Uvijek budite uljudni kad ste za volanom.
▪ Drive courteously at all times.jw2019 jw2019
Njima sučelice sjedio je prosijedi, uljudni policijski detektiv po imenu Richler.
Opposite them was a greying, polite police detective named Richler.Literature Literature
"""Ne kazujte ništa osim uljudnih izraza, osim ako vam Ser Rodrik ili knez Wyman ne postave pitanje."""
"""Speak nothing but courtesies unless Ser Rodrik or Lord Wyman puts you a question."""Literature Literature
Ponekad bi se netko uzrujao ili bi pala rijetka uvreda, ali ton je uglavnom ostao uljudan.
There were occasional flashes of temper or the odd insult, but for the most part the tone remained civil.Literature Literature
Čula sam kako se vrata zatvaraju, a gotovo istovremeno našao se pred mojim vratima i uljudno mi ih otvorio.
I heard the door close quietly, and almost simultaneously he was outside my door, opening it for me.""Literature Literature
- Je li ekscentrična uljudan izraz za luda?
"""Eccentric being a polite term for crazy?"""Literature Literature
Vrlo uljudno su im rekli da se sutradan jave poradi političke preobrazbe
They asked them, reaI polite, to report the next day for politicaI re- educationopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I hvala na vožnji”, rekla sam uljudno.
And thanks for the ride,” I said civilly.Literature Literature
"Ovaj reče uljudno: ""Ali mislim da vi znate da bih vam ja mogao pomoći."
"The other said gently: ""But I think, you know, that I could help you."Literature Literature
Ona uljudno kimne i zaboravi svako ime kako ga je čula.
She nodded politely and forgot each name as she heard it.Literature Literature
Časnici su se samo uljudno smiješili, a uzao na našem pramcu bio je vezan brže nego obično.
The officers only smiled politely, and the knot at our bow was made fast in more than exemplary manner.Literature Literature
Naše uljudno osoblje će vas podućiti o širokom izboru najmodernijeg kućnog kina i ostalog pribora.
Our courteous staff will educate you on a wide selection of state-of-the-art home theater equipment and accessories.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mozes li biti malo uljudniji?
Can you be a bit more polite?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""Ne"", uzdahne, ali uljudno upita: ""Je li dobra?"""
"""No,"" he sighs, but politely asks, ""Is it any good?"""Literature Literature
Narednog je dana zamjenik ministra vanjskih poslova bio prema njemu uljudan, ali suzdržan.
The following day, the Deputy Foreign Minister had been courteous without being friendly.Literature Literature
Budimo uljudni, Jime.
Can we be civil, Jim?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alvarez, strpljiv, uljudan i prijetvoran reče: – Našao si Martinu, a onda?
Alvarez, patient, polite, and fake, said, “You found Martina, then what?”Literature Literature
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